Saturday, July 25, 2020

Blooms and a crappy idea

Our weather is downright tropical.   I mowed in the morning before it got real hot. 

The rest of the day was quiet ...I had a long nap.

The Bee Balm or Monarda is blooming in the wild gardens.

Fireworks in flower form.

I am in between projects...Christmas Cards or Milk Can ...which project do I do next?
Something about the Christmas Card has me bugged...I need to work it out in my old brain.

I worked out a solution to stop riots...manure cannons mounted on the trucks that suck all the gunk out of your septic tank....u betcha...cover those rioters in poop...

Far Side


  1. Manure cannons sound like they would work LOL

  2. Please try to develop some empathy for the fight against racism that results in the ever present fear of dying because your skin isn't white.

  3. That is the best idea I have heard in a long time.

  4. Beautiful little flowers! I vote for the milk can project :)

  5. I did that as a kid. We had poop fights. Started with horse manure and moved to cow pies. Yeah, we got in a lot of trouble but we learned how to sling poo. Then we had to clean up and laugh about it still.
    I want to get out on my bike and seek out the bee balm and yellow cone flowers! Not today though. We did our hiking ... just around sunrise.

  6. Ewww! The bee balm is beautiful.

    Take care and stay well.

  7. HAHAHH THAT WOULD WORK! I love your purple bee balm. I have the red, but not the purple.

  8. Rioters that are destructive and looting are very different than peaceful protesters, though.
    Love the bee balm! :)

  9. Manure cannons eh? I think they would be very effective. Cheap too.

  10. Had to laugh the other day, people organizing a riot to defund police asked for a police presence... you can't fix stupid....
    I vote for the Milk Can Project, we all wanna see what it is!

  11. It's been mighty tropical here, too. Ugh. Just can't do any work in the garden without melting lately lol. I like Bee Balm -- very apt that they look like flower fireworks! I vote for milk can project next!! (Manure cannons, huh... sound like an effective treatment.)

  12. Tropical here too. I passed on playing golf today with my husband as I just don’t do well in the humidity. The ‘crappy” idea could be a winner!

  13. I would rather fire poop at the unidentifiable secret police who are beating and abducting innocent people protesting under their first amendment right. Wouldn't their efforts be better directed at actually finding and prosecuting rioters, looters and vandals? Instead they have beaten veterans, moms, dads and medics.

    1. I should add that I am the mother of a police officer. FYI, the secret police in Portland have not contacted and are not working with Portland police force.

  14. Throw poop on all of them. The can even use their leaf blowers to scatter it around.

  15. That Bee Balm is beautiful. I have never seen it close up before so I didn't know it looked like fireworks!
    I vote for the poop cannons for the rioters and the bullys that are causing distrution. If they are quietly protesting, that's different, but actually, I'm tired of being told to apologize for things I'm not responsible for.

  16. I've only ever seen Bee Balm with red blooms. Purple is very pretty too. Bee Balm is very prone to mildew around here so I don't even try to grow it.

  17. My monarda keep falling over this year, but I still like them. Poop patrol is a good idea.

  18. Sounds like your brain has really been working! I like the manure cannon idea!

  19. I agree with you, Connie. I don't understand the lawlessness... and I even more don't understand the government not allowed, by the mayors, to reel it all in. Because obviously the local governments don't know how to do it. Such tumult in our world these days. Love, Andrea xoxo

  20. If I wasn't so old I'd be protesting too. Most are peaceful protesters. I would be more concerned about the secret police forces sent it which is totally against our constitution. It is how Hitler started with instilling fear and denigrating the justice system and the press and people that were "different". Pray they don't come to a neighborhood near you.

  21. yes that was a crappy idea and I don't mean that in a positive way!


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