Tuesday, June 9, 2020


The Iris are blooming now.

I call these Cemetery Iris...they were often planted in cemeteries along with Peonies so the cemeteries would have flowers.

 These happen to be on my Uncle Stanley's grave.

We are spending some time in cemeteries doing some research.  No one alive is there this time of year.  A perfect get away place.

Our weather was really warm yesterday 86 F or 30 C eh and horrid humidity.  We got a half of an inch of rain early Monday morning.
 Far Side


  1. I love Iris but never heard of them being planted in cemeteries before. I have a sister-in-law who does photos for Find A Grave so have often been cemetery searching with her. They are peaceful places to be :)

  2. I never knew that about Iris. Great idea for social distancing!

  3. I see Iris everywhere but never in a cemetery. Mostly what you see around here are geraniums in cemeteries. Iris is a much better idea asit comes back every year - no need to replant.

  4. That is a good idea. My father in law said the he disliked peonies as they were the cemetery choice here. I wonder if that is a localized thing?
    Anyway your flowering plants are now the same as ours...the iris's are blooming around my house adding purple to the pink peonies!

  5. My grandfather had a huge bed of iris in our old family home. Every color and size. It was spectacular. My favorite part was playing with his bulb catalogs. He had piles of them. Growing them was a pretty big thing back in the day. I can't see one and not thing of him. Araignee

  6. I love iris, wherever they are. I woke this morning to rain, and looked at the weather. It's supposed to rain all day long. Fortunately, I have nowhere to go after I get my 8:00am haircut (yay!) and can enjoy it while staying warm and dry.

  7. Cemeteries are great places to wander and explore. Rain yesterday, snow last night, broken trees this morning.

  8. We would have like to have had some of that rain here for our garden. The iris are pretty. It does sound like a good place to go for social distancing the way you put it:)

  9. We've had a nice couple of day, but the humidity hit today. It's not supposed to stay too long though. Pretty irises!

  10. Great idea for social distancing and getting some fresh air at the same time. I know you have plenty keeping you busy indoors, but I'm sure it's nice to have a project that allows you to be outside for a bit. Horrid humid hot weather not happening would have probably made it nicer though.

  11. We are so cold they furnace ran this morning. 53* right now and feels like 40*. Supposed to get down to 37* tonight. Very strange for this time of year. On Friday we had 102* horrid, now this. Terribly hard on crops.

  12. Empty cemeteries are so peaceful.
    Been so hot recently--awk! Supposed to cool off a bit for a while--and rain.

  13. I'm noticing iris in bloom here too. I have a couple in my garden. Considering, since I'm seeing so many beautiful ones, that maybe I should add a couple more. We had beautiful weather over the weekend and yesterday. Today it will be hot, with storms later. Katie and I camped in the backyard the last 3 nights, but we'll stay inside tonight. Don't tell her yet, she's going to pout.

  14. I've always loved iris and had a lot of them when we lived on the farm. I couldn't seem to keep them going in town. And when we moved to this house 14 years ago I haven't planted any new perennials because the deer just eat any tender young thing.

  15. Awwww... how pretty, Connie! My oldest daughter's mother-in-law grows irises on their land. Their blooms sure don't last very long but oh my, how they shine when they are in bloom. I've always said I'd like to plant some irises but never do. Perhaps this autumn, for next spring's delight. Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. The iris are blooming beautifully here too right n ow. The cemetery is a great idea.

  17. My iris are so big this year, they are drooping over the sidewalk. I think I will move them in the fall - closer to my porch!

  18. It's been raining off and on so everything is so wet. I need to get out there and cut down the Iris that are all done and maybe snap off the finished flowers. In a week the Peonies will be done too. Then the Poppies. I can't remember what will bloom after that. You'd think I'd know by now.

  19. That iris is one of my favorites. I can tell where you can find it growing on the top of the hill in Murray Cemetery in Iowa.

  20. Yes, some family history can be found. Some cemeteries have very good records.

  21. It's interesting how your blooming time catches up to ours after such a late start.
    Cemeteries can be serene, calming, and also interesting places.

  22. Iris's are pretty didn't know about the cemeteries though but there is a shit load of stuff I don't know...............

  23. I noticed mine are budding. They are late this year.

  24. Wonderful that you are doing some cemetery research--and safely away from crowds, too!--but don't forget to bring some water to drink, now that temperatures are finally on the way up.

    Didn't know that those iris blooms were a popular choice for cemeteries. They are a popular addition to home gardens in the neighborhoods around here. And a favorite subject for some water color paintings I've seen friends do.


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