Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Far Guy and I wish you all a Merry Christmas!  

This is a sweet homemade gift from my baby brothers grands.   It was made especially for us and delivered with a smile. 


Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. 

This year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are reminded that even though things may be different this year..Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Does that mean that we miss our daughters, son in law, grandchildren and great grandchildren  We will miss the laughter that filled the house, the sometimes dangerous games of spoons and lining everyone up for photos by the Shiny Brite Tree....and the hugs. 

Possibly the only things that are the same this year ...the wreath by the front door, the Nativity on the mantle and the caramel rolls that await taste testing. 

We watched the Christmas Eve Service live streamed from the church we were married in....traditionally our family fills a pew or two at that service on Christmas Eve.

Far Side


  1. Yes, it sure is different this year but no less Jesus' birthday, indeed. A blessed & holy Christmas to you both, my friend. Next year WILL be better! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Thinking about the two of you and your family.

  3. Merry Christmas! Though this year will be much different than Christmas' past, I'm hopeful that next year will bring us all together again.

    Take care and stay well.

  4. You and your family have become part of my own family, Connie. I wish you and your wonderful crew the very mostest bestest Christmas! You bring so much joy and love into the world, and I just have to tell you how much you all mean to me! Lots of love and everything else I can cram into this comment. :-)

  5. I love the sweet gift from your baby brothers grands. Wishing you, Far Guy and family a blessed Christmas!

  6. Many blessings to you on this Christmas Day!

  7. It is a different sort of Christmas, but your post added sparkle to my Christmas. The nativity that your grands made for you is beautiful! Enjoy your day. 2021 is on the way. Stay safe and happy.

  8. A different Christmas...but Jesus never changes. :)
    Those caramel rolls sound delicious!

  9. You are making a good Christmas from some very good memories.

  10. May you both had a blessed and happy day! Merry Christmas dear friend!

  11. Merry Christmas! Yes, I'm missing visiting my kids this year, but hopefully things will back back to normal in 2021.

  12. Merry Christmas to you and Far Guy! I enjoyed seeing your gift today. Our day is pretty much the same as yours. We had sweet rolls for breakfast, the ham is cooking and now we're just relaxing.
    Take care you two and stay safe.

  13. Merry Christmas to you both and I love your sweet Christmas gift! You are so right....Jesus never changes. With him in my life I am never alone. Hugs ~ Sam

  14. What a sweet little gift from the heart of loving children. Merry Christmas.

  15. Merry Christmas; looks like you had a lot of family fun in the snow! The nativity sets are perfect . the reason for the season!

  16. Merry Christmas. Your children made a sweet manger scene for you. We are at 30 degrees right now. We too had a quiet day.

  17. Merry Christmas. I won't miss those awful family photos. We can never sit still long enough for "Mom" to snap the picture. So she ends up having to do it over and over and over again! ( Great memories...)

  18. It was a different Christmas for us but still a good one as we two are healthy and together, and there is FaceTime and Zoom. Hope your day was special in its own way,too.

  19. God Bless You both and your family. I love the new nativity you just received! Merry Christmas!

  20. Merry Christmas, Far Side! Yes, this one was so very different.

  21. Here is to next Christmas - LIVE AND IN PERSON!


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