Saturday, July 11, 2020

Oh Deer!

We have a doe and twin fawns...they browse in the wildgardens and are not scared of our voices.  They are probably the ones that stripped she who sees robins firsts tomato plants...they just left the stems.  My other baby brother said "She was madder than a hornet"

We have a bean field across the road. 

We watched this deer for a long time before she moved on.
She consumed many mouthfuls of bean foliage while we watched.

We had an uneventful day at home yesterday...Far Guy woodcarved, I did some laundry and cleaned the bathroom and after supper (pork chops and green beans) we went for a drive.

So far Far Guy's tomato plants have been safe in their spot right next to the house.  I harvested lettuce again yesterday.

Far Side


  1. Whoa Nellie! I hope they leave my tomatoes and beans alone or I'll be madder than a hornet too! Pork chops sound good. I haven't had them in a long time. I used to brown them in an electric skillet and then ass in quartered potatoes, mushroom soup and milk and it made the best gravy and of course green beans on the side. I used to like Shale and Bake too but now I make my own. Glad Far Guys veggies are safe.

  2. I saw a doe and twin fawns yesterday out in my yard sniffing at my tomato plants. We keep them covered now in netting. They can have the hostas but they will not get my precious cart garden. Araignee

  3. Love your photos. I wish I lived where I could see deer roam around, they are beautiful animals. Hope you are Far Guy have a great day :)

  4. Fun watching the deer as long as they leave your garden alone! No deer here, but we do have a couple of bunnies scooting around. So far they have left our garden alone but they have munched on our neighbor's strawberries... he caught them red handed!

  5. Our tomatoes are not doing too good this year so maybe the deer will not be as interested in our garden as they have been in the past. We have some pumpkins coming on & the deer like to paw & take bites out of the pumpkins just as the pumpkins start to turn orange. We have milk crates & such to put over some of the pumpkins when that time comes.

  6. Deer are very destructive, but, oh so beautiful

  7. Lots of deer out here at the lake too. They have destroyed the big garden here. 55 squash plants eaten down to the ground! They had beautiful yellow squash on them. All of the lettuce and tomatoes are gone too. It's discouraging but they are such beautiful and graceful animals to watch.
    Pork chops sound delicious. We haven't had them lately. We like them grilled with barbeque sauce.

  8. Yikes, I can imagine how angry your SIL would have been. Obviously these deer aren't very afraid of people.

    Have a good weekend.

  9. Cute deer. Too bad they eat so much.

  10. We live in town and have lots of deer. Here they like to destroy cars. My son had one run into the front end of his jeep just this week. When he was only 19, one ran across a six lane highway, past a state patrol in the median and hit his brand new car so hard he came in the windshield and landed on the front seat. My son had the smarts to have thrown the car in park and jumped out. I still get the shivers on that one.

  11. Hungry deer can be a big problem! They are pretty to look at but I'd be mad as a hornet if they ate my plants up, too!

  12. Nice for the farmers to plant beans to feed the deer. :)

  13. Those are beautiful photos of a pretty deer but I wouldn't want to donate my tomatoes to her either!

  14. beautiful creatures to watch, but boy do they love what farmers and gardeners plant, we have one that likes to come close to the house and eat zinnias and ate most of my green beans in the field, lucky for us we have a fence around most of the garden, they come when we are sleeping. '.
    Thanks for sharing,

  15. I always thought it must be so romantic having wild deer wandering around,but now I see they can be really destructive. I hope your tomatoes survive :)

  16. Lovely as it would be to watch deer in the yard I don't think I'd like them either if they ate my plants.

  17. Great deer photos!
    I see deer here in the soybean fields, but they are usually on the far side, too far to get a good photo.

  18. There are plenty of deer around here, too, and I saw a mom with two adorable spotted fawns stopping traffic right in the middle of the highway! Everyone was safe but traffic came to a complete stop. :-)

  19. As beautiful as deer are, I'm glad they are not munching away in my garden.

  20. The deer used to eat my aunt's rosebushes, which did not endear them to her.

  21. We have a doe and fawn, and also what appears to be a yearling hanging around. One of them kept eating the buds off my pink hydrangea. But I sprayed with some deer repellent just around that plant and now I have a couple new buds showing up.

  22. Mouth full of Beans! Today we watched two deer eat our mushrooms! ( Ones we were looking for in the forest.) Luckily, they did not eat them all and they actually allerted us to where they were! They were very cute.

  23. I haven't seen a white tailed deer for years. We have mule deer and lots of them.

  24. Glad your tomato plants are surviving so far! Hope that continues. Glad you had a nice quiet day and even got a drive in! Good for you!

  25. The deer here have even gone so far as eat all the day lily buds off the plants, so I won't have any day lily flowers this year, and that is a first for me. But, quite honestly, I just don't care. They have to eat something, I guess. This is the first year I have seen a doe with triplets, and those little guys sure like their day lily buds! Phil

  26. I thought about Far Guy when I found out what kind of volunteer tomato that I have. It is now loaded with yellow pear tomatoes. I could not have planned that as it came up in another garden area away from the original volunteer plant from last year. I follow a blog from Tennessee that has to almost woven wire cover everything.

  27. My sister lives in a plat but there is a strip of woods between her back yard and the elementary school that the deer like to visit.

  28. Those deer know where to find the good stuff! Nice pics.

  29. How nice to have fresh lettuce. I hope FG's tomatoes will be safe. Wishing you both a nice week.

  30. I'd be mad if I lost my tomato plants, too!


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