Thursday, July 16, 2020

Night Visitors

Want a peek at what goes through our yard at night?

The white and black kitty cat.  It must be feral...Far Guy has seen it and tried to call to probably eats mice and chippys!!

The Raccoons...double trouble...they drink all the water out of the bird baths and they like the seed that was dropped on the ground by the bear


We may have two bears...they frequent the yard between three and four in the morning and at ten o'clock at night.  They were caught on the game cam two days in a row at those times.

This is no teeny tiny cuddly bear.

It is however a bear that appreciates my flowers and didn't mess them up.
We figured we were pretty safe leaving the feeders had been 16 days since their last visit.
All the feeders are safely tucked away at night now.

My lawn mower needs some kind of holder for a very sharp stick or a rifle....or I need a super charged lawn mower instead of one that putts along...bears can run faster than my lawn mower.

Far Side


  1. Oh boy!!! It's probably since Chance is gone and they know it! It seems I get more critters here now that the girl's scent is no longer around. Boy they van make a mess! 10:00 could be sitting on your front porch or out looking at the moon! Ar they night creatures? They're out during the day too aren't they? I'm sure the motor of your lawn mower would keep them away. They're not aggressive..usually! LOL! Be careful!

  2. P.S. Click on my website I think that's the only way you can get to it and if so I may need to go to another provider. Still waiting to hear fro Google.

  3. The bears coming in my yard would be scary. A few years ago i had to take all my feeders in at night because some critter was destroying them. We had a nature conservancy behind our other house. Since moving here we haven't had any trouble.

  4. Whoa!!!!! And I thought our groundhogs were scary. Araignee

  5. That is one huge bear. And your night visitors are fascinating. Raccoons are destructive critters, too. Yikes! :-)

  6. It's wonderful to see nature up close but a bear (or two) would be a bit much for me.

  7. I just happened to look out the window last night just after dark & saw 2 cats mozying through the garden like they owned the place. We don't have any cats.

  8. Yikes! Bears would freak me out, but how interesting. We do have mountain lions around here and I've been thinking a trail cam might be kind of interesting to put out in our back yard.

  9. When in our naturalist class one of the visitors from the DNR did suggest that feeders be taken down during the summer. That said, I would love to have a feeder other than the humming bird feeder up. I imagine it is wonderful to watch all the different birds!

    Our yard is surrounded by mules on 3 sides so rarely do we get any unwanted visitors. I actually have them around the sweet corn when it starts to ripen.

  10. There are many surprises shown on game cameras. Nice one.

  11. Sure hope that kitty finds a warm home before winter sets in. And might be time to rig up a scabbard for your mower!

  12. Yikes, that is definitely not a little cuddly bear, it's huge! I would be afraid to go outside at all LOL!

  13. Since you seem to know when they visit, just to make sure you’re not mowing then. It’s probably dark anyway😀
    I had often thought it would be fun to put a go pro camera on a cat and see where they go at night. I know when I had cats they were night prowlers.u

  14. Yikes! Lots of things going “bump” in the night at your house. Be careful out there.

  15. I love all the traffic you have around you at night, except for the bear of course - I've thought I'd like to place a trail cam as well and see what we have around. But there's a part of me that's afraid to find out. :-)

  16. I find the thought of bears wandering around your house very scary. Stay safe out there :) xx

  17. Scary! But wow, what great pictures! Do you keep your trash can locked up in the garage or something? I know they will go for that. I wonder if a motion sensor light would scare them? You two be careful!

    1. The garbage is in the garage locked up and there is a motion sensor light in our yard:)

  18. How fun to see all of those creatures on your game cam. Did they all show up the same night? We have lots of bears here at the lake and I'm careful to only take my walks in inhabited areas. The berries are ocming on and that always brings the bears down to the valleys. Be careful my friend. You need a super-boost rocket speed on your mower.

  19. Black bears are usually pretty shy. A noisy lawnmower should keep them away. Forget the birdfeeder! I would be worried about the garbage! The raccoons are enough to tear things up around here. Bears are like raccoons, only Stronger! What a mess they would make...

  20. Now that I had a racoon tumble off my railing with the hanging feeder I will just bring it in each night. I don't know what will happen with two bears. I would be concerned.

    1. Yes, it could then turn into a couple then babies. Nature.

  21. I kinda wish I lived somewhere that had bears. We have them in Ontario, but they are much further north than I live.

  22. Holy moley! Cats and raccoons are one thing, but bears - oh my! I have only ever seen one bear in my life and that was at a zoo many years ago. Mmm, not sure I'd want to live where bears are. 😱 At least your pretty flowers are okay!!

  23. Oh crap, a holster or a gun scabbard . At least a lookout!

  24. I love seeing pictures from wildlife cams. I need to set mine up!

  25. You certainly get interesting visitors at night. The bears you no doubt could do without. Keep safe.

  26. That is quite the bear! Naughty bear ~ we haven't had any evidence of bears this year (yet).

  27. So now, tell me again: why are you running your putt putt lawn mower between three and four in the morning?????

    At least the bear has decent taste in flower gardens!

  28. Wow - bears! Awesome (and a little scary)...

  29. We live right below a lot of orchards that the bears just love so it is always a possibility of seeing them here but so far none have come into our yard. We haven't had the raccoons for a while either ever since Thumper laid a licking on one.


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