Monday, December 21, 2020

Visitors on Sunday

 It was a reasonably warm day 31 F or -1 C eh!  Time for some social distancing out on the patio.

My other baby brother and she who sees robins first came over first.  We enjoyed catching up with them! We were warming up after their visit and my baby brother and his bride and daughter Ellie and Grands were hiking over...they were exercising their new puppy in hopes that he would sleep real good as his first night was hard for him. 

This is Baxter and he belongs to my baby brother and his bride.  He is a Mini Australian Shepherd and he is almost 16 weeks old.  He will be a regular visitor in our yard.  He is a happy well socialized puppy that likes kids. He is a fluffball! 

My baby brother and his Grandson Cruz who was trying out a snow board.  He did quite well and will be zooming down hills before long. 

Miss Marley was trying out some short skis and perfecting her moves.

Kids and dogs it doesn't get much better than that! 

There is one more Grand but he was having a bad day...sometimes that happens.  

It was a wonderful break in our day to have visitors. 

Thank you everyone for the Anniversary wishes we appreciate them all! 

Far Side


  1. What happy joyous pictures!! Thank you for brightening my day too! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. What a cute puppy. I could just cuddle him all day.

  3. This is exactly what I needed today. Kids, puppies, and snow fun!

  4. Little Baxter is so cute! Glad you had some visitors and I agree, it doesn't get much better than kids and pups :)

  5. What a cute puppy, visits will be delightful. Looks like the kids had fun in the snow.

  6. Cute puppy! He'll be lots of fun for the children as well as the adults.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. Baxter is adorable! Fun to see him. He has the colorings our Buster had.

  8. So glad you were able to spend a wonderful day with family. We are so excited for our Christmas. My twin 10 year old grandchildren have been creating games on something called "Kahoot" which is an app we load on our phones. We can zoom on the laptop while playing the games on our phones. We did this at Thanksgiving and everyone really enjoyed it. I understand our Christmas episode will be "bigger and better".

  9. What a wonderful time! Katie had a friend mini aussie in one of her classes...they liked to go to the park together and on walks. Sadly she moved away. She was awesome and your great grand-dog will be too! How cool to have a dog around but not be responsible for it! :)

  10. The fluffball is adorable!! Hope he visits often so you can get some doggie love. The kids looked like they were having fun in the snow.

  11. Kids and are right. It's a perfect mix for happiness!

  12. Baxter looks like a sweetheart: I hope he had a good night after his outing.

  13. This is just what we ALL needed today. Puppies and kids. Baxter is absolutely adorable. I want to go through the computer screen and give him a big hug. :-)
    I have to tell you, I read your, (Far Guys), Christmas letter again this morning and laughed all over again. He is a GREAT writer. A male Erma Bombeck. :-) Can he write more letters to us? We all could use some laughs.

  14. Baxter is so cute! You are right - kids and dogs are the best! I miss having kids around, especially at Christmas. I sure enjoyed seeing your pictures and I'm happy to hear that Baxter will be a regular visitor!

  15. Happy photos! What a joy to see that adorable fluffball and the kiddies having fun in the snow.

  16. Baxter is just precious! And so are the kiddos in the snow.

  17. Such a cute looking dog aand a happy post that made me feel good

  18. I think we appreciate visitors more than ever these dark days. The kids having fun in the snow and the pics of the cute puppy brighten my day.
    (Right now it's snowing here. 6" predicted and most people (including one of my sons) will have procrastinated with changing to snow tires and no doubt driving will be crazy.)

  19. New puppies are such happy things. The new one is a beautiful dog. We have a couple of adult dogs, his kind, that get walked in our neighborhood. Our neighbor cattle dog loves us but we don't see here very often. She will head to Arizona for the winter very soon.

  20. What a delight to have visitors!! And that really is a fluffball. :)

  21. Sorry I was late with the anniversary wishes. That puppy is the cutest....are you sure he's miniature? Those paws look awfully big! LOL! The kids are cute with their ski's and snowboard. I think Sam is wanting a snowboard but he just mentioned it the other day....a little late but he has a lot of money for 13! He's a saver for sure and he works hard at neighborhood jobs so he can afford to buy his own. They have a nice hill in their back yard too. Glad you had visitors!

  22. Bet it was fun to have a little company and like you said, kids and dogs it doesn't get much better that that. Merry Christmas!

  23. What great visits you had and even a new dog that will be coming to visit often. He sure is cute and fluffy. So fun to have relatives so close by that they can hike over! Wishing you a great week!

  24. That puppy makes me smile. the kids are pretty cute too. What fun visitors.

  25. Oh, Baxter is adorable! What a wonderful addition to the extended family!

  26. What fun to have visitors and that Lil' Baxter is really a cutie! Reminds me of our little Lenny. Built like a cement block and then they grow out of the puppy stage :)


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