Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Finally some sun!

The sun came out for most of the day yesterday.

Yard with squirrel tracks

June the snowbank

I was in no danger using the snow rake...it has a real long handle...I think about 12 feet with one extension and 18 feet with two extensions.  So I could stand back a long way and pull the snow off a little at a time.  Easy peasy.  The whole snow rake is rather heavy...the worst part for me was getting it all the way up there where I wanted it!  Yes the snow comes down with a bit of force and splats all over the patio...like I said I made myself a mess...but I cleaned it all up and today after the sun was shining there is little to no ice where before we had ice...mission accomplished!   I am after all a Minnesota gal and we can deal with snow! ( most of the time)

Errands and  Pulmonary Therapy were accomplished....and Far Guy felt good enough to go to Woodcarving.  Everyone there was happy to see us!

The tax papers were dropped off at the accountants...glad to have that done for another year.

Three more medical appointments this week. One of which may involve a stop by Hobby Lobby.
Far Side


  1. Oh dear, I'd forgotten all about those nasty taxes. I've had to pay in the last few years which is always a shock to the system.

  2. Oh, taxes...I need to get that down on the list. April seems so far away until it isn't! LOL! Good for you and glad you both made it to woodcarving. I can't wait to see what you get at HL.

  3. I'm so glad the sun came out and FG could go to wood carving! The warm up made our place ice bound...then the sun came out again and the driveway is a sinkhole of muck, well half of it is.
    It will refreeze in the next few days I hope. Taxes! I need to get my insurance papers from the VA yet and I'm good to go...

  4. Wasn't that great having the sun out yesterday. I did my happy dance. Almost all of the snow is ff the roofs. Of course with all the melting going on the sump pump is running. So happy to hear Far Guy felt well enough to go to woodcarving.

  5. Sounds like a good day! The snow raking sounds like something my grandsons would love. June is pretty high. We have lost most of our snow here in the Island. I am not sad and hope it stays away.💖

  6. Those stinking taxes are haunting me. I am thinking MAYBE Saturday. In the meantime, I am very sympathetic to your snow; much more this year. We are in tizzy here in Northern Ohio. My facebook memories talk of closed roads and businesses closing early due to snowfalls. 2020 brought 60 degree temperatures and sunshine yesterday.

  7. Got all my papers together this morning for the taxes. Just need the courage do get on the computer and do them! We always pay and it always makes me mad!

  8. We get our taxes done at the local Senior Center by AARP volunteers. We're pretty easy and could probably do it ourselves, but this is free, so why not? BTW, I didn't watch the halftime show and have heard it was pretty bad (Superbowl). I waited until the last quarter to tune in. :-)

  9. So that's where the sun went yesterday. It was certainly missing here. And still missing today again. But I can see what might be a little blue sky way out in the distance today.

  10. Always good when Hobby Lobby is part of an appointment day.

  11. Hoo Ray for sun! We are in the middle of a nasty wind storm full of ugly snow spitting clouds. I am SO ready for drying weather. JUNE IS HUGE!!!!

  12. We dropped our papers off last week. Now we wait on pins and needles to hear the result. I have an appointment this morning and then going to Hobby Lobby for some embroidery floss. Lots more snow on the way so I need to be ready in case of Armegeddon! Ha!

  13. Hobby Lobby is like Mecca. We hit it every time we go to the big mall at Jordan Creek,West Des Moines. They put it up without us knowing and we drive by and there it was. That was less than a year ago. I couldn't get the car turned into that lot fast enough for my wife.

  14. See, I sent you some sun. We rarely get enough snow that we have to remove it from the roof.

  15. So glad you made it to woodcarving!
    I would think getting the heavy rake up high enough would take a lot of muscle and some precision. Sounds like you've got that down.
    Enjoy the sunshine! :)

  16. You sure are a Minnesota gal and quite good at taking care of that snow! It is fun to see June - I thought she must be gaining a bit of weight! I'm so happy to hear Far Guy felt like going to wood carving. It always does a lot of good to get together with friends. I'm sorry to hear you have all those appointments this week but if a Hobby Lobby visit is involved then possibly some new yarn may be involved! I hope your sun holds out for a bit!

  17. Well as long as the appointment takes you to Hobby Lobby, it sounds okay. :)

  18. YAY for sunshine. With all the snow it must be blinding when the sun shines.

  19. Great job on your roof! We have the beautiful sunshine today although it's cold as ice! So glad you got to go to woodcarving and see your friends. I had a doctor appt. today...now I get to start wearing compression stockings! Oh joy. What fun these older years bring. Oh and he found a small spot of skin cancer on my forehead so that gets cut out next month. Can't wait! All my best to both of you....stay well!

  20. Hope you got to squeeze in some Hobby Lobby therapy! That blue sky in your photos looks so beautiful, especially in contrast with that bright white snow!

  21. Thanks for reassuring me about the roof rake. I figured you knew what you were doing.

  22. Glad you have that rake to reach to sort the snow safely, and that you got it all cleared off so there wasn't ice to deal with. Also, glad errands and appointments were accomplished.


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