Monday, June 1, 2020


I had a number of naps over the weekend.  I still feel a bit off.  Hopefully it will pass in a day or three. The softball has grown to melon is a very good thing I did not get the Shingrix shot in my arm.

I managed to get the small flower garden cleaned up and ready to plant.

We were close to freezing.  My Dad reported that it froze in town and that the ground was white with frost.  Hopefully we are safe to plant now.  The old timers would say it isn't safe until after the Full Moon in June...that is June 5th this year. I looked at the forecast and it looks okay now.

The Hoary Puccoon is in full bloom it is a little native plant. The root is used for a natural red dye.
Hoary Puccoon

I managed to do some weed control...Poison Ivy was sprayed and Canada Thistle was dealt with.

My efforts over the years are finally noticeable with less Poison Ivy along the multiple roads back here in the boonies.   I have a private ongoing war against  Poison Ivy. Yesterday was a perfect day; not much wind and ample sunshine.

Far Side


  1. I got my shot in the arm which is good as I have it done at the pharmacy. That's really awful about your reaction...I imagine you are really uncomfortable and probably the reason for naps too! Take care of yourself. I wish we had some of that Hoary Puccoon here as I am wanting to dye some yarn naturally. I've been saving avocado pits and skins, and onion skins.
    I am right there with you on the poison ivy! I have 3 poison plants (ivy, sumac and oak) that grow in my yard, it's a fight every spring! Stay well and stay safe!

  2. Rich didn't have any reaction to that which was good, but ouch...
    That Hoary Pucoon! Thank you for naming it! I found some on a rocky out cropping while hiking last week and had no idea what it was and have only seen it 3 times!

    I have a current war with an invasive species of thistle and sour dock. [I think that is the proper name for it]. Looks like I'll get a break for part of today. Rain!

  3. That really sound miserable. I hope you feel better soon! Araignee

  4. poison ivy must be about the only weed I don’t have. I am waging war on so many weeds at the moment but I’ll never get to the end of them. I love gardening but I wouldn’t mind being able to sit and admire occasionally.

  5. Our safe planting week is usually the third weekend in May. But the nurseries start selling things in mid-April and its so hard not to get too excited and plant early.

  6. My husband sprayed for Canada Thistle this weekend too. Our 1.5 acre lot actually is long and narrow, extending down into a valley/ravine in the back. We've left that area completely natural but the Canada Thistle has been encroaching more and more.

    Hope that lump from your shot goes away. Have you called your clinic to ask about the size of it? Sounds so much larger than any I've heard of.

  7. Sorry you're still not fully recovered from the shot. Hope it passes soon. Glad you were able to get some yard work done though.

  8. That is a strong reaction to the shot. Ouch! I hope you get better soon. Now I'm rethinking whether I want to pay $300 (for both shots) just to suffer.

  9. That sounds awful! Melon size! Naps are good. Your little garden is looking great. Keep resting! :)

  10. Naps are wonderful... I'm so sorry about your melon sized lump, that has to be pretty uncomfortable. Hope it starts to decrease soon. Stay well.

  11. Sorry to hear about your reaction to the shot you got. It sounds pretty awful.
    I've never heard of Hoary Puccoon and apparently we don't have it in BC so I'm not likely to see it. The yellow blooms are pretty though.

  12. We hate Poison Ivy! Cheryl has another case of it on her wrist, neck, and ankle. She has no idea how she got it.. aside from it being everywhere around us the moment you step off a paved trail. Iowa City needs to Hire Goats for Poison Ivy Trimming Duty!

  13. Do they want you to let them know if you have a reaction like that? Surely there is something they could tell you to do.
    Hope you are all better by the time you read this.

  14. The softball is the size of a melon! Not good! I hope it goes down soon and you feel better. Hopefully the frost is truly behind you now. We have turned our air on here.

  15. Wow Melon size? Not good. Hope all is better soon. Glad you're fighting the war against the poison ivy....that is nasty stuff. We had it in one spot at our last house location. we fought it too! Hope you're alot better soon.

  16. Poison ivy is not fun at all. We have very little of it here.

  17. I can bsrely move my right arm due to pain.
    Never seen posion ivy in my life

  18. I have never heard of that flower. You are Minnesota green. It looks good. I mowed in the heat this afternoon. Our friend has two different treatments for the whole week. We dodge around doing her schedule. I quit mowing in the morning just in time to get in the car and go to take her.

  19. That's a new one on me: hoary puccoon! I'd be curious to see what kind of red dye would be the result...although I'm thinking it would be quite messy to do.

    Hope you are feeling better soon...and that all that misery means the shot took real good!

  20. Did I miss a post where you said where you got the shot? I'm sorry you're having such a bad reaction and hope you are much better very soon. Take some more naps. They won't hurt anything and could do a lot of good.

  21. That reaction sounds dreadful. I hope you feel better real soon, Mxx

  22. I will have to look for that wildflower, it sure is pretty! I keep putting off the shingles shot, and need to get the lead out.

  23. I have a cousin who is a fibre artist, I'll tell her about this plant as she likes to make her own dyes.
    Hope the melon sized swelling is gone now.


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