Sunday, February 23, 2020


It was so warm 44 F or 7 C eh that it started to melt some snow off the roofs.

We sat outside in the afternoon soaking up some sun and watching squirrels and birds.  The woods were quiet except for the Nuthatches cheeping sounds and a Woodpecker off in the woods.

Feathery looking snow on the roof

Melting little by little

We still have a huge snow curl that will shed off the west side of the house soon. It will fall into a snowbank about 2 feet deep.

Far Guy is about the same, not any better that's for sure.

I worked on the Farm Diaries for a while and then went upstairs to work on the big sort.  I cleaned out the last of the file cabinets and marked several boxes of stuff for sale. My work table is a work table again.   Work continues up there.
Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear Far Guy is still under the weather. Big strong ex Marine SIL had the flu last week and is better but still not himself. This has been a good year for germs.

  2. We're in Arizona, flying back to Michigan today. Not looking forward to the dripping, but I guess dripping is better than blizzarding. I hear it will be in the 20s for most of the week, so maybe not so much dripping going on there as where you are.

  3. PS: Love the photo of Chance with the snow all over him. Katie loves to do that too...just sit outside and get snowed on. I miss your boy, as I am sure you do even more.

  4. I'm glad you had a least a little sun and warmth to enjoy and I hope the Vitamin D helped Far Guy some. I'm sorry that he's still not feeling well.
    Wishing you both a good Sunday.

  5. Sorry FarGuy isn't any better.
    That snow is going to be dramatic when it moves!
    When it drips we think of spring. :)

  6. I love your snow pictures. Those are great close ups. Your big sort inspires me. I filled up a box of books to donate. I sure hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  7. You are so good about your big sort. I still have it on my list to do and here it is farming season. I spent my winter making quilts. I think I will keep the BIG SORT on my list and try to do it all year long.

  8. How great for you to be able to sit outside in the "warm" sunshine. We are happy for a rest day mandated by the rain storm passing through today.

  9. Glad you're getting some melting. Darn, I was hoping that Far Guy was seeing some improvement. I wish him well.

  10. Those drips show the direction the thing will fall. Sending FG some vibes, hoping he starts feeling better soon.

  11. It would be nice to get excited about spring but it's way to early for that.

  12. Sounds like you're getting a handle on sorting the upstairs. While you work at it slowly but surely Spring moves in.

  13. Pretty melting snow photos! You are moving right along with your big sort. It must feel good to have a work table again...

  14. I did the in house sorting when we remodeled but looks like another one is due. I have some boxes of 'stuff' that has just been sitting for almost a year from a cousin. Most of the stuff is pretty neat, but not sure what to do with it.
    Looks like we'll have a big melt by tomorrow afternoon.

  15. Strange looking snow! It looks like stuffing for a pillow or blanket. Happy you guys are enjoying this "heat wave". It is almost pleasant here in Iowa. Temps over 50 degrees today. But so much mud makes it a rather dirty experience waling around outside.

  16. 44 degrees does sound warm especially up your way. Hope Far Guy is better.

  17. Yes the warmer temps sure feel good this weekend. I'm so sorry to hear about far guy not feeling well. Sure hope he's not coming down with something. Will pray that he can get well and feel good again soon! Take care you two.

  18. Sounds like a pretty good day. Sorry Far Guy is still not well, but glad he's no worse at least. That's something. Hope the fresh air and sunshine helped him.

  19. Do you run a humidifier? Would that help Far Guy? Yes, the sunshine and fresh air is always good and glad you got some!

  20. Since this post I hope you got a little more heat.


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