Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Miscellaneous "stuff"

 Odd jobs and "stuff" kept me busy all day long.  The Christmas cards are stamped and sealed and ready to go to the Post Office as are the woodcarvings!   I did some laundry and put some "stuff" away.  Made some phone calls.  Called to see when the new fridge will arrive...not until mid January....at least our old one is still working...sometimes freezing something on the top shelf for no real reason...but I can live with that.  Balanced bank accounts and paid bills.

Thought about decorating for Christmas.  

I did this a few days ago. 

It looks more cheerful at night.

Meanwhile Jinx is up to no good.  Pointing out things that need to be done! 

He will be off to some other area of the house soon. 

It was a real frosty day...very pretty outside...but no sunshine.

Far Side


  1. No sunshine here either...oh wait...that's because it's just 6 a.m. :) You get so much done in a day. Yesterday I got up but didn't get anything done and went to bed early. Today I hope to be more productive. I did mail two Christmas cards yesterday and will mail 2 more today. I'm mailing them as I receive cards, we'll see how many I need!

  2. I have tried to keep busy. Still haven't put up any Christmas decorations. With all the crap going on I am just not in the mood this year. Hubby does want to put up a small tree, so we probably will. The last few days have been cold and overcast which makes it hard for me to be cheerful (I suffer from SAD). Hoping you both stay healthy.

  3. I heard that fridges were hard to get! A pal of mine on the west coast waited 6 weeks for one. Wow.
    Jinx will get you motivated right?

    1. I ordered it November 5 so by the time I get it will be two months and ten days:)

  4. You are always nice and productive. I love the wreath at night!

  5. I like your pretty wreath with the bells, which does indeed look very cheerful at night. :-)

  6. Your little Jinx is a bit of an imp, isn't he? So cute! The wreath looks lovely all lit up.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. Seems your having too much fun with Jinx...hehehe! The light on your wreath does seem to make it more cheerful.

  8. I love the red lights on your wreath. What a good idea!

  9. My friend had the opposite effect while waiting for her new fridge. The refrigerator would not hold it's temperature and was too warm, so she ended up using the freezer as the refrigerator and tried to squeeze everything from the freezer into her chest freezer. But it all worked out. Hope yours arrives sooner than later.

  10. The weather has been gorgeous here - clear skies, very little wind, and seasonal temperatures. The bitter cold weather can wait until January for all I care.

  11. Jinx is really something! I hope he doesn't come here because he would find a lot of things that need to be done! We did get the tree up and I finally got it decorated. House decorations are still in the basement so that will be next. Your wreath looks great. I love the Santa! Have a great day!

  12. Chalking off those "odd jobs & stuff" from our To Do List is very satisfying, isn't it? I did some of that yesterday too and it felt wonderful. I love your wreath too... it's so beautiful lit up. I hope little Jinx stays out of trouble today! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

  13. I love your wreath with the bells hanging inside. I would have never thought of that. Jinx will get you to decorate soon. He's a persistent guy isn't he? It sounds like you're being very productive. We've had a few days of fog that hasn't gone away but today is bright blue sunshine. Still cold at only 29F right now.
    Take care Connie.

  14. The lights on your wreath are so festive. Does Jinx have a mask this year? I saw someone was selling them for Elf on a Shelf. I’m surprised my daughter hasn’t asked me to make one!

  15. Being busy keeps one satisfied.

  16. The wreath is very lovely all lit up!!

  17. I think someoneis having fun, not me but someone

  18. Jinx is fun.
    You are accomplishing a lot. It's a good time to have plenty to keep one busy.
    We got out cards to the mail box yesterday and now cookie baking has started.

  19. I like your wreath....very pretty especially when lit up at night. That Jinx might turn out to be quite helpful, when you think about it!

  20. Ha the Jinx - hope he doesn't get to bossy! I see the red ornament hanging there :)

  21. Well...at least you thought about decorating ;)

  22. I love the red lights on your wreath. I've never seen all red lights and they are beautiful. Is Jinx any relation to the elves on the shelves?

  23. Hi, I want to thank you for the gorgeous card you sent and the letter from Gene. I know how much love you put into the project and I treasure it. Blessings to you and yours. Mildred


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