Friday, March 15, 2019

More Rain

The roads were pretty fair this morning on our way to Physical Therapy for me and an Infusion for Far Guy…then a drive by at the post office and to the grocery store.  We came home unpacked the groceries and had a long nap.

The time change has caught up with me I guess.

Parts of Minnesota are having a blizzard so far we have escaped. Yeah us!

Rain March 13 and 14

Rain for two days

My Yak Trax boots got wet. Once my feet get cold the only option is a corn bag heated up in the microwave and some couch time!

No Bingo with my Dad last night, the roads could have turned icy anytime.

Far Side


  1. Glad the 'bombogenesis' missed you! I thought for sure you were going to get blasted again. I am the same way about hands and feet....frost bit as a kid and they are always the first to get cold. Glad you didn't go to Bingo with 'iffy' road conditions but glad you were able to make your appointments. I think the worst of the weather is over for you guys in the North. I think the robins have already left here. Have a great day watching the snow melt!

  2. Looks like a small pond! You got rain and we got ice. But warmer, melting weather is supposed to be around till middle of next week at least. Not great weather to be trucking around in yesterday, though.

  3. We got the rain and rapid snow melt. Everything low was getting water rising and the power snow melt was on. Our driveway was pure ice two days ago. Glad you guys are safe and sound!
    Hope PT is going well for you!

  4. Glad you are back home Your yard looks like mine - water, water everywhere. Today it will be much colder. Can't wait for everything to turn to ice AGAIN. I am tired of being careful so I don't fall and break a hip. Stay safe.

  5. That's a whole lotta wet! Glad to hear you're home again safe and sound and that you missed that awful storm.

  6. Mother Nature is definitely in a bad mood this week. Glad the blizzard missed you this time.

  7. We got your rain after you were done with it. Now it's going to get cold again, so no outdoor adventures. I'm still healing from my last slip on ice.

  8. Glad the latest storm missed you. Everyone is still digging out here, and the streets/roads are a mess.

  9. Rain gets rid of snow, but it adds in a whole other problem!

  10. I’m so glad you made it home safely. I’m also glad the storm has missed you. My family in Nebraska and Iowa are in the midst of all the flooding. Several family members have been evacuated. What a mess!
    Blessings, Betsy

  11. The only thing I can say for the rain is it should help the snow melt. The scary part is the freezing. Glad you made it to your appointments and home again safely.

  12. I've been watching all the flooding in Nebraska. Dang! I almost feel guilty sitting here in 60 degree blue skies. Almost ;-)

  13. Yes, this can be a very dangerous time of year with falls on ice. I'm glad you & your Dad skipped bingo last night... and I'm also glad you and your hubby are home from your errands this morning. Staying inside and napping sounds like the perfect order of the day. Love, Andrea xoxo

  14. Finally we have no snow nor rain in the forecast and now, in the late afternoon, it is 14C (57F) so we are appreciating it. I hope you get some milder temps too.

  15. My kids heading to Minneapolis to see great grandfather. Hope it’s ok there we are southerners.

  16. The storms never seem to give up.

  17. Looks like you are getting day time thawing and night time freezing. Good to stay home when the temperature drops.

  18. I am hoping we see no more of this for a while...I bet you will be glad when it is gone for another season. I always feel like a nap after shopping!

  19. I am still grumbling about the time change. We are having sunshine now which helps make me less grumpy.


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