Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

It is a great day to celebrate our Fathers and all men we know who are great Fathers!

Far Guy and his Father in 1950

My Father and I  June 6 1953

Happy Father's Day! 
Far Side


  1. Aren't we lucky to have great fathers. Some don't. My Dad was the best!

  2. What fantastic photos! Wishing you and Far Guy a beautiful day :)

  3. What wonderful photos! I sure miss my dad today. He was a real SOB but I wouldn't have traded him for the world. Araignee

  4. What a delightful post!!! I miss my Daddy so much.

  5. Happy Father's Day!
    Great pics. :)

  6. Awesome...Happy Father's day to FG!

  7. Far Guy's father looks a lot like my dad's father did back in that generation. Happy Father's day to Far Guy and all the dads out there and beyond.

  8. Fun photos to bring back memories. My own father died 30 years ago and my father-in-law died 3 months before our wedding on New Year Eve 1976. They never got to meet and we've always believed they would have really liked each other. Both hard working, humble, kind-hearted men.

  9. I love the pictures! Happy Father's Day to Far Guy and all the dads out there!

  10. Love those photos! Happy Father's Day to all fathers. :-)

  11. Great photos of the two of you with your dads. Happy Father's day!

  12. Happy Father's Day! Aloha from Hawaii.

  13. Wonderful photos! Happy Fathers Day to Far Guy. Both of our Dad's have been gone for years and they are still missed. So far Dennis has heard from two of our three kids already today. It's a good day.

  14. I did not have a good father or a good step-father but I h ad the greatest Uncles in the world! Your pictures are so wonderful! Look at little Far Guy and you were so cute with your dad!

  15. Lovely photos, fathers are so important

  16. What awesome pictures of your two dads. I love them both. Enjoy your memories.

  17. Some of us only have photos of our dads now. My father has been gone a long time. Those photos are precious.


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