Sunday, February 2, 2020

Still gloomy

Gloomy but warm it was about 30 F yesterday.   The sun made a very brief appearance and then went away AGAIN.

After the Grand dogs left I watched two very unremarkable movies...The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch a Jewish Comedy  I give it 2 stars out of 10...for comedy only.  Then I watched Inside Man Most Wanted a hostage shoot em up thriller...not so thrilling..I give it 3 stars out of 10 maybe.  Neither is worth a second watch EVER.

I usually crochet when I am watching a movie.   I worked on some Wildlife Rescue Nests and some seven inch squares that will be donated to a gal making afghans for charity.

A flower photo from blog reader Roz.  What a beautiful Hibiscus! 
Far Side


  1. It was sunny and nice yesterday and today is a heat wave...sunny and 74 F! I hope you get some sun and warm temps too! Ours is coming from the southwest. I plan on spending the day outside! I can always tell how good a movie is if I put my handwork down to watch it! LOL! I was thinking of getting the Disney channel as Lady and The Tramp was my favorite movie as a kid....the cartoon version. Acorn with all the British shows looks good too but I don't watch that much t.v. to warrant it. Have a great day and I hope the sun shines on you!

  2. 30 must feel like a heat wave to you. It's going to be 60 here today. That sounds wonderful but something about it being so warm just feels wrong. I want to wear my pretty woolly things. Not today.

  3. It is now 41 outside and it is early! I see the sun. And the very next thing that will happen, is everything will become muddy and mucky. After today it will cool off again.

  4. Sometimes, at the end of a movie, I wonder who thought it was such a good idea to spend all that money to film it. And sometimes I wonder why I spend all that time to watch it.

  5. We have a beautiful day here. It might even get into the 60's. But we are back in the deep freeze with snow and ice Tuesday. I hope you find some better movies!

  6. I think I'll pass on those movies. Oh, and I felt the same way about The Laundromat--even with Meryl Streep in it. Was 38 here yesterday Dagan told me! Supposed to be at least that warm again today and then get cold again.

  7. We had 50's Friday and Saturday with more rain, but today we woke to bright blue skies and colder again. The highs are supposed to be in the 20's to low 30's and snow by Tuesday. It's been a roller-coaster with the weather here this winter. So unusual.
    We've been watching The Crown on Netflix. I had watched it previously but Dennis had never seen it. He's a history buff and I suggested it to him. It's a fairly accurate portrayal of events. I've also been watching Victoria on Amazon Prime and learning history from it too.

  8. Catching up. The ice castle is super cool! So nice to see art in the dead of winter. Your visitors are just like mine - keep pushing the meal times up - regardless. Sterling's thing is he sits right in front of you (in the way) and stares. Glad your Dad's finger is getting better as well. Hope you all warm up, we are on the downhill side but we both know, February can still be a bugger!

  9. We started yesterday with a temperature of 51°F and ended it with 32. The day got colder as it went on. I won't bother to watch those two movies. Thanks for the heads up. :-)

  10. I wouldn't be able to sit through 2 bad movies. Or even 1. I have a hard enough time sitting through a good movie. We have sunshine today, I can't remember where you are but if you're east of us I'll send it your way!

  11. Cloudy here today too, but 43 degrees! I opened a few windows and got some fresh air in! Cooling down again tomorrow. We're ordering Chinese food today as we watch the Super Bowl. Should be fun. Hope you're both doing well and taking good care of each other!

  12. We saw a little sun off and on yesterday and today. As for movies - I'm hanging out in my office because my husband is watching Patton for about the 50th time. I can honestly say I hate that movie.

  13. Your weather is much like ours these days. We even had a skiff of snow overnight.

  14. We all have seen movies that we can't unwatch or the best thing we say about them was we didn't fall aleep while watching it

  15. Today was bright and sunny, and it really lifted our spirits after such a dark, rainy January. I saw my shadow today!


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