Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tuesday Times

More of the same at our house.  I sprayed yet more Poison Ivy in the morning when the wind was calm.  After that I joined Far Guy in his wood carving office on the patio.

I carved two ornaments...Far Guy carved more than that.  He has his phone and a speaker for his music and he was all set.  He talked to his sister on the phone for a while. She is scheduled for a big surgery in early July as she is fighting Breast Cancer....she has completed two different rounds of chemo.

My latest shawl.

It can be worn many different ways.  I like this pattern, the yarn and the way it drapes.   This shawl made it to the shawl box but I have someone special in mind for it...someday.

In the evening I watered plants, cleaned out and filled bird baths and worked on the milk can project.  Far Guy ordered a new weed whacker...our last one would work about three minutes and then the battery would have to be charged...a new battery was almost as much as a new weed whacker. The new one works marvelously!  In a few days we will have the trimming all caught up with.  I can only walk around so many trees before I get dizzy!

The days seem to be going by faster and faster.
Far Side


  1. I love the color on the new shawl. I also know what you mean about getting dizzy from weed whacking around trees. My other problem when I use the weed whacker is I step backwards while walking; it hurts my shoulder too much going forward. Nice picture of Far Guy.

  2. That new shawl is just dreamy! I hear ya about the same ole, same ole. I am starting to feel like a prisoner in my own home and it's making me cranky-that and this heat. Summer is not as fun in isolation as spring was. Araignee

  3. Nice on the weed wacker! I got a new one last year and bought the premix fuel, it works so nicely but I only use it to get down large un-mowable areas after the pony and goat have gone through it.
    Love the shawl!
    I fought having a smart phone so long, but now enjoy having music nearby while I am weeding the garden or cooking supper. It is so handy!
    You have a great day!

  4. PS~ My thoughts are with you guys and FG's sister in her cancer fight. Such a difficult place to be.

  5. Sounds like another productive day. I'm in love with your latest shawl, so pretty! The days most definitely go by faster and faster the older I get. Sending prayers for Far Guy's sister and continued prayers for him. Hope your day is a good one :)

  6. Seems like you have a lot of admirers including me (looking at the previous comments). You have made another really beautiful shawl. And you are as busy as ever, it seems. :-)

  7. Sounds like another very productive day. Hope all goes smoothly for Far Guy's sister next month and afterwards.

  8. Saying prayers for Far Guy's sister. Hoping for a success outcome.

  9. I LOVE THAT Shawl!!! It's stunning! Prayers are being said for your Far Guy's Sister!! Hugs

  10. Prayers for your family. The shawl is just lovely. Any more it seems it is cheaper or the same price to just replace an item than try to fix it. My husband was having a problem with his tools with rechargeable batteries. They quit making the batteries to fit his tools! So he had to buy new tools to replace a battery. He did buy some replacement ones to go with them, so hopefully he is set for a while.

  11. The shawl is lovely, whoever the recipient may be is a very lucky person.

    Wishing your SIL a successful surgery and a win in the battle with cancer.

  12. Your routine is so much like ours, Connie, and centered around home. I wish we were neighbors as I know we'd get along beautifully.... especially our husbands. Of course now we couldn't visit together even if we were neighbors, huh. :-/ That shawl is absolutely gorgeous!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  13. Sending healing thoughts to Far Guy's sister. The new shawl is beautiful! I would love a battery powered weed whacker but only if it worked! What kind did you get?

  14. Both Far Guy and the shawl are beautiful!

  15. Good Morning Connie, It sounds like you and Far Guy keep yourselves pretty busy day by day. I've been at the lake 3 weeks now with last weekend spent on the mountain. I haven't been home in all of that time. Dennis stops at the house daily before and after work and does the yard work. Life seems strange right now. We're looking at a drive back to Nebraska/Iowa in the very near future. His baby sister's cancer has now spread to her lungs, liver and bones in addition to the pancreas. It's so heartbreaking as she is only in her mid 50's and has two new grandbabies.
    Life is full of unexpected turns of events and it's teaching me to try to enjoy each day no matter where I am.

  16. Striking color for the new shawl.
    So sorry about FarGuy's sister going through that.
    Surprisingly, the days do seem to be flying by.

  17. Doesn't it just burn you when a replacement part coasts so much! My printer cost $39. The ink cartridges cost almost $70. They can't be refilled or use a generic either.

  18. Guess it is the time of year for touch-ups around the yard. The two people Tom always hired for the odds and ends yardwork came today. I really appreciate the help. I can't do everything Clint can do. He is a high school student, very strong compared to me. He is cheerful too which I like. His great grandfather comes along and burns the branches the wind and rain have knocked down.

  19. That shawl is just gorgeous! I hope you will have an occasion to wear it soon.

  20. Great picture of Far Guy! He looks healthy and strong! What kind of weed whacker? I got a Sears gas powered last year but I think it's too heavy for me to lug around and I haven't been able to start's brand new so I know it's me! LOL! I need ear protection too and a shoulder harness. I have a Works battery powered but it doesn't work very well and the battery runs out. I think I need a "hired hand" but now is probably not a good time. I pray Far Guy's sister comes through everything alright and heals as good as new!
    Your shawl turned out lovely. I'm waiting for a needle to start's knitted. You should join our Year of Projects group on Ravelry! It starts July 1st! You have way more finishes than I do and such interesting projects. Stay well!

    1. Powersmart from Walmart it isn't real heavy. I hate messing with gas anything:)

  21. Your days sound kinda like mine lately except I can carve or knit or crochet. I have been walking up and down the dam spraying poison ivy, and weeding and watering. You do make the most beautiful shawls.

  22. The days certainly do go faster and faster. I find it incredible that next week we'll turn the calendar page to July.

  23. When I'm in the yard there's always something to do. So I see how you work.

  24. How long does it take you to make one shawl? you seem to be whipping them out in no time.

    1. It all depends on how much TV I watch in the evening:)

  25. Isn't that true...the days do seem to fly by....especially in the summer months. Of course now it gets dark earlier with every day. This has been such a bummer of a year...I wish it would stay light this long for the rest of the year, just to cheer us up! Take good care you two!

  26. sounds like a good almost summer day - the days have been quite pleasant. Anxious to see what you two are carving :)

  27. I have been keeping your sister in law in my prayers. Hope the treatments work for her.

  28. That wood carving office looks like a great location!

    Continued prayers for Far Guy's sister. She has been through a lot already.


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