Saturday, June 13, 2020

Snowball and Veronica

The Minnesota Snowball is blooming.  We had such a dry spring that the blooms are few and not real large but I enjoy them anyway.  Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' is its real name.

I mowed again, should be good for a few days unless it rains.  Far Guy wood carved and did a bunch of odd jobs...he says I must have hit a tree with the lawn mower...funny I don't recall that happening. I sprayed on the perimeter of our property and in the wildgardens for Poison Ivy.

The Veronica is in bloom out in the Wildgardens.
Such a pretty color! It self seeds itself...this planting started with  about 3 plants planted along a border. It is a good thing I don't care where it spreads to, if it gets out of control I mow it down.
Far Side


  1. Love the snowball bushes! Veronica is very pretty. Why did he think you hit a tree? Was there evidence?

  2. It's nice to see these pretty flowers growing so well. I looked up the Veronica flower and learned it also comes in pink. :-)

  3. Your flowers are lovely. I love it when they go wild! Glad you are keeping up on the poison ivy. That is no fun at all.

  4. Bravo, you are the Poison Ivy Avenger! I would always get into that stuff in Pennsylvania. Fortunately there is very little in Colorado.

  5. Love the snowball bush. My grandfather had one in his yard when we were little. One year, my brother and I (I think I was 5, he was 7) decided to have a "snowball fight". There wasn't a bloom left on the bush. We got in so much trouble!

  6. What pretty blooms you have! I love a field of blue. That must be so pretty to see in person. We don't have much blue here. Araignee

  7. I love your beautiful flowers. You are a multi-talented soul!

  8. What a pretty blue the Veronica is - it must look so lovely growing wild like that. The 'snowballs' are an intriguing flower, and I laughed at Wanderingcatstudio's comment above :)

  9. We have a snowball tree here- more a tree than a bush. I pruned it hard last year and it came back strong.
    Love a wildflower garden.

  10. Your snowball flowers are beautiful! The Wildgardens are always a favorite of mine and I love the Veronica. You two have a good weekend!

  11. Oh those flowers are pretty, Connie! Ya know, I only got 3 blooms on my peony this year and I thought that was soooo strange, as that plant is always loaded each year. Lack of water is what caused it? I honestly didn't know that. Thank you for educating me on the subject. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. Beautiful blooms - both big and small. Wildflower gardens are the best!

  13. I had forgotten the white snowballs. The hydrangeas are mostly blue, once in a while pink or purple, down here.

  14. Oh, I love the snowball tree flowers. Great photo too!💖

  15. My snowballs this year are prolific but way late. And hitting the low stump under the grass and leaves can happen and you might not even notice it so you can try that theory out on our guy and he's likely to buy it. :-)

    1. For sure! That must have been what bent the mower deck!! :)

  16. Both the snowball and the veronica are beautiful. Isn't it crazy? We've had a very usually wet, wet, wet spring so far. It's raining all day again. That's normal for the Seattle side of the Cascade Mountains but not over here on the east side in the high desert. That's okay. We're cozily tucked up in the trailer watching movies and crocheting. (Well, I'm crocheting, Dennis isn't!). Ha!

  17. I love Snowball bushes with their absolutely pure white flowers. More and more I find myself attracted to white blooms.

  18. The snowball is a very showy bloom.

  19. Your snowballs and veronica are beautiful. What a treat to enjoy their beauty this time of the year. We finally got some good rain this past week....I'm very glad of that!

  20. You are surrounded with so many beautiful flowers! Those Veronicas certainly do catch the eye. Yes, it is a great color.

  21. The snowball bush is so pretty, and I love wild flowers that take over like the blue veronica. I sprayed for posin ivy yesterday too.


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