Thursday, December 3, 2020

For the birds

 I have a feeder that I use in the winter for the Chickadees.  I mix up generic peanut butter ( NO Skippy for them birds!) and black sunflower seeds.   I mix up the goopy mess in a bowl and take it outside and spoon the mixture into the feeder.  Sometimes I am swarmed by the Chickadees as the feeder is placed back on its hook. 

What do you suppose he is saying? 

Chickadees always seem like happy little birds.  

The meatloaf puff pastry was a failure...Far Guy picked his meatloaf out of the pastry.  It surprised me as I thought it was a great meal.  I am usually the person who doesn't like something...not him. 

For those of you who nap in the late you have a hard time figuring out if it is night or day?   Since it gets dark at 4 PM on cloudy days if I am napping late in the day....I have to figure out if it is day or night by what I am wearing.  Now if Far Guy wakes me up and says "Supper is all ready sweetheart."  then I know it is night time. 

We are discussing a Christmas one will be it seems redundant. I just don't know. My plan is to decorate the house a little at a time and see how it goes. 

Far Side


  1. Yes, I've had that napping disorientation. Absolutely.
    Those chickadees do look cute as can be!

  2. I've been decorating a little at a time. It just brightens the place up and it is a change. Our Charlie Brown fake tree is up, too!

  3. That is a great idea for feeding the Chickadees. As for Christmas decorations I haven't put any up yet. Just not in the spirit this year. We'll see what happens as time goes by.

  4. Wow! If I could get Rich to cook a meal that would be so awesome! He made me toast once when I was ill!
    I wasn't in the mood to start any decorating, but then I decided that it was more for me anyway. In the past we haven't had visitors and had to go to his daughter's house. So...I am messing around with things to see how it all plays out.
    It will be cheery to have lights and shiny things on the dark nights!

  5. We had thought & thought about whether to have a tree or not since our kids will not be coming. We finally decided that yes we would put it up & put those most treasured ornaments on it. Not as many on it this year as previously but still sweet to look at it at night while we watch tv.

  6. You have so many ornaments, it seems a shame not to get them out at least once a year. I love the shiny brites and would miss them! :-)

  7. I have a mini Christmas tree that I put up & set out a few things to set the mood. That's about all the decorating I do these days. I like decorating, it's the taking down & putting away that's my problem. I do enjoy taking a drive around town & seeing other's lights & decorations.

  8. On napping.........YES!
    I started laughing and just kept laughing louder the more I read , because it sounded so much like what I go through.

  9. I’m gong to get a feeder like this

  10. Sorry Far Guy didn't like the meatloaf puffs but glad you did. The little birds sure do seem happy and I'm sure they appreciate their treats. I agree with you on the decorating, start small and see how you feel about it after. A tree isn't absolutely necessary to make the house festive.

  11. I shall have to try that peanut butter mixture!

  12. What a great idea for the fat for the birds. I feed them seeds but I haven't had a block of the suet for awhile.

    Take care and stay well!

  13. I think I will try your peanut butter and seeds glop! And thanks for the header info. It was too funny about looking at your clothes to determine the day.💖

  14. My husband wonders if the sunflower seeds are just the kernel inside - or the whole seed. Can you tell us? Thanks.

  15. I may have to try out that goop for my chickadees. Strangely - the squirrels have abandoned the feeder outside my office window and the chickadees and other little birds are back. I don't miss the squirrels. Last year I tried a suet feeder but the deer pulled it out of the tree immediately.

  16. WOW! I've been buying bird food, but NOW I'm going to make my own. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  17. I love the chickadees. That little fellow looks like he's saying you are sure a good cook! I would love someone to wake me with a message of supper being ready! I hate it getting dark at 4:00 as it seems to take away a big part of the day.

  18. The Chickadees must be a joy to have around and I bet they appreciate the food you are giving them. I imagine the one in the photo is singing thank-you thank-you thank-you :)

  19. I would love to feed the chickadees but I don't see any in our area. Not enough trees in my neighborhood. We keep putting up our trees for us to enjoy as we rarely have had family come for Christmas for many years. We love to see them for ourselves.

  20. I may have to look for a feeder like yours online to hang outside the RV. It would be fun to watch the birds enjoy a meal.
    As you know I have put the decorations out to help it be more cheery. Obviously not as many as in our house, but even a few help a lot! You've made so many beautiful ornaments I can't imagine not having them out on a tree.
    I wake up in the middle of the night not knowing where I am. I'll hear a truck start up during the night and it will terrify me for a few seconds because I can't figure out why a diesel truck is so close to our bedroom! Then I finally remember where I am. I'm not a daytime napper so I can't answer your question exactly though.
    Blessings and hugs,

  21. We are going through the same thing regarding the big Christmas tree. Add to that my broken wrist and it is not going up this year but some other decorations will be put around the house. We will be going to the kids for Christmas rather than them here so saving energy and working one-handed… It seems like the wiser decision. I know Christmas is not about the decorations but rather the celebration of Jesus. However our traditions… When we change them… Seem to alter the celebration. Or maybe it is I don't want another thing to change in 2020. However… Saving energy and my health is a bigger deal and also the time. We are just thankful to be here and relatively healthy.

  22. This year we are decorating more than usual even though it will just be us for the holiday. Since I have no where to go and no shopping to do, can't meet anyone for a Christmas coffee or cocktail (I had did this one year, it is still in my highlights) or pretty much anything, we figured we might as well decorate. I will probably regret it when we have to take them down.

  23. I don't usually nap during the day but my DH does and often has that minute or two where he wonders if it's morning or afternoon.
    The early onset of darkness bothers me. Sunset here today will be 4:14 but it seems to get dark even earlier.

  24. I'm still working, as I must, lol (I turned 63 Oct and I am manager in mall office for owner of mall) 5 days a week but luckily very few persons come in the mall office but honestly? I would prefer to be home! My corp office is 98% working from their homes (they are in AL, my location in GA) but that is not really option for me. Anyways, I have cut back my decor ALOT but I still do a tree, just not the huge one with all my blown glass ornaments. I switched to white 4 1/2 foot tree I now put on side table, all shatterproof ornaments (but I got all new decor colors 3 years ago when I got tree) and takes my barely an hour if that to put up. The rest of my decor is pared down from a huge Santa collection for my living room - I just have a little coffee table decor now, and I put 2 of my santas on TV stand and a few on a corner shelf mixed with regular decor, and a few pics / signs but mixed in my regular decor. Again, takes me maybe 1/2 hr now to do living room or so. Biggest room I still do is dining room & 1 corner of kitchen counter & a open space above stove. That I do all gingerbread and it takes me about an hour, hour and a half. It used to take me 3-5 days to put up all my decor including 2 bathrooms, including shower curtains and even changing to holiday bedding my bedroom. About 5 years ago I started really reducing the decor and now I feel its manageable for some more years. Even if it is ONLY me, I enjoy the decorations too much and my parents are both deceased now and my sister & I have agreed to maintain social distancing (she lives in E GA , I live in W GA). Even when I lived alone for years I still decorated because it made me smile and happy :) STAY SAFE everybody.

  25. I think the chickadee is saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” My vote is, yes Christmas tree. It doesn’t matter if it’s just you. We’re in the same boat and I would be very sad without a tree.

  26. I haven't made the peanut butter mix for a long time. I'll have to try it again.

  27. I mix peanut butter with rendered fats and sunflower seeds. I tried to put it in the mesh feeder but it all dripped out on a sunny day.
    I fall asleep in the late afternoon and Mr.M wakes me for dinner. Yep, I get befuddled too, but I sometimes fall asleep fully clothed at night (watching TV which I have the good sense to have on a timer just in case)
    I whipped up my puff pastry yesterday. It's easy peasy stuff to make,though time consuming. I'll make sausage rolls and Flaky treats. My daughter LOVES Flaky's. Put raspberry jam and whipped cream between two thinish layers of puff pastry.

  28. I just got our Christmas tree all trimmed today. It looks so bright and cheery. I'm sorry far guy didn't like your puff pastry sounds rather divine to me! I would be very happy if my husband would wake me after a nap telling me supper is all ready! What a dream! I used to take a lot of afternoon naps when I was going thru chemotherapy but nowadays I can barely even sleep at night. Last night I laid there until 3 am then finally got up for an hour, then went back to bed and finally fell asleep. Take care you 2.

  29. You have a different type of chickadee than the two we have. Ours live the sunflower chips. Interestingly, our chickadees never linger at a feeder. They land, take one seed, and fly to a nearby tree to eat it. Then they fly back for one more, over and over again.

  30. I have found that daytime napping makes me feel awful for an hour or two afterwards, so I try to avoid it. I'm using the dollar store suet blocks and seed and the chickadees plus others are all over them. So many birds! We have our tree up with just lights on so far, and I made a center piece for the table. A little bit at a time!

  31. Wow how cool is this, I used to olove having a daytime nap now not so easy for me to do.

  32. that sounds like a great idea for the birds. I have a large jar of generic peanut butter that I bought to use for bait on the mouse traps. I have lots of extra!

  33. I've never done daytime naps . . . well, except when I've been really sick or have my worst migraines. If I were to nap, my day/night would probably go crazy and then I'd never get righted lol. Sunset has been right around 5pm here lately. Tomorrow's sunset says 4:59 for the first time. // When we had a backyard, we fed all the burds out of several feeders. I used to do the seed/lard concoction sometimes. I never parted with my beloved peanutbutter lol. Chickadees are such happy lil things!


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