Thursday, July 2, 2020

Red Winged Blackbird

This Red Winged Blackbird is real bossy.  He lives near my baby brothers dock on the lake.  HIS DOCK.

His job must not be done.

What do you suppose he is telling the fledgling?  Hurry up grow and fly?  Watch how I dive bomb the idiots on my dock!

The lake was quiet the night we went down to sit on the dock. ...the Red Winged Blackbird not so much

 The days have been quite warm and the humidity high.  It is summer after all.
Far Side


  1. We are getting that also hot humid and muggy. Almost too hot to even mow! Mornings are damp and misty which are pretty beautiful.
    I keep getting scolded by a wren!

  2. What a pretty bird! Being stuck home makes us notice the critters around us more. We never knew we had so many "neighbors". Araignee

  3. The Red Winged Blackbird is beautiful! I don't know about the Red Ringed ones but did you know regular blackbirds can learn to talk? There is one that lives at our local dump that says hello to everyone. I thought I was losing my mind, but after looking it up I found out it's really true!

  4. Seems most of the birds nesting around our yard are gone, though I have seen several robins.

  5. That is a beautiful bird, all right. I wonder too what he's telling the youngster. :-)

  6. A hot humid day here, too. We took the grandkids on a picnic. A breakfast picnic at 7:30 a.m. It was cooler and we didn't have to worry about social distancing. Now to try to amuse them indoors for the rest of the day.

  7. Red Wing black birds are constantly on the move and chatter all the time.

  8. Great photos!
    Have a wonderful day!

  9. They are aggressive birds, but OH HOW I LOVE to hear them Sing! And to see them fly!

  10. Must be a nest nearby. They get quite protective of their young.
    What a beautiful spot on the lake. :)

  11. The trill of the Red Wing Blackbird is lovely.

  12. I do love the blackbird song. I suspect this guy was just sqwacking!

    Have a great day.

  13. This is the first year we have had them at our feeders. They are bossy and they give the bossy blue jays a run for their money!

  14. We start seeing & hearing them when it gets late summer.

  15. On Tuesday evening I went outside to throw some water on a couple plants and found a red-winged blackbird dead on the ground.... I'm presuming after being chased & hitting the house. His neck was broken. :-( I cut two beautiful orange daylilies, laid them on the ground under the birdfeeder near the edge of the woods, and laid my little winged friend on top of them. I went inside the house, realized about 10 minutes later that I had forgotten something in the yard, went out to get it, and my little friend was gone.... daylilies undisturbed. So the circle of life continued and he went on to be food for something that was hungry. I love wildlife! Thank you for sharing your experiences, Connie. Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. I am not crazy about the Red Winged Black Birds. Their call is so shrill it’s irritating. They like me though as they come daily to my feeders.

  17. Those are great pictures! We get the Red Winged Blackbirds around here and they do seem to be busy and talkative birds. The most bossy birds we get are the Bluejays. It seems like they yell at everything and everybody!

  18. I used to see Red Winged Blackbirds all the time on the farm sitting on the fences. We didn't have a lake or a dock! LOL! I had no idea they were so bossy! :) Like Bonnie, around here it's the bluejays.

  19. I think the red winged blackbird song is lovely. We hear them on Whidbey Island. They are definitely wetland birds.
    Your photo reminded me of our local crows, which were especially noisy last week. The youngsters had fledged but still expected to be fed. They were quite demanding.

  20. Just sitting on the dock, listening to a red winged blackbird drown out your conversation. Yup...that sounds like summer all right. I guess I should say to enjoy summer since it's so fleeting in the north country.

  21. It was one of our most uncomfortable days. I stopped working outside at noon and I took lots of breaks.

  22. There are a number of Red-winged Blackbirds by the lake and occasionally a male will get fiercely territorial and dive bomb walkers. It makes him very unpopular.

  23. The crows out here have been loud and raucus. More so than normal summers. I wonder whats up with that. They are both here at the lake and in town too.

  24. I love your description of this bird! lol Looks like a beautiful area. Blessings for a safe and restful 4th.

  25. The harbor at the place on Pokegaa always had a pair the those birds. They were always scolding when you were near there or were getting into a boat. I remember their call when I was a kid in southern Iowa.

  26. They are noisy, but I do like them. I didn't realize you live so close to a lake.


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