Monday, February 17, 2020

Trail cam

Finally the Trail Cam became visible again...we didn't know for sure what tree we put it on and then it snowed and snowed.  Well let me tell you reaching it was no small feat.  Like an Olympic Swimmer I floundered on top of the snow...finally reaching my destination whilst snow was invading my boots and all my wondrous movements shoved snow up my coat AND shirt.  Far Guy was watching from the kitchen window and said he didn't know what he was going to do if I got stuck in the snowbank.

So as long as I got the trail cam out of a five foot snow drift I will show you some pictures.

My brother or my nephew removing snow with one machine.

Then they come along with another machine and blow all the snow further away!

The Trail Cam takes some  decent photos!

There were a few photos that made us smile.

One of our tree rats

Other than the snow adventure we had a quiet day yesterday.  Far Guy talked to many people on the phone.  I tried a new to me crochet was a struggle.  I was ready to give one point I thought I could just keep going but no my OCD  CDO wouldn't let me...I frogged and crocheted and frogged and crocheted...finally after supper I got the stitches correct...or real close to correct!  At least now it is just a four row repeat so I can watch TV and crochet.

Far Side


  1. Wow! Those are some big machines! That is really great that the come and do that! Love the tree rat picture! LOL! I had the same crochet problem yesterday with that scarf I started but I think I finally got it right. I'm not sure I can watch t.v. and do anything though. I'm not OCD or DCO but I think I might be AD! LOL!

  2. Glad you didn't get stuck in the snow, and managed to figure out the crochet pattern.

  3. That squirrel photo is just too funny! I had to laugh out loud.

  4. Belated Birthday wishes to Far Guy. I wasn't on the computer this weekend so I didn't know it was his birthday. I pray he has many more to come. Love the trail cam pictures.

  5. It's nice to have a trail cam that can give you so much enjoyment. And I'm glad you got it without getting stuck in the snow. Congratulations on having a new crochet stitch mastered. :-)

  6. I bet that trail camera is so entertaining! What fun.

  7. Wow, five foot snow bank! I like challenging myself with new patterns but I have to have complete quiet when I am figuring them out. I am so proud of myself when I finally get it right!💖

  8. I love the photo of the squirrel, that's hilarious. Thanks for risking your safety to get to the trail cam. Far Guy may have had to call your brother to come dig you out.

    Good on you for sticking with the pattern. I'm not sure I would.

  9. WOW! Those are giant machines. I'm glad they come up and take away the HUGE amount of snow you get. Whew! And I'm glad you didn't get stuck. Just say'n!

  10. I got a good laugh at the squirrel photo! Happy that you and Far Guy have someone to help with all that white stuff.

  11. You need some snow shoes, Connie! I love the squirrel staring right into the camera, like he knew he was getting his picture taken and posed.
    We got a trail cam for Christmas but all we catch is me going to the clothesline and Paul taking the compost out. Boooo-ring. We know we have raccoons because if we don’t get the sunroom doors closed before dusk, they come in and help themselves to Bob’s food bowl. We catch them because they make a lot of noise banging around the metal bowl when it’s empty!

  12. Nice big machine! Love the tracks, wish ours had tracks like that but I'm okay with ours.
    I had 150 shots of deer playing around the trail cams just last week in one night. I put fresh batteries in the cam and set it back out for this week.
    I love the squirrel shot, just so funny.

  13. How nice that you have family to help with snow removal. Can you imagine shoveling all of that? I bet you can! I laughed out loud at your description of yourself getting to the camera. I'm SO glad that our snow is gone for now. Highly unusual for February, but hey, I'm not complaining!
    Love the tree rat photo. That's how I feel about squirrels. I used to think they were cute until we started having issues with them and our old trailer.

  14. What an experience you had with that little trek through the snow. You need snow shoes. I always love your trail cam pictures. That picture of the squirrel is priceless!

  15. I love that you call squirrels tree rats... very appropriate! I have ripped out sooooo many rows of knitting in the last couple of weeks... I feel your pain! I can't blame OCD (CDO) for me not giving up. It's just plain stubborness!

  16. You've got much more snow than I have.

  17. You have heavy duty machines for heavy duty snow! The "tree rat" seemed to want to make sure that you got a good photo of it. It is pretty cute.

  18. Great Pics! We have no tree Rats here on the edge of Virginia and West Virginia and I'm so glad! Sharon

  19. Those are the kind of machines they use on the sidewalks here. They're awesome!
    I love the tree rat looking right into the camera--LOL!
    Glad you did not get stuck out there!!

  20. Love the Ghost Deer and Squirrel. Lots of snow....

  21. You have SO much snow! I'm sure glad you didn't get stuck in it.

  22. I like the pictures from your trail cam...especially those cute animals! I'm glad too, that you didn't get stuck out there in the yard! Sure love that pic of your Chance on the header with all the snow on him. so sweet.


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