Saturday, February 8, 2020

No list day

I flitted from project to project and got nothing completely done except a nap which could have been longer!

I sorted files upstairs...I have lots of paper to shred.  I filled another box with books.  I put some stuff on my work table, when it is full to overflowing I will go back to that again.  Far Guy even sorted through some of his crap treasures.

We have three trunks to go was accomplished, we did it together and decided what to do with some of it.  Things were discussed...that is a beginning...and it helps that we are mostly on the same page.

I did some laundry, dusted part of the house, crocheted for awhile and worked on the old Farm Diaries from 1926 and shoveled.

It was a day.  This week I would have picked these orange roses for myself.
Far Side


  1. This is good sorting weather. Too bad I can't convince The Mister. I would love to go through and sort the holiday stuff. Most of it needs to GO.

  2. My guy is the sorter and thrower-outer. I tend to pile and don't pay attention until it gets critical. But it always does, eventually. :-)

  3. Sounds like a good day to me. I need to get back to sorting photos. I have lots of photos of the grandchildren I want to give to them.

  4. Even without a list you got a lot accomplished. I've been slacking on my decluttering and need to get back to it soon.

  5. It sounds like you did get a lot done, even without a list. Dennis is the one who gets rid of things. I'm sentimental about most of it. I remembe where, when and who from I got something from and I just can't say goodbye to it. Not him. He has less than 10 shirts for work, about 5 short sleeve shirts for summer and 5-7 pair of dress pants. 2-3 pair of jeans and that's it. His clothes fit in a tiny corner of the closet. Me on the other hand have clothes in sizes from 6 to 20! I can't bring myself to get rid of them because I might fit again someday. It's ridiculous. I wish I could wave a magic wand and just have things disappear.

  6. It's hard to go through that sentimental stuff or family history stuff. I have a big tub of scrapbooks that my mother kept. They are full of sentimental things but also full of newspaper or magazine clippings she just found interesting. Neither of my girls will probably want them but I'm hoping they will go through them with me to determine what does need to be kept.

  7. Sounds like you got a lot done! Portions of tasks add up in the end. :)
    More napping!

  8. You are inspiring me. I have so much to go through. I have many sentimental items passed down to me and I am afraid my sons will not want it. I'm having a hard time with that.

  9. You accomplish so much. My sorting just tends to make more piles. I have so much trouble letting go.

  10. I have not tossed nor sorted as much as you two have been doing. I do have the open mode to toss thins when I see them which have not meaning to me and or should have never been moved here in the first place. More snow for you tomorrow and a little bit for us.

  11. No list is nice, just going with the flow but then that is how I roll
    Paper shredders are a great invention

  12. Good luck on parting with the old treasures.

  13. One trunk sorted, 2 to go. Progress is being made, that's the main thing.
    I love the orange roses you would have picked.

  14. It sounds like you got a lot done for having no list!
    I finally decided to do some creative sewing, using scraps to make place mats and a table topper. Tomorrow is going to be dry! We'll go for a destination walk. I'll put my sewing aside next week until I get the income taxes done. It's time.

  15. I think you got a lot done today. You guys are quite the troopers I'd say! Even if flitting from one thing to another, you still accomplished quite a bit and even got a nap in. Good for you. And all this on a NO LIST day! Wow. I love those roses too, but they remind me of Fall.

  16. Glad you are doing so well on sorting. Beautiful roses.

  17. Sounds like a very productive day, even if none of the projects actually got finished. Progress is always good though.

  18. Good for you! I still haven't finished the bedroom but just a little bit left and no more drawers in there to go through. Those roses are gorgeous! I'm not sure that I have ever seen orange roses before.


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