Saturday, February 15, 2020

A birthday

I asked the birthday boy some questions.

How do you feel?   old
Do you feel older today than yesterday?  yes
What do you attribute your longevity to?  Clean living, coffee and Fritos
What time of day were you born?  Don't remember  3 AM is a guess 5:05 AM is the correct time
How much did you weigh? No guess  He weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces

Far Guy in 1952 when he was 2 years old.  He looks pretty innocent in this photo...almost angelic in fact.  It was about this time that he began to explore his surroundings...and nearly drove his Mother crazy.

I am trying to wrap  my head around the fact that my husband turns 70 today.  Someone told me that 70 is the new 50...  ha that remains to be seen.

I stalked him with my camera yesterday.  Happy Birthday old guy!
His quote for the day "I survived the 60's and my 60's."
Far Side


  1. I love that 60's quote. I feel the same way. The kids today have no idea. My ex turned 70 this year. We would have been married 44 years on Valentine's Day. Too bad he was such a jerk. We made some nice kids though.

  2. Happy Birthday! I wish you many, many more happy birthdays too!! I hope the birthday man gets a puppy!!!!!

    1. Hi farm buddy, If we lived in your area I am certain we would already have a puppy! But sadly since we are waiting for the transplant it would not be fair to a puppy to get one and kennel him/her for four months...

  3. Happy birthday, old man! I can only say that because I am seven years older than you. :-)

  4. Happy Birthday Far Guy! A friend turned 69 yesterday. I cannot believe we are this old! How on earth did this happen?

  5. I like the quote about the 60's. Happy birthday, Far Guy.

  6. Happy, Happy Birthday Far Guy! I hope it's a great day.

  7. Happy Birthday Far Guy! A very special day indeed! It does sneak up on you doesn't it. Have a wondeful day!

  8. Happy birthday, FarGuy!!
    Love the quote! :)

  9. Well, I'm 71 so I like the idea of 70 being the new 50. Happy Birthday FarGuy

  10. Happy Birthday to Far Guy! So many February birthdays, it seems to run in families.

  11. Happy Birthday Far Guy! I wish him many more good years ahead.

  12. Happy birthday to Far Guy and wishing him many more.

  13. Happy Birthday to him and may every day get better.

  14. Hope the Birthday Boy has a marvelous day celebrating his survival from both the 60s :))

  15. Happy Birthday to Far Guy, the "old guy". 70 isn't old, but 75 is beginning to feel old. :-/

  16. He was sure a cute little guy. Happy 7-0, FG!

  17. Oh my gosh! Happy Birthday Far Guy! We are 1 year apart...I'm your elder! LOL! I love your quote about the 60's. He sure was cute in that picture! I can't believe I'm in m y70's but I feel better knowing I'm not alone! Have a great one!

  18. Wow …. Far Guy missed being a valentine baby by only one day! Hope he had a terrific birthday. So far my 70's have not been my favorite years, but oh well...we press on towards the goal! Wishing all the best to both of you young'uns!

  19. That's an adorable picture of the birthday boy 68 years ago. Hope his day was a good one and that the coming year brings him lots of good things.

  20. Happy Birthday Far Guy! I remember turning didn't seem possible. That was 7 years ago. Like Diane said, the 70's have not been my favorite years either. Far Guy's answers to your questions made me laugh. Sounds a lot like Dan.

  21. Happy 70th Far Guy! I will join your age in about four weeks. I don't know where all those years went.

  22. Happy Birthday Far Guy! Missed getting on the blog yesterday! Hope you have many more happy years! Where did they all go? Sharon


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