Thursday, February 13, 2020


It was cold 10 PM Wednesday night we have -23 F or -30 C  eh! and it will probably get colder.  Time for the  full length down  parka.  We didn't get much snow a little fell and blew away.  The Wind Chill temperatures are brutal.

We stayed busy all day.
A Pileated Woodpecker came in for a snack at the suet feeder. 

We stopped by the accountants office on Monday and had our taxes sent electronically...good to have that done for another year.  I asked them how long do you keep tax returns and the substantiating paperwork.  The reply was three years.  I had returns in my file cabinet from the 1970's.  AND I was keeping returns and substantiating papers for seven years.  Many papers were shredded.

I finished the last eight squares for the Crochet Along Project.  These squares are all going into a box until I get the proper board and dowels to  block them all to exactly the same size before I join them.   I have eighty squares all together.   It was a project...but I was ready to be done with it and move onto something else.

The something else was finished also and sent off in the mail today. 

Afghan yarn was packed away for now.  I kept all small bits of yarn to make hearts for The Peyton Project.  Yarn to crochet wildlife nests is still around to work on as are socks to knit.

 More stuff was rounded up for the big table is full to overflowing.

There is no lack of projects around here.
Far Side


  1. Snow and below zero temps set in around here last night. Brrrrrr! Wish i could see well enough to crochet again. Dr says my eyes are fine but when I try to crochet it is blurry - go figure. Having my monthly massage today. Hope i don't freeze on the way over. Keep safe and warm.

  2. That is COLD! It is supposed to be in the 60's here today and drop into the 20's tomorrow. Bye bye all my pretty blooms. This winter has been a roller coaster but still no snow in the forecast.
    I love those pretty squares! If it didn't mean adding to my already overwhelming stash I'd be tempted to start a crochet project. I did enjoy the one afghan I made. It took me years but I did finish it. My knit one, on the other hand is still languishing with only the edging to go.

  3. Glad you got your taxes filed and some of your projects finished. Stay warm!

  4. I'm waiting on one more piece of paper from the VA so I can take our taxes in and visit with the 'human' mom of Charlie since she does our work.
    It isn't that cold here yet but tonight and tomorrow will be very nasty. The mules have gathered in a pocket where the wind doesn't blow and they are warming in the sun.
    I have projects for today and tomorrow. Cleaning up a room upstairs and sorting.
    Your sorting ... is inspiring. But I always want to do something else!

  5. That is so cold! We get our taxes done at the local Senior Center by AARP volunteers. Our appointment is in early March, but we get back just a teeny bit every year, so we don't try to hurry to get the return like we did when we were working. Love those squares and look forward to the finished product. :-)

  6. I still have my tax returns from the 70's too! Everyone once in a while I go through them, but I can't part with them. We love to laugh at the dollar amounts.

  7. Yup--brrr! It's -24 this morning. The wind has died down from the craziness of yesterday but the wind chill is still -35. I hope you get to stay inside today with all your projects. :)

  8. When I moved, my niece (an accountant) told me to get rid of a lot of paperwork I was keeping. I now have a system for tossing one year of documents when I add the new year.

  9. O! Man! That is cold! Napping weather for sure!

  10. Gosh, it's cold there! We're having an abnormally warm few weeks and I'm enjoying it. I woke up to brilliant blue skies again. Your squares are beautiful and will make a stunning blanket. I started a baby blanket last night. Just something to work on in the evenings when it's too dark to cross-stitch and I want busy hands.
    I have asked several accountants your question and the answer ranges from 3 to 7 years. I still haven't shredded anything, but we have 35 years worth. I need to take care of that soon.
    Stay warm my friend! Praying for both you and Gene.

  11. Brrr! Interesting info regarding taxes and I bet you feel ☺ happy about finishing the lovely CAP blocks. Aren't you lucky to have the piliated woodpecker at your feeder!💖

  12. Well. I don't think I have returns from the 70's but almost.

  13. In Canada, the rule is 7 years but most people file electronically now so I don't think there are a lot paper records except from many years ago. I do have the working copy of my Dad's farm return from 1946 or 1947. We found it among his papers when we cleared out the house.

    Love the afghan squares - it is going to be beautiful!

  14. Those squares are so pretty. Wish I could knit or crochet. I can't even imagine it being -30 degrees. That is too cold!

  15. And I thought we were cold getting down to 4 last night! Last year I went through all of our old tax papers going back to the 1970's. It was fun to see some of it but it had to go. We are now keeping seven years worth at a time.

    Your final squares are beautiful! Eighty squares will make a wonderful afghan. I love hearing about your big sort. I am trying to get the courage and energy to start my big sort!

  16. I'm envious of the Pileated Woodpecker that comes to your suet feeder. They are such magnificent birds. I did have a horde of tiny Bush Tits at our suet. We watched them while we ( and they) had lunch,

  17. Yeah, that’s cold! We are having unseasonably warm (80 ugh yesterday) and the flowers are all blooming a month ahead.

  18. Yay for a finished project! It feels so good to get to completion, doesn't it? I love your blocks and look forward to seeing them all put together.

  19. That sounds dreadfully cold, so it must be good to have things indoors to do. I used to take great joy in shredding our business papers when we no longer had to keep hold of them (they took up so much space). Love your crochet squares too.

  20. Great to see a Pileated at your feeder!

  21. I filed our taxes on Tuesday of this week, after organizing all of the paper work on Monday. I use TurboTax and it all went smoothly. Even though I file electronically, I print up the finished forms and keep all of the supporting documents and we store them. We are still keeping them seven years back. I have two years worth sitting on the hearth, ready to be burned in the fireplace.
    I am envious of your woodpecker visitor, but not of your COLD!

  22. Your many projects are wonderful to hear about and to see. I love the pileated woodpecker...we had one visit our deck railing last summer...they are so big....they look a bit prehistoric to me! We get the really cold temps tonight and then things should start to climb back into decent temp. ranges....even 40s coming up before too long. Hang in there!

  23. Apparently, a woodpecker around here has decided that the windowsill outside my bedroom window is just the perfect place for his daily breakfast snack. I can't tell you exactly what kind of woodpecker he is...except noisy.

  24. Brrrrrr! I don't think I could handle cold temps like that. I would never leave the house! We finally got snow. Just a few cm. today we are supposed to get cold temps. -8 celcius. But when you factor in the wind it's colder.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  25. I'm a day late reading this post but it was 16 here this morning. That's what I get for opening my big mouth about spring! Stay warm! Your squares are so pretty! You can take one of those kneeling garden foam thingies and get yourself some bamboo skewers at the grocery store. I've not tried it but I saw it online when I was looking at those expensive wooden ones. I thought it looked like a nice, less expensive alternative and if it doesn't work then you can buy the more expensive one. From the one I saw you can stack them on top of each other on the skewers.
    3 years? Whoa Nellie! I always thought it was 7 years too. Now I have more to burn! LOL!

  26. I don't think I have ever see that woodpecker in real life.The are a big bird. My mom never blocked her squares so she had really bumpy afghans. Now I have all those bumpy afghans. I am going to give more of them away to cousins in southern Iowa this summer.


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