Monday, February 24, 2020


I went from one project to another all day Sunday.   I have a bunch of afghan squares drying, laundry done, Christmas Cards dealt with (I save letters from year to year and most photos), and more stuff sorted upstairs.  The year 1927 is all done in the Farm Diaries and I began 1928.  Two years to go...the end is in sight! Maybe.
I walked around outside, it was sunny but much cooler than yesterday 37 F or 3 C was the high on Sunday.
Menus were made for the week and a grocery list complied.
After all we must eat to survive the Winter!  Just like this fat ole squirrel.

Far Guy is still very short of breath, if I had three eyes they would all be on him.  One day at a time.

Far Side


  1. I'm keeping prayers going for Far Guy.

  2. Glad it was such a productive day, even if you only got bits and pieces of various projects done. Sorry Far Guy is still short of breath though.

  3. Keeping Far Guy in my prayers. We had the warm temps yesterday and now they are telling us that we can expect another snow storm Tuesday and Wednesday. Come on Spring!!

  4. That is a chubby little squirrel! I hope Far Guy is on the mend soon.

  5. Keeping FG in my thoughts. And that squirrel is definitely not starving! :-)

  6. Prayers winging their way to you and to Heaven!!

  7. What a busy productive day you had. I know that feeling of three eyes - I hope he recovers soon. Mxx

  8. You got a lot done in one day. Your squirrels look fat and sassy like ours. They can be daring little buggers. I'm keeping Far Side in my prayers.

  9. I am not as on task as you are! Wish I was. Though this week calls for upstairs cleaning for company. I hope FG shows improvement!
    This morning was beautiful, Cardinals were singing all over the woods!

  10. Oh my, I sure hope Far Guy's health will improve soon with a call for the transplant.

    The squirrel looks pretty darn happy. I noticed I had one this morning at the feeder too...looking fat and happy.

  11. Three eyes would be good. I pray he's breathing better soon.
    That is one well fed squirrel.
    Sounds like the end is finally in sight on the diaries!
    Have a really good week. :)

  12. I hope Far Guy is breathing better soon and not coming down with something. We have just about wrapped up our 6 -Kleenex-box, first-colds-in-five-years and it was no fun. We stayed away from everyone and everything so as to not infect anyone else, but today I will be going back to PT. Your squirrels look very healthy and plump. Must be all those sunflower seeds they’re snacking on at your feeder!

  13. I am sure your children would say you had eyes in the back of your head! :)
    Farguy a prayer for you for easier breathing.

  14. Really like the caption for this post.

  15. It sounds like you got a lot done yesterday. I'm sorry that Far Guy is still so short of breath. Does he have pulmonary therapy this week and can they help him then?
    That squirrel looks pretty happy doesn't he?

    1. Yes he was at Pulmonary Therapy this morning, no they are of no help at all. It is just a wait and see thing we have been through this before many times:(

  16. I love the title of this post! We are battling squirrels here... they are such a nuisance. I will keep you and Far Guy in my prayers.

  17. Too many productive days like yesterday and you might eventually run out of jobs to do!!

  18. The Squirrels always seem to do just fine in the extreme cold. Must be that big fluffy tail... and all of those bird feeders. Hope Far Guy feels better.

  19. So sorry about Far Guy struggling so. These are supposed to be the golden years! That squirrel does look fat. You got a lot done! Do you have a garage sale or sell on Ebay? Ebay seems so time consuming but you have a wider audience.

  20. All you can do is take it one day at a time and hope he had more good days then bad days

  21. I wanted to comment too that the photo of snow covered Chance in your header made me grin.

  22. Hoping for improvement for FG. I hope your staying busy is easing your worry, Connie.

  23. Sorry to hear that far guy is still having a hard time breathing. Hope he can get over that soon and chase it away for a long, long, time. Glad you had some warm weather....for a little while anyway. Take good care of each other!

  24. I'd offer to send him a lung as I'm currently trying to cough one up...

  25. Prayers for Far Guy !!!Glad you did productive work in bits and pieces. We had somewhat warm temperature yesterday in our place, hoping soon to get the spring around. But the weather is unpredictable. The squirrel seems happy. I love the caption of the post. Take good care of each other!!! Blessings and love.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie