Friday, March 29, 2019


We are melting, the local ditches are full of water.  The snow in the yard is melting too!

There is still 8 inches of snow at the snowstick. 

It may be spring here before we know it.

I went to Bingo with my Dad last night...he was a winner so it was a good thing I took him with me!  I was not a winner.

We had a very busy day yesterday, Far Guys Infusion, my Physical Therapy appointment and a whole bunch of errands that we needed to run...Post Office, Ace Hardware for a new snow shovel, bird seed and groceries.  Then we had a late lunch with my parents.
Today we will stay home and rest!
Far Side


  1. Congratulations to your Dad on winning at Bingo. Sounds like you could use a day of rest time at home after yesterday.

  2. Congratulations to your Dad on his winning at Bingo. You sure had one busy day yesterday. Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad to hear the infusion went well and is behind you and FG for now. And yes, the snow is definitely melting fast. Monday is April 1st, here already! :-)

  4. Good thing you bought that new snow shovel...cause you KNOW winter is not done with us yet! Resting sounds good. You have inspired me...heading for a nap now.

  5. When snow drifts and piles start shrinking, it's a clear sign of Spring. Even though it's tiring, having multiple appointments and errands on one day frees the other days for doing enjoyable things.

  6. Love those shrinking show packs. On Monday morning we still had about 18" of snow across our front yard, and this morning it's gone except for a small pile the snowplow left near the curb. Now we need to rake up the mess of leaves and twigs left behind.

  7. Yay! The snow is melting and spring is coming! Ours is almost completely gone in our yard now, but there’s still big piles around town. I’m glad all of your appointments are over with and now you can enjoy your day. Congratulations to your dad on winning. That’s always fun. Blessings, Betsy

  8. Errand running is very tiring and you do way more than I do in one trip! Congrats to your Dad! That's awesome. I would stick with him maybe his luck will rub off on you! I want to go back to bed it is so dark here but no rain on the radar yet. It's just that kind of day and chilly too compared to 74 yesterday! Of course it would get colder as I started bringing out the summer clothes yesterday! Yes, kick back and relax today....take a 3 day weekend if you have to.

  9. What a busy day! We had one yesterday and will be even more busy running around this afternoon but tomorrow a break! Congratulations to your winning Dad! So glad Spring is finally coming your way. I think I chose a date far too late for the snow stick!

  10. One must have a good snow shovel. They were really put to the test this winter, that's for sure.

    Glad you got all your appointments and running doe, had a nice visit and can now rest up. Spring seems to be arriving fairly quickly. Enjoy your quiet day. Got your sweet birthday card and SCRUBBY!! Thanks so much. :) :)

  11. The spring thaw here has been a little slow.

  12. Glad your snow is melting. We had a day of errands yesterday and it takes a day or two to recover! I wish you guys a nice weekend.

  13. Looks like I won't win that snow stick contest, but hooray for melting snow!

  14. Congrats on your dad winning! A day of running sure wears me out, too. We finally feel like spring is springing...I hope yours does soon!

  15. I'm not surprised you need a day of rest. That was a busy day followed by Bingo
    ( I'm glad your Dad won).

  16. That day sounds very busy, and your plan to rest the next day is the right idea.

  17. I saw a very dirty pile of snow at the Fleet Farm yesterday. That is the last of out snow with leftover piles in shopping malls. We are cold again today meaning it will still feel like winter with a breeze.


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