Thursday, March 21, 2019

Looking for Spring

Spring is supposed to be here.  I went out looking for it.
Silly me is still winter here in Minnesota.

We lost 5 inches of snow at the snowstick in the past few days.  It reads 16 inches on the first day of Spring.

I did find some mud in the driveway...perhaps that is good enough "Spring" for now.

I got a broken tooth fixed at the Dentist, went to Physical Therapy and Far Guy saw his Pulmonologist.  Just two more medical appointments this week.   Far Guy is back on steroids for a bit, he has a wheeze and a bad cough.  Next week we only have three medical appointments...practically a week off.
Far Side


  1. Glad you have some signs of Spring. Most of our snow is gone, but we now have all the flooding. I'll say a prayer for Far Guys wheeze and cough to get better.

  2. I am so glad we dont have show! I remember after Roger got hipome after is strokem the running to therapy and doctir about wore us both out!

  3. Glad to hear you got that tooth fixed, and that FG is being treated for his cough and wheeze. Doctor appointments galore in your world. But even in Minnesota spring cannot be too far away. :-)

  4. The ducks and swans and loons are as far north as Lake Erie. They should be up in your area soon.

  5. The snow is on the north hillsides and we are in mudsville. The driveway is so muddy I can't drive to the house to unload groceries! This too shall pass. Glad FG got something to help with the breathing. We had two appts too, but looks like a quiet week next week!

  6. We lost some of our snow pack here in Michigan but on the first day of spring it was snowing like crazy and now it's too cold to melt anything. I'm so sick of winter!

  7. Our snow has shrunk considerably in the past week. There are a couple of bare patches showing up on the lawn today, and my driveway is almost completely dry except where the sun never hits.

  8. Snow is almost gone here. 16 inches still for you is a lot! Hope it doesn't melt too fast though and make flooding.

  9. I'm trying to lose some of the snow in my front yard, too. It's not happening fast enougn on its own, so I repurpose my roof rake and pull some snow from the top of the mounds and drag it onto the asphalt driveway to let the sun help take it away! I can see out my picture window a little better now after a couple days of that. You have a beautiful setting where you are. Happy Spring!

  10. I SEE MUD!!! Mud is a good and bad thing. Mud means the snow is leaving and also mud coming into the house, the car and everywhere!

  11. The snow is melting here! We have actually had three days of 60° in a row. We had not seen 60° since October 2. There is still a lot of snow, but if it keeps up like this, I think by this time next week it will be all gone. Hallelujah! Well, it will be all gone except for the big piles in parking lots. Ha!
    Your schedule sounds like mine. Somehow this week I ended up with absolutely no doctors appointments. I don’t know when the last time that happened. Praying Far Guys wheeze and coughs will soon be better.
    Blessings, Betsy

  12. Hope Far Guy's wheezing is going away. No fun.

  13. Hope you are all doing well. That is a lot of snow still!

  14. I once had a manager who was being a snit about the number of doctor appointments that I and my daughter needed to attend. She made me give her a number for how many were needed. I added up the bare minimum that we would expect and it came out to 40 something. With an HR rep present she screamed at me that it was almost one a week. The HR person reminded her that she had no right to ask what they were for and I reminded her that these were just the expected checks. If a problem arose she could expect that number to rise. But it sounds like you and Far Guy have me beat hands down.

  15. All those medical appointments get old don't they? We seem to go through spells of having a lot of appointments and then it slows down a bit. My least favorite is the dental appointments!

  16. Those medical appointments are what keeps your world going round.

  17. WoW Lots of medical appointments. I hope the snow melts soon for you guys!

  18. The mud season is approaching. I hope the thaw and melt go quickly and you get back on solid, good earth footing. Oh, wait, then I wouldn't win the snow stick contest. What a dilemma.

  19. Keep looking for Spring; one of these days it will get there! But probably not this week.
    You sure do have to do a lot of driving to appointments but I'm hoping they are helping both of you.

    I fell today. I was not paying attention and took a nasty fall. No doubt my bruises will be phenomenal but not visible to others. One must be thankful for small mercies.

  20. 16 inches of snow on the first day of spring! That is amazing. Going down five inches is encouraging. Just read your last two lasts. That fruit you had in Hawaii is really weird looking. I'll be glad when everyone get warmer prettier weather. We have had rain all day, again today.

  21. The older we get the more medical appointments we have, I had to change to a bulk billing GP because I at the doc's 3 or 4 times a month now days.

  22. Our snow is gone but I'm not fooled. Winter is not done with us yet, every year we get excited and every year Mother Nature laughs.

  23. I'm glad your appointments have been pretty successful and your husband is getting some positive results. I was so thankful for a sunny day today, and don't even mind the mud! Someday I'll figure out why I love Minnesota, but for now appreciate the sun! Phil/Eagle Bend

  24. Sorry you couldn't find much Spring. Hope Far Guy's weezing clears up quickly.

  25. I would say you two need to get out more but your are out a lot. We need some heat and humidity soon. We were in Kansas City and it was warm down there.

  26. I sent some Spring up there....what happened to it? The robins left...are they there yet? Have you consulted with "she who sees robins first"? The melting and mud are good signs. Sorry you have to go to the doctor so much....are they as far away as mine? At least you have straight roads! LOL!


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