Friday, June 19, 2020

Cards etc...

We had thunder bumpers, wind and rain on Wednesday during the middle of the night, our rain gauge showed 2 1/2 inches of rain...lots of little sticks down in the yard.  I will mulch them up when I mow.  The grass is really going to grow now.

It was too wet to mow so I finished some cards.  I use watercolor pens, watercolor pencils, some solid watercolors what ever you call the watercolors in a tray and Prismacolor pencils.  Glitter in various forms to embellish the cards.   I stamp all my own cards on watercolor paper.  When I stamp I do many many cards at once cause stamping is messy...I throw them all in a box and then when I feel like working with color I have many stampings to choose from.

I mail out many cards and give some away so I need a good supply.

I bought this little stamp on was kinda ugly...but once I colored it and glittered it up a lot I really like it for a wintery card.

Far Guy worked on a project for me...a pair of tools to help with my milk can project.

Far Guy got his infusion and had something happen...a first for him.  His arm started to hurt and got incredibly cold.   The nurses wrapped his arm in a warm towel...but it was still cold and painful for a long time after we got home..

Groceries was an adventure...they were out of bread, yogurt and potatoes.  They had no print out for me, the young fellow said "It will be online for you."  It was...but a paper copy should accompany an order.  I don't let the delivery boy unload the cart...I disinfect everything but the fruit right there in the parking lot and put the groceries in my own bags.
Far Side


  1. Your milk can is full of fleece fresh from the sheep?

    1. So, Charlotte, are you thinking a spinning wheel milk can or a yarn covered milk can.

    2. I'm thinking of fleece inside the milk can, and you're going to card it using that wooden thiny and it's partner, later maybe spin it.

  2. I do the same thing with stamping because it is messy and I am sure to ruin everything if it's not all good and dry. You really have some beautiful cards there. Araignee

  3. That looks like something I'd love to do in my down time. I have kept the cards from you and use them in my Still Life photography because they are so unique and beautiful.
    We may get some rain on and off for the next couple of days.
    Thunder Bumpers? I love that expression!

  4. Your cards are gorgeous! I hope that doesn't happen to Far Guy again, had to be painful for him. Hope you two have a great weekend. Hugs and prayers

  5. I am proud to have some of these cards myself, mailed to me for one thing or another. I like to look at them later because they are so quintessentially Connie!

  6. I have one of your cards. It was lovely and sat on the shelf above my desk for quite a while.

  7. Your cards are gorgeous. I envy folks who have an artistic gift.

  8. We called them thunder boomers. :-)
    Your cards a wonderful, a special gift to the recipient.
    No potatoes? I remember tons of potatoes being dumped a couple of months ago because restaurants were closed.

  9. I treasure all the cards I’ve received from you.

  10. I hope Far Guy is feeling better. Did they say why he had a reaction like that? I always love to see your cards! One of your many artistic talents! There are still random items I can't get at the store but my favorite brand of rice seems to never be in stock any more. Okay, tools to help with the milk can project! Your clues and hints are sending my mind wandering everywhere!

  11. As a recipient of one of your cards, I can attest to how lovely they are!

    I sure hope the next infusion doesn't create a similar issue. It sounds quite frightening.

  12. I find colouring-in things really relaxing - your cards look amazing :)

  13. I hate how they are doing everything "ON LINE" now. Who goes ON LINE for Everything! I sure hope the next infusion goes better for Far Guy that was scary.

  14. You make such pretty cards! And the snowman in the jar is cute the way you colored and sparkled it.

    I sure hope FarGuy never has a repeat of that infusion. Sounds painful! No explanation from the nurses?

    Even your grocery trip had a fluke. Hopefully now next week will go smoothly.

  15. Cheryl loves your cards! She is always impressed with how simple but really "elaborate" you can make them. The adding of the color and glitter really makes it. She has dabbled with Hand-made cards before.. since her Mom works( ed) at Hallmark!. ( She has seen every card under the sun, so finding something special is quite the chore!) More Inspiration!

  16. A good storm gives you a job for a few days. 2 1/2 in is a lot of rain.

  17. Your cards are beautiful and I treasure each one. I'm sorry to hear about FG's latest infusion causing pain in his arm. I wish you both a blessed father's day weekend. xo

  18. Sorry to hear about what happened to Far Guy at his infusion this week. How odd, huh? Hope the pain has gone away by now. Your cards are so very lovely....I think that wintry card with the glitter turned out very beautiful too! You have such a touch that makes them turn out so beautiful. Any one who gets a card from you is blessed indeed. Stay well!

  19. Wow what awesome cards, so pretty I like

  20. When I talked to my sister on Thursday she was telling me about the bad storm they had just had. Since she lives in Manitoba I suppose it could have been the same storm that dumped all that rain on you.

  21. Nice you got to work on some cards.

    I had that happen with my arm when I had a transfusion once. It's nothing to worry about as long as it went away after a bit. Though if they usually use the same arm each time, it might be worth having Far Guy suggest they use the other one for a bit to give the veins on that one a rest.

  22. Doing the cards looks like fun. Sorry to hear Far Guy had a bad experience with the infusion. You sound like you are doing a great job of keeping safe. GLad to hear that.

  23. That tool is a beautiful work of art. I can' figure it out yet but I can wait. I had trouble with too many people at the market. No one was following the arrows.

  24. It looks like a musical instrument that Far Guy made. that's scary to have that kind of reaction..glad he's okay. I need to make cards but I think I need more stamps...I always need more supplies! LOL! that's too bad they were out of your items....those are basic needs.

  25. You really have me curious about your milk can project! That tool looks line something you would use for weaving string or yarn.
    Hope Gene doesn't have that reaction every time.

  26. I don't know how I missed this post. Well, I do, I had lots of days when I just didn't get moving early enough to read blogs..but I noticed it today over on the side and knew I wanted to see your cards! They are absolutely beautiful! Where do you get the envelopes and the card stock?

    1. Hobby Lobby or the local five and dime store:) I did order some for Christmas from online Paper Warehouse I think:)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie