Saturday, July 18, 2020

Hot Date

Yesterday I mowed in the morning and did some weed control.  It was very warm 80 something and humid.  It got hotter as the day wore on 88 F or 31 C eh. So we decided we could have a hot date.

The special order was ready at the local  helpful hardware place that did not wear masks to deliver at curbside service...they sent out two different people both without masks to double your exposure fun...the second time I said "You all should wear masks"  The dumbass replied "We will"

We waited inline at DQ...and enjoyed watching the tourists try to maneuver the complicated parking lot where the drive through goes right through the parking lot traffic lane. (It is a terrible design)  We enjoyed watching the husband has quite a sense of humor....sometimes a bit warped but a sense of humor none the less.

We took our ice cream to our favorite ice cream eating spot....Far Guy said "Our usual place?"  "Of course" Ice Cream was lunch.

We had a front row seat at this sculpture in GPP.  Far Guy said it was just wire and rocks.  I told him I thought it was suppose to be an ant colony...who really knows for sure?  It is not named.

I wonder how it is supposed to become an artsy fartsy destination if they cannot even name their sculptures.

Anyways we had a good date...a trip to town in the AC and ice cream...hey a hot day could be worse.
Far Side


  1. I knew a potter who made huge tall decorative vessels and wanted to call them after terrible disasters. Like Chernobyl. And a glass artist who made fabulous bowls with precious metals and semi-precious stones, and she called them No:1, No:2 etc. Weird.

  2. I love ice better date than your far guy.

  3. I have to run to town for ice cream today! OHHH hot! Love that you guys had a date like that. Rich and I did our lunch date in the car last week.
    I'm thinking of making a sign for the driveway. No Entry Without Masks! I don't have many visitors anyway, but I am tired of explaining why we prefer mask use.

  4. We did two pick ups at our hardware store and both times the guy had his nose sticking out of his mask. No more pick ups there. I'll Amazon stuff from now on even if it takes longer to get here. Our numbers are going up again since things opened back up. It's not going to long to be right back where we were before lockdown. Our little town added 5 cases this week. The state is back to adding 700 a day. Just in time for school to start. Ugh. Araignee

  5. We had a bad Covid day yesterday, but mostly it's been doing pretty well. Everyone wears masks here, even outside on the street. It's very reassuring.

  6. I hope you and Far guy stayed far away from the unmasked men! Hope you enjoyed your hot date ;)

  7. That was quite the hot date. Ice cream would be the perfect ending.

  8. Some crazy statues in that park--LOL!
    Nice date for ice cream. Was 92 here and storm last night.
    I wish they had a national mask mandate.

  9. Terry and I like to watch people too...people ARE funny!

  10. I have a grocery pickup at Wally World at noon and I sure hope they have their masks on. Life is getting crazier by the minute around here.
    I have to admit, I ususally don't understand modern art at all. Even when it IS named.

  11. I want to shop local, but no one seems to understand how to wear a mask properly, if at all. Today there is a demonstration of armed activists in Columbus, Ohio protesting any laws requiring masks in stores, public buildings or counties considered hot zones. I guess I keep supporting Amazon instead of local retailers.

    We live in a colonial style little town, founded by New Englanders who were granted land after fires destroyed most of their villages around 1800. Somehow our park system commissioned a sculpture for a local park that is 4 uneven sized rectangles of concrete painted white to be an easy target for graffiti.

  12. Our county now requires that masks be worn by everyone. About time! That statue is scary to me - it looks like rats climbing all over something. People watching is fun especially with a warped sense of humor! Ice cream for lunch is even better!

  13. I don't wear a mask but I rarely leave the house so not a problem I would if I had to though

  14. Well , you have to take care of yourself in heat. Good job.

  15. That is my kind of date! Dan and I used to get a Blizzard at Dairy Queen then park and watch people. Can't get him to go anywhere much any more. I don't like that kind of artwork. Looks too much like junk. I had much rather look at the beautiful historical old statues and monuments that have been taken down.

  16. Sounds like a perfect date for a hot day!

  17. Hot here too. I think I would have preferred your ice cream supper to my sliced tomatoes. Too hot to eat much.

  18. I have no suggestion for a name for that wire sculpture. But then art is in the eye of the creator, so I guess it's ok if some of us don't get it.
    I like your idea of a hot date.

  19. Ice cream makes any day better! Glad you enjoyed your date with your special guy.

  20. We broke the mold and went for sandwiches at Culvers, then ate them at home. Della had no been out for a couple of weeks, since we quit taking here friend to the hospital therapies.

  21. Ice cream is the most wonderful food ever invented! The sculpture looks like a barbed wire fence that got caught in a tractor mower. You're having the same weather as us! That's terrible!

  22. I think that sculpture looks like an ant colony too -- a way too big of one lol! We used to go get ice cream at Dairy Queen once a month, but they're all closed now. Ah, well. Good you guys had a great date day!!


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