Wednesday, December 30, 2020

13 years

 My blog is now a teenager.  Ha!  

13 years ...hard to believe I have been blogging that long.   Actually I think the blog anniversary is December 29 ...but I today will do.

As per my custom I give myself flowers on this special day.

Chain Orchids in Hawaii during the winter of 2018-2019. 

Thank you for reading my everyday musings, I appreciate the friendships I have made through the blog from all over the United States and the World.  I  appreciate your comments, I read them all except those by a couple of horrid spammers.

Although I may never meet most of my readers...we have forged wonderful online friendships. 

One of my favorite bloggers died shortly before Christmas...I miss her very much.  She was four months short of 90 years old when she died from complications due to a fall.  Thankfully her family put a post up on her blog because they knew she had many online friends.

Time marches on and stops for no I have to make the best of every day.  I write mainly about our everyday activities...someday one of my Great Grands may appreciate it.  I know several of the Grands read it just to keep up with what and how we are doing.  I know our youngest daughter Jen reads it every morning.  Far Guy says he reads it to find out what kind of trouble he is in! 

Far Side


  1. Congratulations! It’s amazing how time flies when you aren’t bothered about it. Not like this year eh?
    I was surprised to realise the other day that I have been writing about crispy snacks for 7 ½ years now. I only began because it was raining one day.

  2. Congratulations and Best Wishes for the New Year!

  3. Oh please tell me who the blogger was that died. So many I don't have linked to my page but I have read in the past. :-( And Happy 13th Blogiversary! May you have 13 times 13 more!! I appreciate reading your posts and think of us as friends too. My life is more blessed because I know you. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Mary Lou at marylourambles

  4. Happy blogoversary! You are appreciated by so many! :) :)

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I have enjoyed being a "friend" and hope to be for a long time. God willing.

  6. Happy 13 year blog birthday! I'm so sorry to hear about your blogger friend passing. I've had two of my blogger friends pass away this year :(

  7. You are amazing and so faithful to do this. I am one who has enjoyed it each day - - and commented more than you see because sometimes Blogger says, "oops, looks like we had an error." Then it totally wipes out my comment.
    I love reading about your many crafts and activities. It is wonderful to see someone who is so productive. You are also smart enough to take care of yourself with good food and rest when needed. That is not as common as it should be with many people.
    Your husband's Christmas letter was Great - - great touches of humor in it! It was fun to read - and also one of the comments that blogger dropped!
    We are looking forward to following you in the New Year - - and many more!

  8. Wow, thirteen years? I think I've been following you for more than a decade. And it never fails to be enlightening, no matter what you write about. Happy BlogoVersary!

  9. I really appreciate the blogging friends I've made over the years too. I began reading your blog several years ago because of the old photographs on your other blog. And I found the link originally from another blog that I enjoy - Wyoming Breezes.

    May 4, 2009 will be my 13th blogiversary. It really is a journal for me and find that I go back to find events or projects.

  10. Happy Tweenaversary!! Online friendships that form over years are special, and just as valid as any other friendship. Sorry for your loss. It was nice of your friends family to let you/others know of her passing. That is not always the case (in person or otherwise) and then we are left wondering. On a brighter note, had to laugh on the reason Far Guy reads your blog lol.

  11. Happy 13th blog Anniversary! We read it every morning here at our house, always interesting. Happy New Year to you & Far Guy!

  12. Funny, my husband never used to read my blog but now he does every time I post, just to find out what's going on in our lives! :) :) :)

    I'm very sorry about your 90 year old blogger friend. I believe that the friends we make through blogging are just as much friends as those we meet in person. Sometimes more. I'm glad the family let you know. That's the hardest thing when someone just disappears and you don't know what happened.

  13. Beautiful! I have just recently found your blog and it is lovely. I love all the nature pictures you post. Your blog will be a great resource for family members. That Far Guy sounds like a keeper.
    Best Wishes,

  14. Happy anniversary! I'm sure in years to come your family members will enjoy reading the stories of your days, as much as we do now. I've been working on family history and so wish there were journals I could read from the past.

    Take care and stay well!

  15. I've been reading your blog since the spring of 2009. Loved your stories and the incredible floral photos. I was hooked immediately. It just wouldn't be the same without checking your blog every day. Thanks for taking us along for such a great ride.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear of the Loss of your Blog Friend, I Lost a Dear Blog Friend over a Year ago and I still miss her terribly! We got to where we Private Messaged each other on The Book of Faces every Day and I was Thankful one of her Daughters told me about her passing, since we had just talked hours before it had happened. It made me realize she had no idea her time was so short and that would be the last conversation. Congrats on your Blogaversary, I'm up to 11 Years and my Grandson, whose now 20, was the one who told me about Blogging and set it up for me when he was only 9 Years Old, Tech Guru Genius that he has always been. Me, I'm Tech challenged but Blogging has really been something I Love and is such a Wonderful Community to connect to. Happy New Year, may 2021 hold much Promise!

  17. I, too appreciated the bloggers family for writing. Sad.
    Everyday reading the blogs is important to me. Contact from the outside world.
    I have followed you for several years but being caregiver of my hubby didn't give me much time to write back.
    My gentle, loving, kind and humorous guy went to the great beyond recently, which makes me think I should go back to blogging which I haven't done in maybe 5 years. Time will tell.

    1. I am so sorry diane, I can only imagine how lonely you must be. Let me know if you start blogging made some beautiful quilts.

  18. I enjoy reading your musings and catching up on your activities every morning. I feel like I am having coffee with a friend. Thank you.

  19. Happy Blogaversary! I hope your blog doesn't start acting like a teenager. :-). I was so sorry to hear of Mary Lou's passing on her blog. It was a shock since I had received an email from her just the week before.
    Wishing you and Far Guy a wonderful Wednesday, full of new and fun surprises. With Far Guy, I'm sure that happens often. :-)

  20. Happy Blogversary! And yes, blogging friends are friends. Just because we may not have met in person doesn't change that. Where I have eventually met online friends, quite a few over the years, I've found that they're just like their online persona anyway, so they've seamlessly become rl friends. Most people in blogland are likeminded spirits, interested and interesting, very few exceptions to that.

    Blog on, and Happy New Year!

  21. Wow, thirteen years seems a long time to this new blogger. Congratulations! You have a great blog and I hope you manage to keep going for a long time yet. Mxx

  22. Congrats. I do look forward to what you have to say each and every single day.

  23. Congrats on 13 years of blogging! After watching many of my favorite bloggers go by the wayside over the years, never to be heard from again, I'm happy you are still here in blogland.

  24. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging! What an achievement! Now that your blog is a teenager should we expect some wild goings on? A little sowing of the wild oats, as my Grandmother used to say!

    I do thank you for your lovely blog! I don't know how you do it every day but I know you are talented at just about everything! I learn a lot from you about blogging and about life. I appreciate the friends we form through blogging. I'm looking forward to your next 13 years!

  25. I treasure our online friendship and look forward to your posts.

  26. When I read posts like this it maakes me wonder hew long I have been blogging but not sure I think I started in 2005 with a bigpond blog which is now long gone.

  27. Happy Anniversary! Your posts help make my day. I try to post at least a couple times a week, but don't always make it. You keep me motivated. Thank you.

  28. Your blog caused me to look up my own track record. I started a year after you did. My boys actually read my blogs before they call me so they can appear to be up to date on me. Lots of time they do not call because they do know that things are ok. If I don't blog for a couple of days they check in on me. I get to relive all those summers that I use to have in Minnesota by following your blog.

  29. Happy blogaversary! I enjoy coming to visit you so much, learning new things from you and learning about your life up there in Minnesota! All our blogger friends -- it's almost like having "penpals" in different places. Here's to another 13 years - when your blog will be a grownup lol!

  30. P. S. I'm sure going to miss Mary Lou also! I'd hoped to meet her in person one day since we're in the same town. She sure was a kind, funny soul with lots to say in a few words.

  31. Thank you for telling us about Marylou. She is on my list of blogs, but I hadn't worked my way that far down the list. I love your blog, Far Side, and I appreciate very much that you will read mine and leave a comment.

  32. Far Guy's reason for reading your blog is the best.

  33. I starting blogging because of my elder sister. She passed in 2014. I have tried to follow blogs that she followed. Many have passed away. The lady you mentioned was one of her blog friends. Margie is the only one still alive and still blogging. She is 85.

    I enjoy reading what you write and hope you continue. Sister did not follow your blog but I found you through a comment you left on one of her blog friends.

    What amazes me most about you is all your many talents.

    Happy 2021.

  34. That Far Guy...he is such a kidder. ;)

  35. Happy Anniversary. I feel like I have a real friend in you even though we will most likely never meet in person.

  36. Just love your blog Connie. Every day is always interesting and love the pictures you post. That pic in the header with Chance and the shiny brite tree is such a beaut! Hope you'll be doing this for many years makes my day complete! Thank you for taking the time to do it! You're awesome! Far Guy too!

  37. So sorry to hear about your blogger friend that died. Praying for her.

  38. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging. I'm almost always the last to comment because I don't get on my computer until later in the day, sometimes quite late
    ( like today). I wait until later because once I get started I find I've been visiting blog friends for hours. Take good care of yourself and Far Guy.

  39. Happy Blogversary ~ 13 Years! I enjoy your chronicles and stories and your funnies about life :)

  40. Happy blogiversary! Thirteen years: impressive! And every day! I remember when you used to say you wrote all this stuff down for your grands. Now, you're writing for your great-grands, too! Here's to many more years to come.

  41. I realize I “misspoke”. My Sister followed Donna Wood, also, and she is still with us and still blogging.

  42. Happy Blogiversary!!! I have been blogging for awhile too but I don't remember how long. I always enjoy your blog and it is about normal life! I'm sorry about your blogging friend.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie