Thursday, February 20, 2020


I wasted some time yesterday frogging a crochet just was not right and it didn't look anything like the photo in the pattern.  I began golly I think I've got it to a point AGAIN where I can watch TV and crochet. I was determined...mostly because I like the pattern and it can be done again and will make a really nice gift!

It was time to shovel. The patio before I shoveled.  Nice clean snow to cover up the old dirty snow.  Take it from me it looks like it was warm...but it was not.  The day started out -23 F  or -30 C eh and warmed up to a balmy +7 F or -13 C eh.  Whoopie!  So it warmed up 30 degrees F or 17 C.

Time to photograph the snowstick! There is still 19 inches of snow at the snowstick.

I am not certain where the day went but before I knew was time to help with supper....steak and salmon.

Far Side


  1. I am going to stop complaining about our chilly 40's. After being in the 60's it's hard to go back to the colder temps but at least I'm not shoveling anything this year.

  2. Just reading your temperatures makes me shiver. Tom and I have had a lot of days this winter that we have not done much. We are reading a lot.

  3. Single digits here also with below zero wind chill. Hurry up spring.

  4. Now that is cold! I watch a podcast out of Cloquet called Northern Seclusion and he always gives a weather report and it was a cold one! They adopted a Rottweiller too! It was nice to see one but it made me miss Nitty, of course. It was nice here yesterday...sunny and 48 and it was great for walking. This morning it's 37 F and snowing but melting the minute it hits a surface.
    I have had to tear things out when I first start a new to me pattern. I get it usually about the 3rd try! LOL! I can't wait to see your shawl! Have a good day and stay warm!

  5. I am sure glad I don't live in a place that cold. It doesn't look very inviting at all. I am now still puzzled by the term "frogging" and wonder what it is. I guess I'll go look it up. :-)

    1. "rip it rip it" it means ripping out your knitting or crocheting and starting over, so frogging:)

    2. I knew what it meant but didn't know why it was called frogging. Thanks for the explanation.

  6. Yes some warmer weather around the corner.... hope it comes!

  7. Funny, that seems like how most of my days go, too. WAIT - it's time for supper???

  8. Fresh clean snow - and sunshine - makes the world so sparkly. We have the bitter cold back too, but at least the sun has been shining. I fell asleep with the newspaper in my lap after lunch yesterday and slept way too long.

  9. I don't know what frogging means, either, but I take it that it wasn't good.
    That's awful cold to be out shoveling!! Dangerous! I hope you went inside often to warm up.
    I often don't know how the days go by so quickly. ;)

  10. Frogging a project is disheartening, but yarn can be reworked. . . Sounds like you’re back on track.

  11. I'm glad you have your crochet back to a comfortable place now. Goodness it's cold there! Now I feel back for saying it was cold here the other day when it was in the 20's. I guess it's a matter of perspective isn't it? I do remember the Nebraska winters where our tires would go thump, thump, thump for awhile because they froze with a flat spot on them and they took awhile to warm up!
    Stay warm today. Prayers for you and Far Guy.

  12. That sure is a lot of snow and it doesn't look warm to me - sun or no sun! You have had so much snow that it seems like the snowstick would be buried by now. Does the wind blow some of it away? It can't be melting!

  13. Glad you managed to figure out the project in the end, and got some shoveling done. Hope you went inside to warm up regularly though. I mean, I'm a fan of cold weather, but even I wouldn't want to be out long in those temperatures.

  14. 19 inches of snow and you folk seem to be fine. We could get 1 to 3 inches today and people have gone crazy. Schools letting out early today and some are closed tomorrow, and look, the ground is so warm the snow could not possibly stick. Oh well, I'm one of the crazies too. Seems to me like time to fix supper gets here awfully quick every day. :)

  15. I like the way you always put in Celsius temperature with and eh.

  16. We reached the freezing mark today - I hope this weather sticks around here but I'm willing to share.

  17. I think I've figured out why I'm no good at doing any type of handwork. I don't have the patience to rip out stitches so anything that didn't turn out was scrapped. At least with baking and cooking you can eat the not-so-great product. I do greatly admire the various things people knit or crochet though.

  18. I think it's so cool that you guys work on supper together! I'd like to get that going at my house! I'm glad you have the patience to rip out something that isn't working and work it until it's right! Did you know you have many great attributes? Are you at Bingo tonight with your dad? Hope you win! Take care.

  19. The weekend is looking positively balmy!!

  20. At least there when it isn't snowing it is sunny. We have been fortunate to have a week of sunny weather here, and we are all very excited about it. It even got sort of warm today, 55 degrees!

  21. Oh, that is so unimaginably cold! It looks pretty though :)
    Stay warm, hope you enjoyed supper.


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