Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Summer stuff

Now that summer is officially here.  The lettuce harvest has begun.

Far Guy's garden; pear tomato plants and lettuce.  So far the deer and the rabbits have left it alone.

I harvested about half of the lettuce and will get the other half in a few days.  Then it will regrow a bit, we will see how it goes...I have more seed to replant.

We enjoyed it, it has so much more flavor than store bought lettuce.  I am thankful that I have a salad spinner as it really helps with the washing of the lettuce!

Our days are pretty much same old same old.  We wood carve on the Christmas Ornaments, and do household chores.  Yesterday I sprayed some Poison Ivy...it is what I do for fun.  It grew gang busters after the last couple of rains.  I worked on the big sort upstairs...and worked on the milk can project...it all keeps me out of trouble.  I am watching Alone: The Arctic on Netflix and I am really enjoying it!

Far Side


Sam I Am...... said...

Your lettuce is doing great! I've picked some of mine but need to plant more. I need to transplant my tomatoes and plant beans. Yes, I had to spray poison ivy too. Alone sounds good! I'll have to watch it. I always like your recommendations! Stay safe and well!

linda m said...

I love your little garden. It is so cute. I love fresh lettuce from the garden. Since we had a couple of days of rain the weeds have taken off like crazy. Glad you are keeping busy.

Araignee said...

What sweet little lettuce! I've got some kale that's ready to be picked but I've coddled the plants so much it feels wrong to pick it. Lol...Araignee

Martha said...

Sounds like the two of you keep good and busy. I've tried to grow so many things but the only success I've ever had were blackberries when I lived in north Florida years ago. They were so delicious and a million times better than store bought. Have a great day!

Victoria Zigler said...

Sounds like you're keeping busy as usual. Wish I was any good at growing things, but every time I've tried it hasn't worked out. Oh well, we all have our own skills... Gardening just isn't mine.

Wildflower Adventures said...

That lettuce looks mouth wathering for making a salad. We grew kale for the 1st time this year. The bugs have sure enjoyed it. Love your flower pictures!

Maebeme said...

We had rain and my lettuce is out of control. I may have to feed some to the bunny that visits the yard. Enjoy your project!

Shirley said...

Nothing like fresh greens! We have been eating spinach for a while, and yesterday I picked a head of butter crunch lettuce. Today I am picking a lot of spinach and trading for fresh eggs to a local lady. We have a bartering page on facebook.

Dawn said...

My mom always grew leaf lettuce in our big garden when I was a kid. I don't remember having rabbits or deer back then. I used to grow it too but we had deer and woodchucks and who knows what else that pretty much ate everything in the garden so after a couple years of that I just stopped growing anything. Now my husband has made a small garden with a tall fence and he grows tomatoes most years. Last year we just grew zinias in that spot because we weren't home enough to take care of tomatoes. This year we're back to tomatoes and I sure hope we get some!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Clever idea for a small garden. Enjoy the fresh lettuce.

Red said...

Food directly from soil is the greatest. I just had my first lettuce yesterday.

L. D. said...

My neighbors have planted lettuce and it looks great. We are watching "Shetland" gight now. We love seeing the different lands and the ocean.

Betsy said...

I wish I had planted a bit of lettuce too. It so tastes so much better than the store. I'm glad the two of you keep busy with all of your projects.

The Furry Gnome said...

Our lettuce patch is only a little bigger than yours, and our salad spinner is getting a lot os use too.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

My sistr grows lettuce and tomatoes and other stuff as well

diane in northern wis said...

Your lettuce looks delish! Glad the deer and rabbits are leaving it alone! So the wood carving continues and the work on the milk can project! It's always fun to hear what you two have been up to. Take care of each other!

Granny Marigold said...

I agree that home grown lettuce tastes so much better than bought. I gave in and bought a package of "Spring greens" last week but they were not very nice the first day and by the second I had to force myself to eat my salad. The third day the rest went to my rabbit. Thankfully my second sowing of lettuce is almost big enough to begin cutting.

Linda Reeder said...

Salad spinners are a great help for home grown lettuce. Ours isn't ready yet.

Karen said...

Have you tried oak leaf lettuce? It is so good. Kind of looks like a fern with a slight peppery taste. My new favorite and fast grower.

Henny Penny said...

That lettuce is so pretty. I've never in my life grown any lettuce that was fit to eat. Don't know why I can't grow lettuce. In your last post...the Lady's Slippers are simply beautiful.

Pauline Persing said...

Having your garden on wheels is a great idea.

Jacqi Stevens said...

We usually go overboard with tomato plantings, but have not tried growing lettuce. I think it would be too hot around here--more of a spring or fall planting. But interesting that the taste is more vibrant. That alone would be enough to tempt me to try it. That's why we never settle for store-bought tomatoes!

DJan said...

I've been enjoying lettuce and radishes from the garden. Soon our beet and mustard greens will all be gone, since everyone who works in the garden can take what they want. I love stuff we grow ourselves. :-)

Sara said...

What a clever way to grow lettuce. Love the wagon and Styrofoam?? containers. Great idea! I can't wait for the tomatoes to start ripening in the area so I can buy them at the farmers market. I gave up on growing my own.

Far Side of Fifty said...

yes styrofoam coolers that one of his medications come in:)

thecrazysheeplady said...

I didn't handle my lettuce right this spring and now I think it's too hot to start over. Fall...