Thursday, June 25, 2020

Road West

The road a mile west of us is  under construction.  We took a tour last weekend...just to see what was going on.  No one was working.
 an old corner
All the corners will be different and the road a bit taller so the snow blows off.

Last year my cousins construction company worked on the first four miles this time he was outbid on the five miles. 

Downtown Ponsford progress can be messy!

We are going east now to recycle instead of west.  We had been using the recycle bins just beyond the Firehall (the red building on the left).

Yesterday was another quiet day.  I worked on my milk can project.  I sprayed some weeds in and around the greenhouse/workshop.  I angered many ants near the sauna and in the wild gardens.  I sprayed Poison Ivy around the perimeter of the lawn.  I carved two Christmas Ornaments...Far Guy woodcarved and used that new trimmer to trim around trees and buildings! 

Far Side


  1. Sometimes, quiet days are welcome long as there aren't too many in a row.

  2. I enjoy a quiet day here and there. We have lots of road construction going on around here also.

  3. We go out so rarely that we were surprised to see a new traffic light had been put up just down the road. It makes getting out of our little development really hard now but it does stop speeders. Araignee

  4. That's too bad your brother didn't get the contract. What a big project! What voltage did you get on your trimmer? They have a bunch of different ones...the one I have is only 18 and it doesn't so that well. It's older. I was looking at the 30 V which is $107 but not sure I need that much. I can only hold it for so long anyway. What do you recommend? I am really curious about that milk can project! LOL!

    1. we got the 29 Volt one Powershot from Wally World. My cousin didn't get the contract.

  5. Poison Ivy! My neighbor has had goats for a few years and all the Poison Ivy has been eaten away from her forest and yard. Not that this is a practical solution, however, goat herds are being rented and tended in our area to fight invasive weeds. A goat !herd person brings a mesh electric portable fence and puts the goats in an area and rotates them through the problem areas.
    I wish I had a herd to turn loose in my woods!

    The roads look like a real mess. Does it turn into a mud bog when it rains?

    1. The road was a bit soft in spots. I would like to have some goats in here!

  6. Does the poison ivy keep spreading if you don't spray it? We have problems with Canada Thistle around here.

    1. Yes it spreads both by roots and seeds that the birds carry everywhere.

  7. Quiet days are good days. Interesting road work, I never heard of making a road taller.

  8. Don't you wonder whether that construction will get done in your lifetime???!!!! I wonder the same dang thing around here. It seems they've been doing it since my childhood!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. It's a shame your brother didn't get the contract this year. All road construction is a pain but it's worth it in the end...usually.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. When do we get a peek at that milk can project? Hope the construction is finished up soon. Have a great day :)

  11. Construction can be frustrating, but the result is worth the inconvenience.

  12. Seems like your summer is construction AND poison ivy--LOL! ;)

  13. I like quiet days but lately there are so many quiet days that I don't hardly know how to handle a busy day! You now have my curiosity up about the Christmas ornament and the milk can project!

  14. I remember when your cousin did the first part of the road. I thought it looked great! I'm sorry he didn't get this one too. I sure hope it doesn't rain too much, that would be a soupy mess. :-)
    Poison Ivy is nasty stuff. I think I already told you that I was so allergic as a child I would have to get shots once a week. I could be downwind a mile or so of a plant and still get it if I didn't get shots. I can't imagine being so close as to spray them. We don't seem to have as much out here as we did back in Iowa/Nebraska.
    It's quiet days here too. We're pondering some big decisions but I don't leave the campsite much. Dennis goes to work and back, stopping at our house to check on things and take a shower before work. We don't see many people except at a distance.

  15. It looks like a mess now, but the new road will be better than the old one (I hope)

  16. Construction means mess. At least building the road up so snow blows off is a good idea.

  17. The noise and mess of construction can be annoying but is often needed

  18. That does look like a road to avoid at this stage, mud or dust!

  19. You are such a busy twosome....always so many projects going on. You must never get bored. Ants seem to be our biggest enemy this summer. Glad we don't have poison ivy any more...we left that at our last house! Take care you two!


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