Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 29 Bear

It is late in the season for us to have a bear.   However no one told the bear that.
He visited our bird feeders in the night time.  Our trail cam did not capture him...sadly we have no photos of him...just what he did to the feeders.

He didn't even step in my flowers.  What a considerate bear.  He drank all the water out of the bird bath.

He left his calling card.

We restored order to all the feeders that could be repaired.  We are leaving one bird feeder out the rest have been collected for overnight.  Far Guy wants to see a photo of him so the trail cam was moved.

I mowed for several hours in the neighborhood and I am glad to be done with mowing for a few days.  Far Guy cut down the Wild Roses and I mowed over the top of them.  They will come back...or not.
Far Side


  1. We've never had a bear here. But now that we have hives we might get some. This time of the year our feeders are taken down. There's a sickness that is spread to the chickadees from feeders so they ask us to take them down during the warm months. After the first hard frost we can put them back up.

  2. Oh Mr. or Mrs. Bear had a party! It will probably come back. We've had them around here but never really too near to our buildings...I think.
    I just have hummingbird feeders out. I'd like to have other feeders in the winter time to watch the rest of the birds! Working on convincing the other half regarding that.

  3. Never had a bear around here (but then I live in the city). Have had deer. The squirrels here do as much damage to feeders as the bear - calling card is smaller tho. Hope you get a picture off the thief on your trail cam.

  4. Oh, my goodness! Bears can be quite rude. Lol..

  5. We have bears close to the mountains an in the mountains, and a year ago, one wandered down to denver...or rather a cub did and mama followed her down. We live in a suburb but it's Denver so we do have a local bobcat and the occasional mountain lion.

  6. I hope you get a picture of him or her with the cam, since surely the culprit will return. We get the occasional bear showing up around town, but it's been awhile. I have seen them in the High Country but it's also been awhile. :-)

  7. Very polite of the bear not to trample your flowerbed. I hope it doesn't come back, though!

  8. Nice of the bear not to trample your flowers. If it comes back, I hope you get a photo on the trail cam, and it continues to show good manners as regards your flowers.

  9. You lead an exciting life...Bears...Our wildlife creatures are squirrels and chipmunks, an occasional skunk or red fox or raccoon.

  10. Wow! I guess you probably don't walk around at night in your neighborhood?
    I am glad he didn't step on your flowers. They look so pretty! I still need to get a trail cam...I'm sure I would see deer and armadillos!

  11. I would not want to meet up with it! It has been at least 30 years since I have seen a bear here in Mississippi.
    Have a good day!

  12. A bear - that would freak me out! There was one photographed up by Aberdeen SD about a month ago and the wildlife folks speculated he had wandered over from northern Minnesota. We have mountain lions here, but so far no bears. Hope you get a picture on the trail cam.

  13. WOW! I would want a photo of him/her also! I have some wild roses I need to cut down. I'm sure they will be back...yours and mine

  14. Bears can be a big nuisance. the camera would tell how often he visits and when he does damage.

  15. Wow, he was busy! I hope you get a photo. It seems that northern Wisconsin has a larger number of backyard bear visitors this summer. Maybe Minnesota as well?

  16. I guess you are lucky, our bear (visitation) season starts in April and goes through about October. Our part of Colorado Springs has an ordinance that requires us to have bear proof trash containers ($200+) or keep them in the garage until the pick up day.

  17. Yikes, that bear sure did a bit of damage. Hopefully if he comes back you're able to get a photo.

    Have a great day!

  18. That's a little scary! He was polite to stay out of the flower bed - he must have had his wife with him! It looks like your pretty glass flowers survived. That bear poop might be great fertilizer!

  19. What a considerate bear, leaving your flowers intact! I feed the birds all year round and the biggest thieves I get are squirrels. Large corvids all send raiding parties but I am not too bothered about them.

  20. How nice of him to stay out of your flowers lol, but sorry about the broken feeders. Hope you are able to get a photo for tomorrow!

  21. Bad bear. Hungry bear. Nice that he/she respected your flowers.
    I really enjoyed seeing a photo of your yard, all green and trim. No snow or brown.

  22. What a tranquil scene your yard is, Connie. I love it! Even your bear knows where to come, when thirsty & hungry. Love, Andrea xoxo

  23. There sure was no doubt as to who came around during the night, was there!!
    I hope you get a picture of him or her next time they visit.

  24. Can't imagine having a bear so close to ones home, if I saw a bear near my home it would make w orldwide news as we don't have bears down here

  25. We haven't seen a bear yet this year. last year one followed me across the yard without me noticing! I walked from the porch to the compost pit and on my return walk, maybe fifty feet, found a fresh steaming pile right in my footsteps!!!!

  26. Well, very exciting times at your place. I hope you will get a pic of your visitor one of these days/nights. I'm glad he didn't step in your flowers....they look so pretty!

  27. What a mess he made. I'm glad he didn't walk all over your flower garden. It looks so pretty there. Hope you do get a picture of him.

  28. Bears in the yard is the stuff of my nightmares- that are always grizzly bears in those nightmares. Good thing you don't go out at night!

  29. He was kind of messy. I am glad he stayed out of the flowers.
    There must be too much food around so he stays around. Our state has a large one roaming around and he is lost. I think he went south instead of north. He is walking bean rows and open meadows.


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