Monday, July 13, 2020

Plant from a friend

Years ago ...probably about 20 some years I got a small plant from Faye.  
It grew! 

It grows on the sunny side of the grain bin.  It attaches itself to some wire fencing that Far Guy put up that goes to the roof of the grain bin.

Far Guy was inspired to carve a few of these flowers...a work in progress. 

This plant is Clematis virginana  or Virgin' s Bower.  They are quite fragrant. 

We had a busy day...I am still not happy with the Christmas Ornaments...I shall try option d tomorrow.  We are almost done carving ...this week should see them all carved and ready for painting when and if the kinks are worked out. 

The latest shawl is being blocked.    I am still working on the project with no pattern...sure hope it turns out as I imagine. 

I watched Just Go With It on Netflix...a funny movie I give it a 8 out of 10 stars. 

I place a large order with Wally World...we shall see if delivery really happens in two days.  
Far Side


  1. The plant is beautiful. Best wishes with your carving and the shawl.

  2. Pretty flowers. I have one by my dining room window but don't know the name of it. I bet the carving will be lovely.💖

  3. Beautiful plant. One day I'll have a clematis too! I always enjoyed their flowers when staying with my grandparents in the summer.
    You are so ahead of me. Last thing on my mind is anything Christmas right now.

  4. Is that what I have? It blooms in the Fall and looks just like that. It has totally covered my old clothes pole. I don't remember it being especially fragrant but then again it is in the back part of the yard so maybe I haven't really smelled it. Good luck with your carving. It sounds like you are ahead of schedule this year. I hope you get the kinks worked out so you are happy with it.

  5. That is a lovely bush. It reminds me of snow falling on evergreens. It's our 17th day of over 90 degree temps so snow is but a distant dream. I'd give anything for a cool breeze. Araignee

  6. That is a lovely plant. I wish i could smell the fragrance. Good luck with the Christmas ornament carving - hope option D works for you.

  7. What a beautiful plant! Hope option D works out well. Have a great day :)

  8. A very pretty plant and what a bonus if it smells nice. I had coffee with a friend on her patio last week and she has a jasmine plant that has grown quite large this summer. It smelled so good.

  9. That clematis is lovely. Is it native to some region, or a cultivar?

  10. What a beautiful bush! I'm sure every time you look at it you think of your friend.

  11. What a gorgeous display of blooms! I’ve been very pleased with my Walmart pickup orders, especially the fresh produce. I’m glad I have that option. Went to church yesterday (first time since March that I worshipped in person) - a spoken service only - no music. The early service is full of non-mask wearers which makes me too uncomfortable. The spoken service had four worshippers (myself included) - all social distanced and wearing masks. I will go again.

  12. I have one of those plants too. When I was a little girl, maybe 6 or 7, we lived in an older house in town that had one of these, I just loved it. Then many many years later my folks lived in a lake house in Alabama and mom planted one. They had little ones coming up in the yard all over that they just mowed. One year she brought me a little seedling and now I have one blooming in my perennial bed. Well, not blooming yet, but in August it will be. I need to make something for it to climb higher as it's all over itself and any other shrub it can find. Sure smells good though and I have good memories when I look at it as my folks have been gone for a long time.

  13. I have always loved the Clematis with all the beautiful, tiny flowers. You two have done a great job on carving the ornaments to be almost done! An exciting part of Christmas is waiting for your ornament reveal each year!

  14. You had a busy day. Love your flowers. Good luck with your Christmas ornaments, I'm sure they will be lovely.

  15. Beautiful bush. I imagine FarGuy would carve a lovely flower from it.

    I heard Wally World was really going whole hog on delivery service. You'll have to let us know how it works. They're supposed to be delivering food, too, within 24 hours. Could be a great idea.

  16. That is a beautiful plant. I can see why Far Guy wanted to carve these pretty flowers.

  17. That Clematis is very lovely. Even its name, Virgin's Bower, is pretty.

  18. It is a pretty clematis. I wish to have one but I won't get one just yet. It is too hot.

  19. That is such a pretty flower and I'd love to smell it. I'm sorry you're growing frustrated with the painting attempts. I hope plan D goes better for you.

  20. Nice when a plant shows so much development in 20 years.

  21. What a beautiful clematis you got from your friend. I can just imagine how heavenly it smells too. So your carving is almost done and now to paint. Sounds like quite a job. And you're making another one of your beautiful shawls. How awesome. Hope finishing up your ornaments will go well for you!

  22. People call that Virginia Clematis here, but same thing... smells heavenly, ahhhhh! We had some growing on the fence at a previous rental many years ago. It was quite prolific. I cobbed some for a family member's garden before we moved out of that place lol. I'm looking forward to seeing Far Guy's carving of it!

  23. What a beautiful--and enormous!--plant. I bet the fragrance is wonderful.


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