Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Unexpected gifts

I got  a box from Wyoming!  Always fun to get something unexpected!!

Long time blogging friend Nancy mailed me a hanging kitchen towel and two dishrags!  Thank you so much! Nancy is a marvelous crafter...she knits and quilts...mostly Quilts of Valor for Veterans.

We got a text message yesterday afternoon inviting us to a social distancing supper with friends.   We ate outside on their back deck... that overlooks their pasture.  It was a perfect evening to be outside. We enjoyed brats and lettuce greens from their garden and some delicious rhubarb kuchen.
We even got in some dog time!

Buddy was happy to see us too!
Far Side


  1. LOL I had to look up what brats were. Here that is what we call naughty children, quite different from what you are eating :))

  2. Looks relaxing! More of the same here. Hot and muggy. I have a knitted washcloth and I love it.

  3. Glad you were able to get out with friends and enjoy a good meal. Love the gift from your friend. Still hot and humid here.

  4. Happy mail, a delicious dinner with friends, a beautiful view, and bonus sweet dog time - that's what a call a very nice day :)

  5. Love that long range view, seems relaxing summer fun with friends.

  6. All round, lovely treats! Take care and stay well.

  7. Isn't it a nice simple boost for the soul to get to visit with people? I have a coffee date with a friend tomorrow - on her porch. Can't wait.

  8. So nice that you were able to get to spend some time with friends. I can't wait to do that.

  9. That sounds wonderful! That's a beautiful view. I'll be glad when it cools down so we can be out and about again. Araignee

  10. What a nice evening and a beautiful view! Dog time is always good too!

  11. What an absolutely positively perfect day you had, Connie! I enjoyed it immensely, reading about it. Love, Andrea XOXO

  12. What sweet gifts!
    Nice to social distance with friends. :)

  13. I'm so glad you were able to see your friends. We had brats on the grill last night too with macaroni salad I made on Saturday. And a dog to love on just makes everything better doesn't it?

  14. Isn't Nancy a sweetheart! What a lovely gift and your dinner at your friends sounded great with a dog and great views and food! You lucked out that day!

  15. It sounds like a perfect summer evening.

  16. I'm sure it was very nice getting to go to have a social distancing meal with friends. Almost every morning we see these two old guys sitting in the park a proper distance apart and having a visit. They bring their folding chairs and sit in the sun or the shade depending on the weather. I'm glad to see that happening more and more. ( I say old guys but they're probably younger than we are).

  17. So nice to get something totally unexpected in the mail. And then to have such a nice socially distant get-together, complete with dog. :-)

  18. Beautiful gift! Cute dog! He does look happy!

  19. Love the view from the deck! I haven’t had a brat in a long time - too long.

  20. Wonderful wonderful wonderful ....good for you all!!!

  21. How fun to get a gift from a friend in Wyoming. Wyoming is one of my favorite states! And your social distancing supper sounded so nice. Glad you had some doggie time too.

  22. Always lovely to get surprises in the mail. Nice you got to have a socially distanced visit with some friends too.


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