Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Two projects finished

I have been working on a crochet design that I had in my head.  I took it apart a few times...decided I was possibly not a designer of any sort. 

I wanted a cowl with buttons...big buttons as someone I love likes big buttons.  I finally declared it done.

It looks a bit funky on the hanger.

At one time it had button holes...and I took them apart...the half double crochet is lacy enough to make a button hole through the stitches where ever you want....therefore being a multi functional design.  (HA)

Far Guy finished his woodcarving....and very sweetly said "Would you like this one sweetheart?"
Of course!

The base is some California wood that is hard as a rock...petrified perhaps.

The Christmas Ornament count increased yesterday...68 are completed.  We should be totally done with them in the next day or three.   I am ready to put this project behind me. ( We usually carve between 80 and 100 ornaments and they will all find a home!)

Far Side


  1. My goodness you're keeping busy. The shawl is pretty. The flower carving is really nice also. You guys should start an Etsy store.

  2. The cowl is really pretty. I crochet but never buy patterns, instead looking at an item and trying my best to recreate the item. I'm definitely trying to make one of the cowls. It will be for me so any little mistakes will be fine. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the shawls you make. You've inspired me to make a few for the local nursing home once it reopens to visitors.

  3. I love the cowl, especially the big buttons and the colors. Tell Far Guy he can make me a carving anytime. Love the one he just finished.

  4. I love hearing about your ornament carving every year :-).

  5. I like those big buttons too, adds style. Wood carving looks real & yeah me too, can be made a carving anytime.

  6. Two beautiful projects completed. I love FG's carving, and the cowl is quite pretty.

  7. You both amaze me with how much you accomplish. The shawl is pretty and will look good draped across real shoulders rather than a hanger.

  8. I won the drawing for an ornament last year. I will always treasure it! I showed it off to everyone who came during December. (And part of January, our tree stays up through Epiphany and I am not always quick to take it down the next day). I enjoy our big family celebrations and I am pretty worried with the way things are going as to whether we can have Christmas with our families this year.

  9. The shawl turned out beautiful! (love the buttons!) and Far Guy's carving = awesome!

  10. Oh my, how beautiful is that carving made by Far Guy!! It's absolutely wonderful!! He really did an awesome job making those flowers exactly like the real! I bet your family looks forward to all those special ornaments every year - how blessed they are!

    1. P. S. And your cowl is stunning! Great job!!

  11. Wow! More beautiful things! You guys are amazing. GOod idea,in one of the comments above, about doing shawls for the nursing home. Hmmmmm.....

  12. Lovely pieces of work! I love the cowl idea, the back of my neck and shoulders always get cold in winter. I might have to learn how to crochet just so I can make one:)

  13. Your shawl is so chic!! The little flower carving is just darling. What talent! Araignee

  14. It turned out beautiful, Connie! You are an artist! Far Guy's carving is so precious; I understand your complete delight with it!

  15. Love the cowl and how sweet of Far Guy to make that one for you! You two definitely keep busy. Have a great day :)

  16. Both projects are lovely! I like the cowl - it will certainly keep the chill out this winter. The dainty flowers look real, you're both very talented.

    Wow, that's a lot of ornaments!

  17. Oh, how sweet of Far Guy, and the cowl turned out perfect. It's so pretty. I love the colors and the big buttons. You both are designers!

  18. You two have more talent in your little fingers than I have in my entire body! The shawl turned out beautifully and I love the buttons too! I have no words for Far Guys woodcarving. It's exquisite. How blessed you are to recieve such a beautiful and loving gift from him. Take care and stay well.

  19. Lover of big buttons should be over the moon!
    FarGuy is so very talented. So pretty!

  20. All the words have been used - beautiful, stunning, amazing, pretty, exquisite, sweet, precious, chic, darling, wonderful, awesome. . . so I'll just say I like them both!

  21. Lots of project progress happening at your house! Love the shawl with the big buttons and the carving Far Guy did for you.

  22. Your shawl is gorgeous. My grandma was a seamstress and when she made herself something, she loved BIG buttons. FG's wood carving is really beautiful. Congrats on the completion of so many Christmas decorations.

  23. In my confinement I am not being at all productive. Your accomplishments are great!

  24. You two are amazing! I love the shawl, especially the colors and the buttons. I like the thought that you could button it anywhere you'd like and get creative with how you wear it. I love the wood carving! He is so talented and that is a very special gift for you to cherish!

  25. So v ery nice I like the colours and the big buttons

  26. Wonderful cowl , love the colors and the big buttons and the design. Very nice.
    Far guys flower are VERY nice. So talented the both of you!!!!!

  27. I love the carving Far Guy made for you. All the more special if it sits on petrified wood.

  28. OH what a beautiful cowl with big buttons! So cute! I'm sure that somebody you love, will just love it! I love that wood carving that far guy did for you too....the flowers are so pretty. And you are really making progress on the ornaments. You'll be done in no time. When I want to see people making progress on a zillion things....I head to your blog!!!

  29. No matter how difficult that wood base might have been, that carving turned out great! What a sweet gift. And your big buttons really make that cowl design pop! They are so distinctive.

  30. Love the colours of that shawl!

  31. You are a designer! That is a darling cowl and I too like the big buttons! You are so smart to design your own. I can barely follow the directions of others! LOL!
    Far Guy is so talented...I wouldn't know where to start! So delicate and he gave it to his sweetheart! He's a keeper!

  32. I love Far Guy's carving for you. The flowers remind me of those on one of the bushes Jeanne and I saw at Cedar Bog.

  33. Pretty colors! And I like the woodcarving, especially the pot. Nice work, FG!

  34. That is a lovely carving, of course you wanted it!
    I gave up on Christmas cards a couple years ago, I maybe send a half dozen to those family or friends who actually appreciate them.


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