Monday, June 22, 2020

Lady's Slippers

The Minnesota State flower is in full bloom.  We went for a ride to see a spot where the ditch was full of the beauties.

They always bloom around Father's Day.

Such beauty alongside the road.  These plants are native to Minnesota.

Back at home we have three Yellow Lady's Slippers blooming along the driveway. 

There are three blooms so far this year.  We have marked the spot with pink flags and are trying to keep the brush and the Poison Ivy under control in their area.  Far Guy clipped back all the brush with his long handled clipper.

Far Side


  1. I think Lady's Slippers are so beautiful, Connie. The pink ones are wonderful but I love your yellow ones too. Love, Andrea xoxo PS~ I'm not happy that you're "uneasy" too, as you said in your comment on my blog, but I'm surely happy I'm not alone. I do NOT like what I'm hearing regarding the virus a one bit! Wait & pray... we must wait & pray.

  2. That is such a beautiful flower. i am so glad I won the contest you had and was rewarded with a hand carved Lady slipper ornament. I proudly display it every year on my Christmas tree.

  3. This is one plant I would like to see in person. I don't think I ever have! They are incredible!
    Thank you for posting this.

  4. How lovely! I don't think I have ever seen one before. Araignee

  5. Oh! That entire batch of lady slippers is amazing! And I will always associate them with you. Such beauty! Thank you so much for sharing these. :-)

  6. Love those Lady Slippers! I've only seen yellow & pink. Never saw the white ones.

  7. I always enjoy seeing them on your blog. My memory of seeing them in a meadow near Grand Rapids was probably 25 years ago.

  8. I've never seen a yellow one. Beautiful. But the pink ones are so delicate will remain my favorite. I grew up in MN believing we had the most special state flower.

  9. Such dainty, pretty little flowers! Love them :)

  10. They are lovely! We have some kind of orchid type flower that has popped up in one of our fields. Funnily enough about the same time my sister 3000 miles away sent me a photo of a plant in her lawn, and it was the same thing. And then there was a post in my gardening group, and now I can't remember the name. I'm waiting for it to bloom.

  11. what a sweet little flower; can you believe Kentucky's state flower is goldenrod?!?

  12. The lady slippers are so lovely. I can't blame you for taking such good care of them.

  13. They are such pretty flowers. I have rarely seen yellow ones. :)

  14. Lady slippers are certainly one of my favorites.

  15. You have the most beautiful state flower! How wonderful to see a whole group of them together.

  16. What exquisite little flowers, no wonder they were made the State flower :)

  17. These are such beautiful and unique flowers....I have never seen so many together in one place! Amazing. Thank you for sharing the pictures. How nice that you have some right in your own yard too!

  18. What pretty wildflowers! Wish we had those in Oregon.

  19. Seeing a single Lady Slipper is a wonder so seeing so many in one area would take my breath away. I remember the yellow ones from my childhood but have not seen a pink one.

  20. Beautiful! We get there here too, but they aren't all that common.

  21. Beautiful. I loved the cards you made with the lady slipper stamps (would love to know where you found those stamps!)I've only seen small groupings of them while out hiking in out of the way places. Your large grouping is gorgeous.

    1. I found the Lady Slipper Stamps online. Not sure if they are available anymore:(

    2. Thanks for answering, I've been looking for Lady Slipper stamps for years and haven't had any luck.

  22. Oh so pretty! Our provincial flower is Dogwood, I always thought they should have picked something that grows all over the province instead of one that grows mostly in the southwest part.

  23. The Wild Orchids stamps are still being sold at our post office. The pink lady's slipper is one of the six different ones on the twenty stamp set.

  24. I didn't know that Lady's Slippers bloom around Father's Day. Interesting! They are such beautiful blooms. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  25. I've always loved these flower posts :-).


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