Thursday, March 14, 2019


I got home just before the rain started.  Now the yard is like a skating rink.

June March 13

June the snowbank is losing some of her tallness.  Snow on top of the icy yard will make for some tricky footing. I have Yak Trax and I use them.

The snowstick registers 21 inches March 13.

snow sliding off the roof

Just before dark I went outside to take some photos of the snow on the roof…hopefully the rest of it will slide off in the rain.  We will breathe a sigh of relief when the snow is gone from all our buildings….there have been some scary roof collapses in the area. 

Rain is appropriate for our dismal mood.

My Tall Friend who I mentioned yesterday died early Wednesday morning. His daughters and ex wife are all very sad.  You have to give kudos to the ex wife, she gave him emotional and physical support the past few months. They may not have been married but they were still friends.

We also learned of another death. Boner died…he was a fixture around town, always happy to see who ever he met.  Recently the town council passed some kind of stupid law concerning the Golf Cart that he drove around town. He used to park it on Main Street and at the grocery store….get real people.  His Mom Gladys used to own the small gift shop next to the theater, Boner took it over after she died….he ran it sucessfully for a number of years.  Recently I noticed a street sign near his house it read “Elvis Presley Blvd”  …now that made me smile.

Far Guy’s only living Uncle is struggling with heart problems….he is home and maybe his wish that he shared with me will be fulfilled.  He said “I would like to die at the farm, they can carry me out feet first.”

Life is a journey full of a little rain, a little snow, illness, death,  sad feelings…but eventually spring will come…the sun will shine and flowers will grow.

Isaiah 41:10  Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Far Side


  1. So sorry to hear about the deaths of friends. I love the Bible verse - it is very appropriate. Raining here since yesterday. My backyard is a lake. Flood warnings all over this area.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of that. It has been like that here also. Death, storms, ice, melt, flooding...the whole gambit.

  3. I went to bed last night feeling blue, and we had a day of sunshine. I got my front porch planters ready to receive some new flowers, and will tackle the garden this weekend. I'm ready to get my hands in the dirt. We'll see today how much ice is left on the trail we will attempt. So sorry to hear the Tall One died. Condolences to his family. :-(

  4. So glad you got home...before the next storm comes! It's supposed to be a doozy! I'm so sorry about your friend passing and I'm with Far Guy's uncle...let me die at home.

  5. Sorry to read about the 2 deaths & about Far Guy's uncle, he is a very nice man. The bible verse is a special one.

  6. Connie, you said this so perfectly! A dose of life's "gentle truth" on your blog today. Love, Andrea xoxo

  7. Sorry to hear of those who have died, and that Far Guy's uncle isn't doing well. I hope he gets his wish to die at home. It would be my preference too, if I get to choose when the time comes (which hopefully won't be for many years yet).

    Glad you made it home before things got so icy out there. Stay safe.

  8. I'm sorry for your losses- it seems every time I turn around lately someone else that I know has passed. No one talks about that part of aging.. Be careful on that ice- I hope it thaws for y'all soon.

  9. You've had a sad week. Loved the golf cart story because we had folks in our previous small town who used their golf cart to get around town. Very practical. We had rain all day yesterday and it was melting the snow too fast so now we have flooded streets and wet basements all over town. And today we have a blizzard. Our back yard is a lake and we have water seeping in where we've never had it before.

  10. I sent the whole day yesterday feeling terribly sad and anxious...but you had reasons to feel that way. Hugs, Connie. Life is hard sometimes, more so than other times

  11. We have had lots of collapsing roofs here too. I will be glad when it warms up enough to get all of the snow off of the buildings. I’m sorry to hear about the tall guy. It seems there is so much sadness in the world. Your Bible verse is quite appropriate. Thank you for sharing it. Blessings, Betsy

  12. A tough week for you and the gloomy rain doesn’t help. I hope the sun comes out soon and brightens everything up. Be careful on the ice.

  13. Definitely a rough time period with all the sadness and indeed, the ice. My aunt used to say that there are more deaths before the snow flies and before the leaves come out in spring. I thought it was an old wives tale, but after having worked at a nursing home for a period of time I learned it seems to be quite true.

    My sympathies to you and DH. Take care.

  14. Oh goodness! That's a lot of sadness to deal with all at once. Yes, the freezing rain would be appropriate to your mood.

    We had the ice storm yesterday and now blizzard today. Mostly wind here so far. Shouldn't be too much snow as Fargo is on the edge of the storm. I've always loved the snow, but ice sucks.

  15. You have a lot going on with weather and family losses.

  16. Ice is the worst. I hate that stuff

  17. I am so sorry for your loss of friends...

  18. diane in northern wisMarch 14, 2019 at 8:46 PM

    Glad you made it back home in time for the slush and melting and sliding snow off of roofs and all. Thank you for the beautiful passage from's so true isn't it. When we trust it's easier to endure the loss of loved ones and continuing steady tick of the clock. Thank you for an always great and thoughtful message.

  19. What a treacherous mess, ice on top of snow. That and all of the losses makes it a tough week for you. Hopefully better days are soon to come.

  20. Sorry to hear you're feeling somewhat dismal. Hopefully some sunny warmish days are coming your way. Meanwhile walk very carefully.

  21. Sympathies to you for the loss of your tall friend. Thank you for sharing the verse from Isaiah.Jean

  22. In the midst of life, there is death. My husband just came home from the funeral of his favourite cousin who passed away just shy of his 94th birthday. He lived all his life on the family farm. I hope Far Guy's uncle gets his last wish.
    My condolences on the loss of your friend.

  23. I am sorry about Tall Guy. I keep seeing obits of students that I had when I first moved to Woodward. I remember them clearly and can’t believe that they are dead at such a young age.


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