Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Small stuff

The smaller Milkweed is blooming. 

I believe this is Asclepias ovalifolia or Oval leafed Milkweed...it is one of the first Milkweeds to bloom.   I saw some Monarch Butterflies...and will go check for eggs soon...the Common Milkweed was in bud.   Its thick leaves have lots of food for larvae.  Milkweed is a host plant for the Monarch larvae.   The eggs laid on the leaves begin as tiny tiny black balls.

I mowed most of our lawn before it rained just enough tiny drops to be called rain.

Scrumbles...that is what the small pieces are called in freeform crochet..  I am watching some videos...it is all very interesting.

I have finished with phase one and two of the milk can project.  Jen turned up her nose and gagged when she encountered the project last weekend.  Phase three is almost done and then phase four can begin...then maybe even phase five...then six...it will take me all summer.  I am still not certain I can do it all...but I am giving it a whirl!

I did not wood carve yesterday...I am behind on my goal of two ornaments a day.  Thinking I will woodburn the names and date on these ornaments...I can do that outside...before I paint them...I have to do a sample.

I tell you what...if I didn't have lots of projects in the works during this isolation...I am certain I would go nuts or worse yet drive someone else nuts!

Far Side


  1. Perhaps that's my insomnia problem... I'm not keeping my hands busy enough, Connie. The Lord in heaven above knows that I have enough to do but I'm simply not doing it. The grandgirls were here for 11 days but they're gone now, so I have no excuse. Except for the fact that I didn't sleep well Sunday night and now tonight (Monday night) I haven't slept at all. Ugh! It's so hard to work or to concentrate on anything when sleep has been poor. I can't wait to see your "milk can project"... it has me baffled! Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. Mowing is an issue here but that is because hubby feels well enough to mow but not in the heat!
    All of my projects at the moment circle around weeding it seems.
    It is almost too muggy to paint ... but I may set up a fan on the porch and do it.
    Thanks for all the updates. Milkweed is blossoming here too!

  3. We all definitely need projects to keep busy with during this time. I still can't wait to see the milk can project!

  4. You always manage to have what seems to me dozens of projects at once. I don't know anybody else like you. You are amazing. :-)

  5. I've got plenty of projects but I'm still going nuts. My brain just doesn't want to focus these days. Araignee

  6. I remember having lots of milkweed growing in our area and it was exciting when we found those butterfly eggs. I don't remember however who taught us what to look for.

    BTW - I'm feeling a bit nuts even WITH lots of projects. I just miss "normal".

  7. Gagging? Now you really have us puzzled!
    Love the monarchs!
    Wood burning before painting sounds logical.
    Even when I don't feel well enough to actually get to all my projects just knowing I have them waiting for me keeps me sane. Maybe only makes sense to me--LOL! In the meantime I try to keep up online and with correspondence at least. :)

  8. I think I need some milkweed in my garden!

  9. I'm glad you have lots of projects! Sounds like you're really busy with them all. I love that you can do some of it outside. In the shade this heat isn't really that bad. Says the girl sitting in her big comfy chair inside in the air conditioning.

  10. I can’t imagine getting through these crazy days without my numerous projects.

  11. You certainly have no shortage of projects! I am so curious about that milk can project. I can't imagine what would make Jen gag unless you were using smelly chemicals or paints on it. I'm looking forward to your final result. With your talent and creativity I know it will be awsome!

  12. I'm glad you have lots of projects to fill your days so you don't go crazy during this hard time. Harder for you and FG than for most of us.
    Your milk can project seems quite complicated if it has so many steps. I can't wait for the reveal.

  13. More milk can clues. You are cooking up something, that's for sure.
    My biggest project right now is keeping myself going. That takes a lot of time and work.

  14. I have a bunch of milk cans. Half of them could go to my brother-in-law but he's not speaking to me anymore. I have had to stow them away. I hope you project gives me a good idea for one mine. I have had one that I got from a lady in Coin, Iowa back in 1974. I opened it recently and it was full of pine cones.

  15. As long as your looking after milkweed and monarchs , you're fine.

  16. Now you've really got me intrigued about your milk can project. I've never seen milkweed but I love Monarch butterflies.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. Life is crazy here and virtually no projects are being worked on besides packing the house. If I'm lucky I knit one or two rows on Dennis's socks each night. I'm exhausted by nightfall. Trying to find somewhere in the trailer for everything is "interesting" too. I think I need to downsize my things even more.

  18. I'll have to keep an eye out for the milkweed. One year on the farm in the Fall if I remember. I got home from work and my son said "Mom. you've got to come and see this" He wouldn't even let me change clothes. Well, I'm glad he didn't because in our wood lot there were 1,000's of monarch butterflies. The trees were covered with them. Why we didn't take a picture I don't know but it is something I will never ever forget nor will my children. It's a once in a lifetime event.
    I cannot imagine what the milk can project is and why Jen would turn her nose up at it? I think that's what keeps me going is all my projects in and around the house not counting crafts! LOL!

  19. Glad you have all those projects to keep you busy.


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