Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Snow Fun

 Three of my baby brother's Grands were over to visit. 

They made snow angels. 

Xavier went for a shovel ride.

They had serious discussions.  They tromped through the woods.

And shared an icicle

It was a nice break in our was just about 30 F but windy. After they left Neighbors Steve and Jo came over and shivered with us out on the patio.  

Far Side


  1. Oh! I had forgotten about shovel rides. My dad did that for us too!

  2. Isn’t it wonderful how people find ways to be together and still be safe?! Not the same, but maybe all the more precious because of the effort and creativity it takes. In a normal year we would be spending today baking loaves of Christmas bread for the neighbors but this year it’s only cards and a chat from six feet away. Today is always an exhausting day that starts early and ends in a mess, so I am sitting here this morning looking at the bright side — no cleanup!

  3. That is so great! I know we'd love to have some company outside to watch play and converse with. The mules will have to provide the entertainment.

  4. Darn my grandchildren aren't little angels... but they do live in the Arizona desert. :)

  5. I love love love that icicle picture and the shovel ride. What a blast from my Minnesota childhood! Bet it was fun watching the kids having fun. We are having a lovely blizzard here today. Bummer!

  6. What fun to see kids playing in the snow! We may be in for a brown Christmas here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  7. Shivered with us on the patio....heheeheehee.

  8. The icicle photo is precious! It would be great on a calendar.

  9. I remember making snow angels with our kids. Thank you for the fun memory. Sharing the icicle is another fun memory. Your baby brother has some cute grands! I'm glad you had a few visits.

  10. What a fun post! And it does seem like everyone is having a good time. I especially love that Chance photo in your header. Merry Christmas everybody! :-)

  11. They are adorable and they sure seem to enjoy the snow much more than you do ;)

  12. Snow angels and puppies, how wonderful! Isn't it fun to watch the children play in the snow?! Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures!

  13. How wonderful to get lots of company...and on a warmer 30 degree day before the blizzard!! :) :)

  14. Love watching children play, and that icicle photo is precious :)

  15. It's so wonderful to see children playing in the snow! Thank you for the photos.

  16. So much joy just watching them play!
    We folks in Ontario are going into lockdown at midnight Boxing Day. We're ready to just kick back and chill down here at the back forty.

  17. Our neighbor kids shuffle through the snow and then just go inside. The family of older kids don't bother to come outside. It was nice to have you brothers grands being active outside.

  18. Glad you got to see some grands and neighbors too. We just finished watching a Hallmark was very good! I'm good for one movie a hubby could watch 3 or 4 in a row! Wishing you both a most wonderful and Blessed Christmas!

  19. How fun to have little visitors ~ they look like they are having fun in the calm before the storm. Oh boy that Baxter is a cutie :)

  20. Shovel rides and icicles make for a great early winter post!! Made me smile.

  21. What cuties!!! It's so nice you still have people stop by and visit. I never see my neighbors and they live right next door! LOL! Not the friendliest community.

  22. Snow angels! How fun. Guess there's no question whether you will have a white Christmas or not...

  23. Truly some winter angels! So glad you had a visit and it was decent enough to be outside.


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