Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Relaxing Day

We had a very nice day yesterday. No appointments! No place we had to be.  After doing some household chores we had the day to ourselves.

Far Guy wood carved and had a nap.

Far Guy  made me a blocker for the afghan squares.  He got the right size board from Andy and I sealed the top...Far Guy drilled the holes for me and cut the dowels.

I put two damp blocks to dry.  It will work just fine...the idea is to make all the blocks the same size so that they can be crocheted together and make a good looking afghan.  I think I can put a whole stack of squares on the dowels.

I worked on my newest crochet project and watched Spy Games.  I also worked on The Farm Diaries and made it into 1927 so I am making headway!

We made supper together...Naan Bread Pizza.  We can make them how we like them ...he likes pepper and mushrooms on his and I do not.
A card and crochet heart from Sam! Thanks Sam for thinking of us! 

Far Side


  1. What a wonderful blocker! Way to go Far Guy! To buy one like that is very expensive. Good for you on the farm diaries! I love staying home every day with no commitments. I've not heard of Spy Games. I just canceled t.v. yesterday. I watch You Tube mostly and I can get news and weather and much more on Roku. The local weather and news they gave me was Little Rock which is practically another country. I don't watch the shows so I'll save about $25 a month. I'm glad you got your card. I can't wait to see your new crochet project!

  2. What a cute little blocker! That is so clever.

  3. Sounds like my kind of day. Love the blocker. I could have used one when i made my last afghan.

  4. You don't get many of these relaxing days lately, so it sure was nice to hear about this one. I also admire FG's talent to make something like that. :-)

  5. That blocker is pretty slick! Great job Far Guy!

  6. The blocker has such a clever design. Lucky you to have such a handy husband.

  7. Ingenious design for the blocker! Glad you had a relaxing deserve it.

  8. Sounds like a lovely day; the perfect balance of relaxing and productive.

  9. I love days like that. I woke up thinking I could stay home today and then remembered it's kniting group, which I enjoy but involves a drive across town in rush hour traffic which I don't enjoy. :-)
    That square blocker is perfect. They are so expensive to buy...when you can find them in stock, so I've just done without.
    Lovely heart and card from Sam. She's the greatest!

  10. Clever idea for the block blocker. I think stacking the blocks will work great, but may take longer to dry completely.

  11. How nice it is to have a good day at home for relaxing and projects. Congratulations for getting to 1927 on the Farm Diaries! The blocker Far Guy made looks great. You will have that afghan done in no time.

  12. That’s a clever gadget for blocking a bunch of squares at once. I made my two granny Afghans so many years ago I don’t even remember how I blocked the squares but I guess I did. They all look the same size anyway!

  13. Husbands who can do things for you like that are worth their weight in gold. Far Guy is a treasure :)

  14. Isn't it nice when you get a day with no appointments.

  15. Your square blocker is an ingenious contraption. :-)
    We are enjoying a week of dry, sunny weather, not warm, but not freezing either. We are getting lots of heavy duty yard work done. I'm having trouble standing up straight but it feels great to be outside.

  16. I love your crochet squares and how neat to now have a square blocker to use. I'm glad you two had a nice restful day...even though you always keep very busy and I'm sure the time flies for you! I've got two Dr. appts. coming up next docs I haven't met yet. And a surprise visit this weekend from our oldest grand girl up at college in Duluth. We're putting up the Happy Birthday Banner for her and getting a little cake...she'll be 19! Take good care you two!

  17. Oh, I love your header!! Aren't you lucky to have such talent in your family! I bought the blockers online and spent a fortune.💖

  18. that is a great idea for your afghan squares, anxious to see it all done (so colorful!)

  19. I love the blocker that Far Guy made for you. He is so clever!


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