Thursday, December 17, 2020

Activities on a cold day

 It was chilly yesterday. About 24F for a high  or - 4C eh!  My baby brother and his bride came over for a chat...they got cold. 

Far Guy woodcarved on a flower

It still needs leaves and a different base.  It is a work in progress.

I crocheted a wintery head band for Little Miss Cee Cee...hope it fits.

I packed up gift bags for the Grands...stuff that would have gone in their stockings. We will deliver them before Christmas someday when we want to go for a drive.  I have four sets of ornaments yet to deliver...hope to get two sets delivered today.

Today is adventure grocery day... big excitement!! 

Far Side


  1. It's been below freezing here all week. Some of the snow is still here! Next week it will be 50 and 60's...crazy! The flower is amazing! I love your little headband for Miss CeeCee. I hope you get all your groceries that you ordered!

  2. Cute headband. Very cold here yesterday also.

  3. Your headband is lovely and so is Far Guy's flower. Stay warm! We were 32 yesterday. Supposed to be 40 tomorrow. (northeast Iowa)

  4. Oh wow! FG certainly is talented! That flower is exquisite!
    Good luck at the store today.

  5. You are always busy, it seems. I love the pretty CeeCee headband, and the flower looks close to being ready to paint to my eyes. :-)

  6. I love Far Guy's flower and the pretty little headband you made for Cee Cee. Enjoy your grocery adventure today!

  7. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. The headband is adorable. We've had a few cold days here in SD too, no snow other than maybe flurries. Karen

  8. FG's sunflower is so pretty! He really gets the details right. That headband is adorable!!

  9. I know that excitement of GROCERY DAY!!! :)

  10. Gosh, you are both so talented! Amazing flower and the headband is adorable.

    A big investment one year was the embroidered needlepoint stockings for my family that I always dreamed of. We have added as the family increases and I currently have 21 hanging for this year. I purchase stocking stuffers all year and we open those before dinner and gifts. Since my closet is bursting, I ordered some inexpensive mesh stockings at Oriental Trading (10 for 4.99 I think) and we are going to distribute them next week.

  11. A sunflower!! I love it!! Of course, I just automatically thought sunflower when I saw it because I'm in Kansas lol... but maybe it could be a shasta daisy or zinnia or some such. Far Guy is so talented -- well, you BOTH are talented to do all those carvings! Cute little headband for Miss CeeCee! Hope your grocery day turns out well!! Blessings!

  12. Lovely sunflower! I hope that cute headband fits.
    Go to town day--hope all goes well and you get a couple deliveries done, too. Dress warm!

  13. You've had a busy few days. Have fun on your grocery shopping adventure!

    Take care, stay well!

  14. It's funny how the things that caused us boredom in yesteryear now makes us feel like we're on a big adventure! Happy grocery shopping! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I like your conclusion about grocery day being so exciting.

  16. The flower is so pretty! I love seeing all the beautiful flowers he carves. I'm sure Miss Cee Cee will love the headband and it will, of course, look gorgeous on her. Gifts like that are extra special because they hold lots of Great-Grandma love!

    This is my grocery shopping day too and I should have already left. I'd much rather read blogs! I hope the day out goes well for both of you.

  17. More wonderful creations coming from your crafty hands.

  18. Not cool here, stinking bloody hot with me again dripping in sweat

  19. I was thinking of you today when I hung the little seed pod Santa you made a few years ago on a corn dryer on the fireplace. I’ll have to send you a photo! It’s as cute as ever. And our latest Walnuts grocery adventure — Monday we waited 70 minutes in the parking lot while they searched for our order. Never found it and we went home. We reordered for the next day and WE GOT EVERYTHING ON OUR ORDER! And NOTHING WAS CRUSHED! I hope your order was complete today, too.

  20. I think the flower is beautiful. All of those petals! I'm so impressed. And Cee Cee's headband is perfect to keep her little ears warm.
    I'm not planning on any shopping until after Christmas. I MAY pick up a pie next Wednesday at the store across the highway. I would be there when they open and in that way avoid most everyone. I have always baked my own, but the oven situatio in the RV doesn't cook at exact temps so I bake rarely. It's not a big deal with casseroles, etc. but baking is more persnickety.
    I'll be looking forward to hearing of your grocery adventures.

  21. I hope this is a week where you actually receive all the groceries you ordered.

  22. We've been having quite a cold snap. It's going to be -20C here tonight. Then warm up through the weekend. We've hardly any snow. My cousins in Upstate New York got hammered!

  23. Can't wait to hear how Adventure Grocery day went! Hope you got most of what you wanted. That head band is so cute for Cee Cee...that flower far guy is carving is gorgeous! Sorry your visit was so cold! Wish you could get your DVD player working so you could watch The Chosen. I know you'd like it! Take care you two.

  24. We returned to the grocery store to mail out a box to my wife's friend and I bought diet coke and a poinsettia. It was cold trying to put air in my tires.

  25. Interesting, my wife has just made some headbands for our niece and grandniece. With all of the crocheting that you do, I think you should go into business and calling it 'Covid Cozys'

  26. I forgot to compliment Far Guy on his flower carving. He does such a great job on them.

  27. The flower is super cute! I think that headband is going to look adorable on that little girl!

  28. Far Guys is so talented. I love the headband you made for CeCe. It will keep her nice and warm.


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