Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Adam and his gal

Our youngest Grandson Adam stopped by with his girlfriend Molly.  We  met Molly before via Facetime but it was nice to meet her in person.  We sat out on the patio and visited distancing of course. 

Adam is having a busy summer working as a Prep Cook.

His report:  he likes the new house just fine, his room is spacious but warm...a new Air Conditioning System is being installed soon.  He and his parents moved June 12 and have totally gutted the kitchen, replumbed, rewired and relocated everything in the kitchen.

 Miney and Elvis are doing okay with the move....Miney can even go upstairs by herself....not down...Miney turned 15 years old last week.

He has taken up woodcarving as a hobby and is carving something for Molly.

We had a good visit.  Sure was nice of them to stop by!
Far Side


  1. How nice to have a visit! I sure miss my family. I hope to see the Grands on Friday for a few minutes.

  2. What a cute couple and you are so fortunate to get visitors. I am so alone and my neighbors never come out of their houses that there are times when I feel like that old movie where the world ends and you are the only one left! LOL! I need to get a cell phone so I can see my grands faces! The new house sounds awesome. I love fixing up houses but it costs a lot of money unless you do it yourself and I just don't have that kind of energy anymore.

  3. I'm so glad you had a nice visit. They are an adorable couple :)

  4. Nice looking couple. An outdoor visit sounds lovely with the shade of those trees & your flowers.

  5. What a wonderful visit! You have the sweetest grandchildren. I am glad the weather cooperated.

  6. How nice for you to have them visit and meet Molly in person. It's cool that Adam has taken up wood carving.

  7. A personal visit does lift the spirits. And how special that he has taken up wood carving.

  8. Cute couple! I like to see the younger generations taking up skills like woodcarving, crafting, etc. It's nice to know the skills wont be lost.

  9. It is great when the grandchildren visit.

  10. It is so much better to see family (and sweethearts) in person...even at a distance. Glad they moved okay and are very busy remodeling the new house. Hope they get AC pretty soon! ;)

  11. I am always so excited when our grand kids WANT to come to see us---on your own.

  12. Sounds like a great visit, catching up and enjoying one another's company.

  13. It’s always nice to have visitors, especially family.

  14. Cute couple, and so nice you could have a real live visit and catch up on the family news. That’s so neat that Adam inherited the family woodcarving skills! No one in our family has gotten my dad’s apparently.

  15. Awwwww.... what a beautiful picture of the darling couple. Despite this horrible virus, true love & life go on. That's wonderful to see! Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. How wonderful to see Adam and his girlfriend! It was sweet of them to come by to see you. They have been busy if they are completely redoing the kitchen in their new house! It will be nice to get it the way they would like it.

  17. Wood carving a prep cooking... Sounds like a similar life path to mine. It's always good to visit with family and friends now and then.

  18. How fun for Adam and Molly to stop by your place for a visit! Sure hope he gets air conditioning in his room soon! So he likes wood carving too? Must run in the family. Tell good-looking Adam that he's got a cute girlfriend!

  19. Adam and Molly make a lovely couple. Interesting that Adam has taken up wood carving. Is it in his genes or is that a coincidence?

  20. Wonder where Adam got his interest in wood carving?? He has a cute girlfriend. They look good together.

  21. Nice that you are getting visitors! Miney is 15? Time flies.....
    Very neat that Adam is a wood carver too. Some things are just genetic.

  22. Wow, he's a young man now. I feel like I've known him since he was a kid. Wait: I have! Nice looking couple.

  23. It is so nice when the grands come to visit. So glad you had a good time and got all caught up!

  24. What a nice opportunity for a visit! Even with social distancing. And how neat to hear Adam is taking up woodcarving, too.

  25. Nice you got to have a socially distanced visit with Adam and his girlfriend, and good to hear Adam likes the new house. Great Miney and Little Elvis are adjusting well to the move too.


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