Thursday, December 10, 2020

No time for a nap

 I was very busy all day...good thing I can multi task,  Laundry, cleaning the bathroom, waiting on "hold" with horrid music twice...someone else was not doing their I got that straightened out over the phone.  I ran some papers up to she who sees robins first and she faxed them for that saved me a trip to town.  I mixed up more yummy peanut butter and black sunflower seeds for the birds. Took care of a number of things that were just loose ends...I got them all wrapped up.  Late in the afternoon I went for a ride on the trails and down to the lake.  The temperature was in the 30's...a nice day!  I came back to packages stacked by the door.  Cooked a beef roast and baked carrots for supper...Far Guy did the mashed potatoes and I made the gravy.

This photo is now a puzzle! 

Jinx had a nap on the empty dining room table...the sunflower table runner is gone as are all the odds and ends that collect there from time to time.  I also took down the sunflower valance in the kitchen...time for a flannel valance with loons. 

I have a Christmas table runner that my Mom made for me.  I do have a Christmas basket someplace or maybe I packed it up for a garage sale...anyways I found that the mesh tray shows off the table runner just perfectly!  Jinx is keeping my woodcarved Santa company...that Santa is the largest piece I have ever carved. 

I heard there was an armed robbery in town...another good reason to stay out of the stores. 

Far Side


  1. Wow, you really were busy yesterday! I went to Advent services and then put out some Christmas decorations. Love the carved Santa, table runner and basket.

  2. I went over to your puzzle page and worked on putting Chance's face together. I gave up after that, not being much of a puzzle person. Love that new picture, though. I might have to give it a try. :-)

  3. Well it sure sounds like you were busy!
    I've been busy here, finally found a project to keep me out of trouble.
    I think.
    Don't you hate being on hold? Argh!

  4. The Santa on the table is lovely. Hopefully Jinx behaves himself while he shares the basket.

    Take care and stay well!

  5. That really was a busy day! I love the table runner your mom made for you and the basket does work perfectly with it.

  6. Your Santa is just lovely. So is the table runner. I hate to hear the story of the robbery.

  7. I love your work. You are such an artist in so many mediums! Good for you!

  8. Well, I learned two things about you today-you obviously have a four-wheeler to buzz around on and you have a puzzle page for me to visit. Love the photos. The ice forming on the lake makes me shiver! Have a great day!

  9. I'm envious of having a location where you can hop onto your 4 wheeler and just enjoy nature. How relaxing that must be. I made meatloaf and baked potatoes for supper last night. I had planned to roast some carrots as well but forgot to order any with my grocery order in the morning.

  10. I always wonder how you get so much done in a day! Your carved Santa is wonderful! I have always loved wooden Santas and other characters. I wonder if Jinx is giving Santa his Christmas list? That lake photo is perfect for a puzzle page!

  11. What a nice Santa. I guess I forgot you carve too and was just thinking Far Guy carved and you painted. The runner is beautiful and the tray shows it off nicely. Jinx has another guy to talk to so you may not get him to move for awhile! :-) Sorry about more mix-up and hold time. I seem to spend a lot of time in the same things. I have changed our address with our cell phone company 4 times now and lets home they have it right this time. An armed robbery?! Oh my! So much for small towns being safe these days. What's next? No, don't answer that!
    We're supposed to have snow starting tonight and every day for a week. Daytime temps in the 30's though so maybe a lot will melt away as it falls.

  12. I love the Santa you carved. My sister in Wisconsin had the same high and low temps as we did in coastal South Carolina yesterday. Unbelievable! Funny thing is, everyone here thinks it’s soooo cold and she thinks it feels like spring.

  13. I rarely have time for a nap and often would love one

  14. Busy, busy helps the days roll by. I mainly do nothing. So ashamed.

  15. I love the picture of the lake, the one that is now a puzzle.
    That's a very pretty table runner. Very festive.

  16. Your carved Santa would be perfect in my collection. :-)

  17. I truly enjoyed the puzzle today, and the photo is perfect for a puzzle. Tonight I dipped back into your 2008 blog and love that, too. It's like having a friend over to visit for a cup of coffee. It is getting pretty long and lonesome with this Covid-19 business, but the end seems to be in sight. Thank God. Thanks for being a faithful blogger. In 2008 I started a blog of my own because I decided to live in San Diego after being widowed, and I knew hardly anybody there. It kept me sane and I hoped Minnesota friends might read it and remember me. It is hard to live alone after 49 years with a partner, hard and very lonesome. Now I remarried - his brother!

  18. I've heard that armed robberies are on the increase just about everywhere. Tough times. I think it's best to stay home too... especially after dark. I haven't been out after dark for quite awhile now. When the sun sets my curtains are drawn and I make sure the deadbolts are set and that's it. Like a fortress! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  19. Oh I love that wood-carved Santa....he is beautiful. Nice that he's taking the time to visit with your Jinx before Christmas Eve comes around. Just found out that our granddaughter who just came home from college in Duluth, has Covid. That means we'll be having a very quiet Christmas here. Such is life in 2020.

  20. I remember that Santa. You did a great job on it. Poor Jim seems to be a wanderer.

  21. My Christmas decorating is non existent except for the table cloth (which has been moved now for a puzzle). Mmmmm roast and potatoes and gravy, that is about as good as it gets in the comfort food department. I cheat and get roast at Costco, may have to go snag me one now that you have me drooling.


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