Thursday, March 7, 2019

Flowers and a snow encounter

Every week when we shop I wander by the floral department.  I admire all the different color roses and wonder if I could have roses in the house which bouquet would I pick?  My moods are different just like flowers….mostly I like yellows and orange roses, next would be red and then pink, purple and ivory or white. 

Maybe when spring comes I will find a heavy duty vase and have some flowers out on the table on the patio.  I saw one of those old milk can carriers filled with vases…that may work…or maybe just an old quart jar in a wooden box.

I cannot have flowers or green plants in the house…my eyes will itch and my nose will run and I will get a nasty cough… the result of too many years in the greenhouses continually being assaulted by plants.

Rose Macro

My roses that I had growing outside finally died…Minnesota (freeze your butt off) winters can be hard on plants.

Yesterday I got stuck in a snowbank.  The snow is deep in the yard…very deep. (Waist deep)  I wanted to retrieve a suet feeder (against Far Guys wishes) and put it in a tree that would be closer to firm footing.  Well I busted through the crust of the snow so many times that I ended up crawling on all fours.  I retrieved the suet feeder and tried dragging it along crawling.  I finally sat down to re- ass-ess the situation and my butt fell through the crust of the snow…picture feet in the air along with my head.  I rested and looked at the sky. Eventually I lifted my butt out of the snow and half rolled scooted to the patio.  I was covered in snow, all my clothing was wet…snow had been shoved up my shirt and down my pants and into my boots.  I was done being outside enjoying the snow.

Far Side


  1. I think this winter has been a difficult one but the picture in my head of you feet up in the air in snow had me smile. Spring is coming I hear.

  2. That sounds absolutely horrible.
    I can't have fresh flowers in the house either. I am partial to yellow roses.

  3. Oh my. It sounds like a northern bird feeder adventure! Time for spring, no doubt we will all be ready for up there especially.

  4. The picture in my mind of you in the snowbank is making me laugh. Reminds me of my hubby a few week ago when he was using the snowblower. He was backing up and lost control and fell into a bush and couldn't get out. I know I shouldn't laugh but it was funny. Glad you made it out okay. Can't wait for Spring to arrive and melt all this snow.

  5. Yellow roses are my favourites.

    Glad you didn't end up hurt from your snow encounter.

  6. A good story to tell as you sit by a fire, drink something hot, and decide to stay inside for the rest of the day. We've just been through a few days of temperatures feeling like zero but are now expecting warmer weather for a few days. Up and down...that is our weather this time of year.

  7. Fortunately you are all right and got a good post out of it. I got a good laugh at the mental image I conjured up. :-)

  8. Our dog was way out in the snow yesterday and wouldn't come in. My husband followed a deer path to get her. Don't ask why he wore a tshirt. And...fell in the snow off the path. In his tshirt.

  9. I have to admit I laughed at the mental picture. Thankfully you were able to extricate yourself.

  10. Oh my - that did make me smile. Good thing your husband didn't make a video with his phone while you were doing that. Mine would have. LOL

  11. I'm usually safe with cut flowers in the house with one exception - the scent of lilies nearly makes me ill.

  12. Oh my goodness, Connie, it sounds like you folks still have so much snow! Thank you for thinking of your little feathered friends out in your yard but please be careful too, ok? Love, Andrea xoxo

  13. Thanks for the laugh this morning! Hope you aren't paying for it now though.

  14. That's not funny, but your describing it sure is. I shiver thinking about snow in my clothes and boots. I bet Far Guy was proud of you for getting that suet feeder. :) Pink roses are my favorite, and pale yellow. As much as I love red in the house, red roses are my least favorite.

  15. I thoroughly enjoyed your description of your rumble in the snow. I'm sure far more than you enjoyed the actuality of it. Thank you for sharing that and your great sense of humor. I hope you don't hurt now (or later) because of it.

  16. Great description, I hope the birds appreciated your discomfort.

  17. Now that you are safe and sound, we can all share a laugh. This post is so me. I can see myself rear down, legs up in a snow drift very easily. And I come from a long line of people like this. My 79 year old dad got a compound fracture of the ankle falling down a cliff to retrieve a bird feeder that fell over and blew away in a storm. Despite my three able bodied sons and several grandsons who would have been happy to do it for him. To make the story better, he walked on it (and complained of pain) for three weeks until my mother got so tired of hearing about it that she sent him to the hospital. Who called us for a driver to get him back home and then scheduled surgery.

    Or my mother suffering from ALS who needed two hands to use a curling iron. Instead of waiting for help, she decided to maneuver her wheelchair to the opening of a small bath with a mirror and outlet, drug herself up to the counter, trying to balance on the counter and fell, fracturing her leg with protruding bone (luckily she had no feeling in her legs). She had to lay there for 2 hours until my dad came home and found her.

    I can't wait to hear the stories my children will tell about me! And my parents are looking down today and yelling at me for sharing these stories.

  18. No snow here right now, but it's been wet enough to where you might sink in the mud and disappear.

  19. One of those things that is startling at the time and fretful, but funny afterwards. Now that's a true critter lover. ;)

  20. Oh my goodness I hope you are okay! I'm so glad you were able to get out. I'd hate to think of you stuck out there till the thaw came! Did Far Guy say "I told you so"? My husband would have for sure.

  21. Even though I think we’re all laughing at the picture, I sure hope you’re OK and survived your feet up in the air experience without any lasting effects. I think we’re done with the snow. At least I am. We got another 5 inches last night. I heard the snow plow come by and I almost cried. They keep plowing our driveway in after we dig it all out. Take care. Blessings, Betsy

  22. Sorry - I did laugh! My brain did a visual picture - oh Far Guy was right! Thank you for sharing!

  23. Oh my not good. But who am I too talk. With my vertigo I've flipped on the ice enough times to lose count. This year the back yard facing the n.W. has eith and ten feet drifts. I tried it once but no living alone I brought my cell phone with me. I got half way to the suet feeder and exhausted and turned around. The woodpecker may be on their own till spring...:)

  24. Oh, my, I am feeling your situation and wanting to laugh all at the same time! LOL I would be about helpless in that situation. Since I have got older my bottom feels like it weights a ton every time I am down and need to get up...when in fact it only weighs half a ton! LOL

  25. I'm sorry. I had to stop laughing before I could comment. My mind movie was hilarious.
    I am sad, however, that you cannot have flowers in the house, and your one rose died. That would be true hardship for me.
    Oh, and I hope you got warm and dry fast after that adventure.

  26. Well, at least you had a soft landing! I hope you were able to retrieve the suet feeder you were after or else you won’t see it until the Spring Thaw.

  27. Hey, I like your snowbank adventure simply because I've been in snowbanks like that before. Ya snow down your butt!!!

  28. Like so many other commenters I had to laugh at the picture in my mind but I do hope you don't suffer any ill effects of your snow encounter.

  29. That was a truly delightful description.
    You were just having too much fun.
    Be safe, be well thank you for could've kept it all to yourself , but look at the joy you have spread by sharing.

  30. You described your adventure so vividly that I felt like I was watching you! So glad you were able to get yourself out and weren't injured! Thanks for sharing... sure did make me smile!

  31. Did you have the 'cam' thing on? I bet that would be hysterical and go viral on You Tube! I'm sorry but your description was really good!


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