Thursday, February 27, 2020

What is next?

Not sure what big project I will take on after the Farm Diaries.  I do indexing for Family Search and can do more of that.  I can work on Find A Grave entries...I have some obituaries that need to be entered.   One side of Far Guys Mother's family can be traced back to The American Revolution I just need to prove that step by step.  If proven our daughters/granddaughters could  join Daughters of the American Revolution.  It may or may not be something they are interested in.

Presently I am keeping my head above water here at home, trying to stay ahead of housework and laundry just incase the call comes for new lungs.  I am working on the big sort and doing some spring house cleaning in the winter.

I have several crochet projects in the works and two pairs of socks on the knitting needles.

Yesterday I worked on some of my stamped cards...always a fun project and makes me feel good.  I tried out some new pens that I got for Christmas.

I always stamp the images on watercolor paper, I did some watercolors and some Prismacolor pencils this time around.  I use a special blender pencil with the Prismacolor Pencils.  These images will be cropped and matted before attaching them to the front of a card.

I have a woodcarving project that is lost someplace...possibly I left it in the greenhouse last Fall and now there is too much snow blocking the doorway to go take a look.  I could take the time to shovel the snow away....there is about 3 feet of snow there...seems easier to just let it melt! I have another woodcarving project that is almost done... a Santa.

 I have my small Wooden Barn Quilt Square that should be finished. Once upon a time I was missing the paint to finish it...still have that paint and it might be getting old!

So you see I have enough projects and hobbies to keep me out of trouble for a good long time.  I am hardly ever bored. 
Far Side


  1. Those prints are going to make some beautiful cards!

  2. Or, you could put your feet up and read a book! If you get bored you do have plenty to choose from to get you busy again. I’m between projects, too. I was finding it hard to get up the motivation to start something new and then the announcement for a new baby came. Oh, boy, time to make a blanket! Yarn should arrive today.

  3. Nothing better than busy hands to keep from getting in trouble. All your new projects sound interesting.

  4. You are constantly busy! I sure hope that call comes soon.I always feel guilty wishing that because it means someone somewhere has passed.

  5. Busy, busy, busy! Good for you! I've always been guilty of curling up with a book when I should be getting something done.

  6. Do you do cards for people and sell them? They look way cool.

    1. Agreed! Yours are so pretty and could be hung on my wall!

    2. No I just send them away or give them away:)

  7. It sounds likke you have plenty of projects to choose from. Those cards are beautiful. I've always wanted to be artistic and draw or paint but those particular talents bypassed me.
    My best friend has traced her geneology back to William the Conqueror! She has documentation and has even visited gravesites all over the world documenting each ancestor.
    I'm praying your call comes very soon so Far Guy can begin feeling better again. Wishing you a fruitful day.

  8. Your projects are all so lovely. You have several irons in the fire. Prayers that call comes soon.

  9. I'm looking for something new to knit or crochet. I'd like to make myself a new hat but haven't found a pattern that I like. You certainly have lots of things to keep you busy. I am just starting on the genealogy journey. I've done what I can without paying for an online service and they just aren't in my budget right now.

  10. I don't think you could ever get bored. You have too many interests!

  11. We have to keep going to remain in good condition as seniors.

  12. You certainly have enough hobbies to keep you busy! I keep hoping the transplant will come soon.

  13. You really have a lot of projects lined up to keep you busy. That is how I am never bored all these years being housebound. I just don't get to nearly the number of them you do!! ;)

  14. By enlarging the picture I could better appreciate the work you did colouring the stamped cards. They are lovely.

  15. Awesome cards! I used to have quite the stamp collection for Christmas, But Cheryl cleans stuff out and many of them are missing. Her theory, if we have not used it in over a year ( or longer) them it only takes up space and has to go. Not much you can do when you live in a small apartment like ours.

  16. I didn't get to work on anything. We were being those old people helping our older friend out at the doctors visit. Our friend is a few months away from a nursing home if she can't get herself up and walking again. You could use a secretary to mandage your jobs keeping them lined up and scheduled.

  17. You downright amaze me with all of your projects....current and future. I think you might be Wonder Woman in disguise! :) Ohh your cards always turn out so beautiful. I bought some glitter-type pens online one time but wasn't happy with how they worked. I'm guessing you know the good kinds! Take care of each other!

  18. You do have a lot of projects on the go. Good luck with finishing more of them.

    Also, I hope you guys get the call about Far Guy's lung soon.

  19. I do wish this. That I could pull up to your driveway and come in and set a spell with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy your company.
    You are an amazing person!

  20. Ancestry is always fun and fascinating. Being Canadian I'm not sure what being a daughter of the revolution entails. What exactly does it mean? Here if you're an Acadian you just gave to go to the local university to get your lineage. For $30 they do it for you since it's already done for every Acadian. Mine has been traced back to the 1300s. Which is kinda cool.

    I hope you get your call for the lungs soon. That must be so stressful.

    1. Having a relative that fought in The American Revolution must be proved and then you qualify for membership:)

  21. You know how to survive the long winter.

  22. Well, I hope that call comes soon--but even more so, hope Far Guy gets to feeling much better. Yes, always be ready (and I know you are). In the meantime, what lovely tokens of how you "keep busy."

  23. You go girl! I love the cards and thank you for the tips on watercolor paper and a blending pencil. Who knew?!? I need to get an Easter stamp! Wonderful projects and
    2 pairs of socks on the needles? You are busy!


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