Friday, March 8, 2019

No Snow Adventures

No Snow adventures yesterday.  I did not hurt myself wallering around in the snow.  Someone asked if I was making butt angels…maybe so.

Another Winter Storm is headed our way.  I am thrilled.

little June and sparkly snow

Little June and sparkly snow in late afternoon.


Since it is going to snow I took a photo of the snowstick just before I left for Bingo with my Dad.  We are a pathetic couple of losers.  We were one number away from a Bingo 39 times in 35 games.   It made for an exciting night but a win would have been nice.  Oh well we will try again next week.   It is kind of nice that I can drive into town to get my Dad in the daylight.  His hand is healing nicely and he no longer wears a bandage.

We will hunker down at home for the weekend storm….we can always hope that it will go south of us.  

Far Side


  1. Glad to hear your dad's hand is getting better. Storm is heading our way this weekend also. They say it may be in the form of rain which will cause flooding. Oh well, I just can't win.

  2. The pic of little June and sparkly snow would make a great wintertime all occasion card.

  3. This feels like the winter that will never end. But we know it will, eventually. The mornings are much lighter, but our time change happens tomorrow and it will be darker for awhile. :-)

  4. Somehow I think you tongue is stuck in your cheek with the comment, "I am thrilled."

  5. I think we're all wondering if this winter will ever end. Stay safe and warm during the storm.

    Good luck at Bingo next week!

  6. Uffdah. We are to get a mix too. So we will snow or flood, they aren't sure yet. But we will get a lot more ice.

  7. I should have stayed in FL, or gone to AL for the duration. I don't want to see any more snow. You are so lucky that you can spend this time with your Dad! Maybe next week you'll even win! :)

  8. I hope it goes south of you...south of you would be nice or even north of you!

  9. Oh man.... more snow, Connie. :-( We have icky weather predicted for this weekend but in the form of rain & lots of wind. I'm not so sure I could handle more snow... but there wouldn't be a lot I could do about it, eh? :-/ Stay warm, Andrea xoxo

  10. So close, and yet so far away. LOL

  11. More snow is predicted here too. We had just a couple of inches yesterday but a dumping is forecast for over the weekend and early next week. This is sure getting old. Better luck next time at bingo. I never win either.
    Blessings, Betsy

  12. that is so much snow! We never ever have that much. Or any.

  13. Sorry you didn't have better luck at Bingo.
    Hope that storm turns out to be nothing much.

  14. Oh my! I don't know if I could handle all that snow! Maybe I should check into going to Bingo!

  15. so glad you didn't hurt yourself... I confess to have made a few butt angels myself! My dad is the luckiest person when it comes to Bingo, but it never rubs off on me! We didn't get any significant snow this week and I am so ready for spring!

  16. It is snowing here right now but Sunday it's supposed to be 70 degrees! I'm happy for sure! Your incident outside in the snow sure made me laugh as I was picturing arms and legs and snow in the pants! Oh , just too cold! Sharon

  17. Thankful your dad is improving and how nice to get out together for BINGO. We have had lots of rain/thunder and it is to continue thru the weekend. We will stay put too.

  18. And down here in the Cities, we can always hope that the storm goes north of us! ;-) Stay safe!

  19. We had a good one last night...20 cm of snow.

  20. I think we are sending those storms your way. Sorry about that. It snowed for five hours here today, but since it was 37 degrees, there was no accumulation.

  21. diane in northern wisMarch 8, 2019 at 8:40 PM

    Well, we're hunkering down for the weekend storm too. Thank you for not saying you hoped it would go East of you!!! :) Although I'm sure it will. Glad you didn't get hurt after battling in the snow yesterday. We got our roof shoveled off today...winter doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. We set a new record in our town for snowfall this year. There's no place to put it! Can't wait til Spring to see what a mess it's going to be. Peace to you both. Sorry about Bingo!

  22. I'd prefer snow over possibility of tornados which we have right now but I get your point. It's been a long winter for everyone. Even here it was never sunny and colder than usual.


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