Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in Review

 This is the catch all report of 2020.

Our oldest daughter Trica is still struggling with health issues.  She is still in process of being divorced...possibly one of the most drawn out divorces in history.  She is not employed and at the moment doesn't want much to do with anyone.  If you are inclined to pray...she could sure use prayers.  She was able to visit with her daughters and grandchildren the day after Christmas. 

Savannah is working at a Radio Station and going to Bemidji State University, she has changed her major to Business.   She took a class in the cities and is now an Eyelash Extension Technician part time. She said "I could put some lashes on you Grandma it would give me practice on an older person."  Savannah has a dog named Chewy and her kitty Luna.

Madison is happily married to Brenton and they are the proud parents of Hey Mikey who is three years old and Little Miss or Cee Cee who was born in March.  Madison is a Dental Assistant and really likes the Dentist that she work for.  Brenton works in his Dad's Machine Shop in Michigan.  They measure their snow in feet not inches. They have a kitty named Raina.  Update:Maddie has another cat...not sure what his name is.  His name is Loki.

Maddie and Cee Cee...Photo by Jen
Hey Mikey plays pinball....Photo by Jen

This was his first attempt at playing Pinball.  Jen and Andy recently had this old pinball machine restored.  It was the Pinball machine from our Resort that Jen played for hours.

Paige is waiting to get into a Dental Hygienist program and in the mean time she is working as a CNA in a Nursing Home.  She was bartending at a pub...but with Covid that place is closed down for indoor dining.  Paige has Bailey (a very old cat) for company in her apartment.

A photo of all our Grands  better known as "The Five"

Noah, Maddie, Paige, Savannah, Adam  Christmas Day 2020...Photo by Jen


Our youngest daughter Jen and her husband Andy moved from Fisher Minnesota to East Grand Forks Minnesota in June.  They spent the summer remodeling their new to them home. They are both Instructors at Northland Community and Technical College. Andy custom built oak cabinets and Jen was the Interior Decorator. 

Jen and Andy

Noah graduated from UND with a degree in Chemistry and left Noodles & Company for a full time job with benefits. He and his gal friend share two little dogs, Aphrodite and Aurora.

Noah... Photo by Jen

Adam graduated form High School in May of 2020.  He worked as a line cook all summer and into the Fall until Covid closed the eating establishment. He attends Northland Community and Technical College, he is taking classes to see what he likes. Yesterday he rescued a cat from the Humane Society by the name of Phoebe.

Adam at Drive By Graduation

Miney is 15 and Little Elvis is 10.  Miney has Dog Vestibular Syndrome and has good days and bad days.  Little Elvis has all good days!  Update: Elvis is 11 and thinks his name is Hermione.



Little Miss or  Cee Cee  was born March 10.  She gave us quite a scare in April when she had a bladder infection and went into Septic Shock...luckily she recovered quickly. 

Cee Cee just a few days by Jen

 A photo taken just last week by Jen...her winter headband fits!



My Aunt Anna died in November, she survived and fought Cancer for 35 years.  She was my Dad's only living sibling.  Aunt Anna was 85 years old.  Her funeral was live streamed from the Lutheran Church in town.

My Dad's Cousin Big Elmer died in October of Covid.  He was 84 years old.  His funeral was live streamed from the church where he was a Pastor for many years.

Aunt Helen died in September she was 90 years old.  She was married to Far Guy's Uncle Archie who died in 2019. 


Our happenings:  Far Guy was taken off the Lung Transplant list in September, instead he had a stent placed in his heart and special medication to keep the stent open.  He will be 71 in a few weeks.

We purchased a 1959 Desoto Firesweep in early September it is his project car, it is all original and has only 56,000 miles on it. 

The old folks going for a drive

We still share the woodcarving hobby, although Far Guy carves more than I do. 

I keep busy with blogging, photography, crocheting, killing weeds, mowing lawns,  shoveling snow and keeping one eye on Far Guy.   I am a Find a Grave volunteer and try to do entries at Family Search when time permits.

Covid 19 in 2020...Far Guy is healthier being a hermit.  We go out one day a week for his Infusion at the Infusion Center (the Infusion gives him the protein he lacks to protect his lungs). I pick up groceries curbside and go by the drop off at the Post Office and through the Drive thru at the Bank. If we cannot buy it in town we order online or go without.  We have visitors out on our patio and stay at least six feet apart. Far Guy's Doctors appointments are all Zoom meetings and he does his own physical therapy here at home. Recently he went to the Dentist to repair a tooth that has been bothering him for many months.  We will be more than happy to get the vaccination when it is available to us. 

Most photos by Jen and the last photo was our trailcam.

We wish you a Happy New Years Eve!  Stay home and stay safe! 

Far Side


  1. Thanks for the recap. Maddie has another cat...not sure what his name is. Elvis is 11 and thinks his name is Hermione. Love you!

  2. Thank you for sharing. It makes me feel as though I know all of you personally. Today, my daughter that you sent the rose to is having the mastectomy. She will then have to have radiation but not sure when that will happen. She endured 6 rounds of chemo while teaching full time & taking 2 night classes for a 2nd masters. Hopefully, 2021 will be a much better year for all of us (and that includes getting the vaccine).

  3. Good review of your year. The little headband is adorable! Happy New Year! Karen

  4. Well you certainly haven't let moss grow under your feet for 2020!
    I'm not sure what to think about 2020 yet.
    We are not going anywhere for NY's Eve.

  5. Wow, it was quite a year for the Far Side family. I loved reading your post and now feel like the entire year was momentous, and not necessarily all bad. Thanks for the great story of your extended family. Wow again! :-)

  6. What a year it's been! This is a great idea to do a review. Sending prayers for your oldest daughter Trica. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and all the happenings with us. Wishing all of you many blessings in the new year!

  7. Your family photos were awesome! The great-grands are adorable!! Happy New Year!

  8. 2021 can't come too soon. But I can't help but wonder if there is another shoe to drop.

  9. So wonderful to read the update/recap of your family Connie. You and Far Guy are truly blessed. I definitely will be praying for your daughter Tricia. May 2021 be healthier and happier for all. Happy New Year!

  10. Despite all the heartache and uncertainty, 2020 has had some bright spots. Wishing you and Far Guy a healthy and happy new year.

  11. You have a far better memory than I do, indeed. How wonderful! Happy New Year and may 2021 be better for the world. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. What a wonderful 2020 review of your beautiful and loving family! I love the group picture of the grands and of course all the pictures of the great-grands. Hey Mikey will be a pinball wizard starting out at his age.

    I'm sorry to hear that Trica is still struggling with her health. I'm sure the divorce is not helping that any. I was divorced when my boys were very young and I remember how difficult it was and how I felt that I had let my family down. It was among the worst times in my life and I can't imagine dealing with it with health problems at the same time. I do believe in prayer and rest assured Trica is and will remain in my prayers.

    Thank you for this beautiful post and lovely pictures! xx

  13. I guess you had good things happen that most likely outweigh the inconveniences.
    The grands and the baby all look great! And definitely there are some newly happy cats in the family.
    May the souls of your relatives rest in eternal peace - and I will add Tricia to my prayers.
    May the New Year bring many blessings.

  14. Ceecee is adorable, I love her headband :)
    Wishing you and all your family a very happy and peaceful New Year, Jillxx

  15. What a great recap--with pictures, too!
    The vaccines have given us all hope, I think. I'm glad FarGuy is doing better in isolation. Silver lining. Love the headband on CeeCee! This should be a better year! :)

  16. I appreciate your blog. It is very well done! Tricia will be in my prayers.

  17. You do very well to keep all those pet names straight! I’m sorry for your daughter, going through a divorce during this year of awful things. Otherwise, there is a lot of energy and happiness in your family to celebrate. Happy New Year to all!

  18. And now I know [almost] everything about your family. :D We've had Tricia in our daily prayers for a while and will continue to keep her lifted up to the Lord, just as we do for the rest of your family and you guys. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that you two are yet so young and have ALL THIS FAMILY lol. Thank you for sharing your family with us. Sending you lots of love and hugs! Happy New Year to all of you! P.S. AWESOME CAR!!

  19. Wonderful recap. I do hope your oldest daughter is able to overcome her health issues and the divorce is settled soon.
    That little CeeCee is simply adorable. She's got quite the twinkle in her eye!

    Take care, stay well, and all the best in 2021!

  20. What a year. I will send prayers to Trica. Even if she doesn't think she wants them, she really does. Hoping all of have a good 2021 It's about time we all do.

  21. What a year 2020 was for all of us some hight a lot of low points and many what the hell moments.

  22. I really enjoyed the recap of your family's life for the past year. What a lot of good things that happened for all of you. I wish you and Gene a wonderful, healthy and happy 2021. I'm so glad to call you my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  23. Happy New Year folks. I enjoyed "visiting" with you this year when I found your blog.

  24. Happy New Year! Love the Old car! ( I always love old car gatherings.) Cee Cee is growing like a WEED! I can't believe kids grow up that fast. See you next year!

  25. Love your wrap up of the year.....and all the wonderful pictures of your family. Your oldest daughter is in my prayers....hopefully things will be better for her soon. Praying for you and far guy too.....may only good things come your way in the New Year. Happy New Year!

  26. Happy New Year to you both, keep on keeping safe!

  27. I enjoyed reading your year end review. Makes me think about what I would write if I did a review of this year.

  28. It's official now, so I can say it: Happy New Year! Best wishes for a better 2021!

  29. Looks like a lot of good things happened to your family in 2020, despite the kind of year the world had. I hope 2021 will be even better.

  30. What a nice recap of the year! Great pictures too especially of the grands! Too cute those 2 are. I am so grateful you are both healthy and happy!

  31. I love looking back with you and especially seeing the grandkids. Haven't they all grown up! Cee Cee is adorable and Hey Mikey is a big boy now. It all goes by too fast. Hoping the best for Trica. The old Desoto reminds me of Daddy. Seems like ours was pale green.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie