Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentines Day!

I had fun in wally world taking photos of their roses.

I wonder how many roses will sell?

We have chocolate...from a special blog reader in Wisconsin.  Thanks Diane!  It will be opened and enjoyed later today!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day spent with those you love!

A postcard from 1909  "When love is in the park"
Far Side


  1. I love your header for Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Far Guy. The roses are pretty but they have no smell. Tell me, what good are roses without the smell? I will be spending VD with the one I love............MOI! LOL! It's Wally World for me to day so there might be some treats or treasures involved. Have a great VD!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day!!! Who doesn't love a big heart full of chocolate. Yum!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Far Guy!

  4. What a nice treat from a fellow blogger! You and FG deserve every bit of love coming your way. Some of that is from me. Happy Valentine's Day back to you. :-)

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy your chocolate. :)

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Far Guy too.

  8. What a thoughtful gift! May you both have a wonderful day!

  9. Happy Valentines Day to the two of you. Enjoy that beautiful box of chocolate. I love your header today. The roses are very pretty too.

  10. I recall going in on Valentine's Day late in the afternoon and seeing guys grab flowers! How funny! I'd rather have chocolate anyway.
    But I may go in tomorrow and see if any flowers are left on sale!

  11. I gave my love a Valentine and chocolate, and then we shared his chocolate with friends at breakfast. Chocolate for breakfast!
    Now I'm on my way to the dentist for a root canal. This too shall pass. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

  12. Happy Valentines Day to you and Far Guy too.
    The young woman on the postcard does not look terribly thrilled with her young swain. I don't think that romance will last.

  13. Valentin's Day for me was just another day

  14. Happy Valentines day to you and your family.

  15. I was at Wally World today and didn't seem many roses but lots and lots of cookies, cupcakes and chocolates! Happy Valentines day!

  16. Hope you're enjoying Valentines Day at your place, even if it is cold. Jim bought me roses and chocolates and we just returned from dinner out so its been a good day here....I bought him chocolates and a mixed nut collection! I can help him eat anything but the hazelnuts! I hear warmer weather is coming so hang in there!

  17. Happy Valentine's that it's about over. Poppy and I are going to Walmart tomorrow for a few groceries. Maybe the boxes of Valentine chocolates will be reduced. We'll share one. :)


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