Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

 We had a bit of a blizzard yesterday.  It snowed and the wind blew.  I think we got about six inches of snow. 

My baby brother came over and shoveled in front of the door and he and my niece gave my power shovel a try.  For the record she was covered in snow too!

My baby brother and two of his Grands in the toboggan.

This is also a puzzle. 

Far Guy was going to hike to the mail box...winds were gusting to 46 mph so I discouraged him. 

I asked the "toboggan crew" to make a trip out to the mail box. 

Niece Ellen is getting the mail ready for Xavier to deliver.  The puppy Baxter was part of the delivery crew. 

Ellen and the kids heading out.  Making some good Minnesota Memories!

The Toboggan was built in Northern Minnesota. 

Christmas Eve is here, we will get Far Guy to the Infusion Center and pick up weekly groceries curbside.  I have one last package to drop off at my parents. 

Far Side


  1. What a beautiful toboggan! I wondered who was pulling or pushing it. What great memories for those grands! That puppy is so cute....I would love to have one but I can barely take care of myself and the cats! LOL! Good luck on your trip to town! No snow here but cold again 28 this morning and gusty winds like yours predicted for today. I'm staying home per usual! The Iowa gang got snow luckies! Happy Christmas Eve!

  2. That's wonderful you have family nearby! Happy Christmas Eve!

  3. That is a fantastic toboggan. I have never seen one like that before. Merry Christmas to you and Far Guy.

  4. That sort of looks like a dog sled! I always wanted to try that.
    Nothing at all happening here today.

  5. Be careful out there in that weather! A Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. I love that toboggan! And Merry Christmas to you and your entire large and loving family. And a Happy New Year, too. :-)

  7. I love the toboggan, we tried to teach all of our Pyres to pull sleds and wagons over the years. All we got were grumpy looks. Must be the breed. Merry Christmas!

  8. Have a Merry Christmas Eve! Take care and stay well.

  9. That is the coolest toboggan!!
    Enjoy your white Christmas. :)

  10. This post and pictures... I am still smiling,thank you. Saw the pup snuggled in there. Looks life fun. Good for them and the sled is gorgeous.

  11. I love all the toboggan pictures, what fun! I hope your trip to town is safe and not too difficult in all that new snow. It will be good when you can get home and get all tucked in and cozy for Christmas!

  12. Oh what fun and great memories being made for the kids, (and adults too.)
    That puppy is so darling. Our son-in-law had to drive home from Indiana to Omaha yesterday during that blizzard. The winds. Oh my goodness. Thank heavens Mandy texted that he made it safely home. Happy Christmas Eve to you and Far Guy! Here's hoping the grocery pickup has everything in it!

  13. What fun! The children will definitely remember the toboggan rides.

  14. Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

  15. Oh, that toboggan ride looks like fun, and will make for very rosy cheeks.
    Merry Christmas to all you hardy Minnesotans.

  16. I am glad the crew could go to get your mail. I was chilled to the bone when I went to get outs at the end of the driveway. Merry Christmas to you and Gene.

  17. I'm catching up with all the posts I missed. Looks like you've had a busy time leading up to Christmas, with some fun visitors throughout December. I hope your trip out in the snow this Christmas Eve goes smoothly, and you and Far Guy have a merry Christmas.

  18. Interesting toboggan. I hope you and Far Guy have a happy and healthy Christmas!

  19. Very fun toboggan. My sister and I had one as kids which was great because we lived on a big hill that was fun for sledding. Merry Christmas, Connie, to you and your family!

  20. Gosh, what marvelous memories! Merry Christmas.

  21. Sending Merry Christmas wishes. ❤️🎄

  22. Merry Christmas Far Side! Neat toboggan!

  23. Merry Christmas! Sledding behind a Quad runner! Brings back memories.... of the ARMY! Yes! We skied behind a snow vehicle as "On the Job Training!" (Arctic Infantry had its moments of fun....) Yes, it was a serious Skill to travel behind the SUSV without falling and taking an entire company out with you. Hope you guys have a fun and festive Holiday!.

  24. What lovely wintry pictures. Hope you got all your errands done today. It's a magical Christmas Eve as always. Merry Christmas to you two!

  25. Looks like you have a top rated toboggan crew at your service! How fun--and what wonderful memories! Best wishes for a merry Christmas for you and all your extended family.

  26. I really enjoyed both of your recent puzzles, so keep it up if they allow you to do that! Thanks.

  27. Puzzle was so fun! Enjoyed Far Guy's letter and love your Christmas card Connie.

  28. That is a true MN toboggin to be sure! What a fabulous way to enjoy the winter and it looks AMAZING!


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