Sunday, June 7, 2020

Almost Blooming

The Fern Leaf Peony just has one bud  But that one bloom will be appreciated!

This was a gift from long time blog friend Larry in Iowa a number of years ago.

Our late blooming Lilac has a number of buds.  I pruned it way back last year right after it bloomed...I will try to do that again this year.

We had several busy days.  We hung up the wasp nests, Far Guy only hit his cut up thumb once...ouch, I took care of more thistle and poison ivy, Far Guy sharpened his woodcarving tools.  We visited the last two cemeteries and took up the makes it easier for the people who mow.  We trimmed the Purple Leafed Sandcherry was looking leggy and had some dead wood.  We seem to find enough "stuff" to keep us busy everyday.  I harvested some rhubarb from the neighbors who always share their rhubarb...I washed it up and chopped it into cubes and froze it in 2 cup portions so it will be easy to make some jam or some other marvelous rhubarb creation! We took some time out to hold hands and watch the Bluebirds come into the bird bath in the evenings.

Far Side


  1. I have never seen that kind of peony before. It's really lovely. Such a vivid color. Araignee

  2. Taking time to hold hands and watch bluebirds - that's the best part.

  3. Mmmmm, the best thing to do with rhubarb is to make a rhubarb pie!

  4. Having land sure keeps a person busy. I hope your wasp nests work.
    Lovely peony. Summer is here. :)

  5. I like the hold=hands thing...Terry and I try to do that LOTS!

  6. That sounds like a PERFECT day. And glad you take time for the hand holding.

  7. Yes, I too smiled at the image of the two of you holding hands and watching the bluebirds. :-)

  8. What a sweet post! Enjoy your day.

  9. A good day, especially the birdwatching and hand holding!

  10. You and Far Guy have been busy! I am curious to know whether or not the fake wasp nests work. I love peonies, but have not have much luck growing them... yours will be beautiful.

  11. That's a pretty special Peony bloom! It sounds like you had another busy day. You get a lot done. I sure wish we had Bluebirds around here. Or at least if House Sparrows were a pretty blue colour.

  12. Holding hand is a really under rated pastime.
    Always so busy, I would need a lot of naps.

  13. There is usually something to do even if is just doing nothing

  14. I love your holding hands and watching the bluebirds. You two are special people. And always so busy with so many things. I love reading your blog!

  15. I'm with you o the rhubarb. I like rhubarb and have some tasty stuff in my garden.

  16. Holding hands made me remember ... Togetherness is such a precious thing, Mxx

  17. Whatever that "stuff" is, there never seems to be a shortage of it!

  18. You two are always so busy. I need to go home and harvest more rhubarb. I've been giving it all away but I need to freeze some for us too. I prepare mine for freezing just as you do, even the two cup portions.
    You asked on my blog if I ever use the join as you go method. Yes, that's what I usually do but the pattern for this baby blanket called for this unusual way of joining the squares. It took forever and I won't do it again soon!

  19. That is a pretty color peony. My Moma has peonies. Some are blooming good others not so good this year. Our lilacs are not as abundant with blooms as they have been in recent years.

  20. My peonies are a bit late this year. But they are full of buds, can't wait until they open. Same with my roses, I think everything is about a week later than last year.
    Holding hands and watching the bluebirds... awww!

  21. Love your blooms! You guys are like me..I never run out of things to do! I wish sometimes I would but that's why I take Sundays as a day of rest...literally! Lucky you with rhubarb! I need to check and see if Walmart has any frozen. I used to make a nice rhubarb cake almost like a coffee cake and with real whipped cream it was so good! Enjoy yours! Glad you are still holding hands and enjoying my favorite birds which only pass through here in the Spring.


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