Saturday, March 16, 2019

Happy St Urho's Day!

We plan to attend the St Urho’s Day parade.  I will have parade photos tomorrow God willing and the crick don’t rise.
What you don’t know about St Urho?  He chased all the pesky grasshoppers that were eating all the grapes in Finland.   Purple and green are the colors of the day…representing the grapes.

Now for the Snow Stick contest!  Please leave me a comment with the date you think the snow and ice will be completely gone from the snowstick.  The winner or winners will get something special from me.  Those of you too shy can email me with your guess.  I will take guesses until Monday night at 9 PM.

Here is the Snowstick History:
2011  April 8
2012  March 13
2013  April 30
2014  April 10
2015  March 11
2016  March 8
2017 March 20
2018  April 22

Far Side

March 26 LD
March 31 Denny   Marilyn
April 2 Lisa
April 3 Marlys
April 5 Cathrin
April 7 Rita
April 8 Victoria Z
April 9 Pauline
April 10 Red
April 11 Dianne
April 12 Kay  Marti C
April 13 Gemma's person   Karen
April 14  Kathy    KCD   Dale
April 15 Phyllis
April 16 Jo Anne and unknown
April 17 Sara
April 18 sillygirl
April 19 Andrea   Betsy
April 20 Unknown  and Cathy M
April 21 Wendy D
April 22 Bonnie   Linda
April 23 Gene B
April 24 Granny M    Carol W
April 25 Joyce  F
April 26 diane
April 28  Barb
April 30 Susie
May 1 DJan
May 5 Sonja


  1. I'll say April 31, and Happy St. Urho's Day to you! :-)

  2. April 18 popped into my head - maybe that is just a silly wish.

  3. I will guess April 19th. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  4. I will say April 26th, but almost said April 17th!

  5. Happy St. Urho's Day to you both! I will guess April 21st.

  6. Happy Saint Urho's Day! Enjoy the parade.

  7. April 7th came to mind--which sounds absolutely ridiculous looking out at the humongous snow banks here. But since the weather is so unpredictable, our springs seem so short once they arrive lately, and the summers heat up quickly--I guess I'll leave it at that. :)

  8. I will guess April 17. And thanks for the interesting info on St Urho's Day. I had never heard of it.

  9. Enjoy St. Urho's Day. Wild stab at the no snow date...April 9. Our snow is different from yours. The snow comes, the snow completely disappears, the snow comes, the snow completely disappears. Today we have sunshine and temperatures in the 40s. But what will next week bring? Could be more snow.

  10. Happy St Urho's day!!
    I don't think anyone has guessed April 24 so that will be my guess.

  11. June's a pretty big snowbank! My guess is April 24. Just for fun!

  12. I'll say April 22nd! It's been quite a winter! Until I discovered your blog several years ago I had never heard of St. Urho's Day. You should be honored for educating so many on this special day! Happy St.Urho's Day to you both!

  13. April 10. things should warm up in a hurry. Have a big celebration for St. Urho's day.

  14. Happy St. Urho’s Day to you. I had never heard of it. I’ll say April 19 because it’s our Grandaughters birthday!!!
    Blessings, Betsy

  15. My pick would be 16th April , never heard of St Urhos day till now

  16. I've already won once so I will give others a shot. No wonder you don't know about corned beef and cabbage as you are always celebrating St. Urho's while us Irish are celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Happy St. Urho's Day!

  17. March 26 would be a good day for all of your snow to be gone. Thanks for sharing St. Urho’s Day. I had forgotten about it. I like seeing all the purple.

  18. Ah! Two highlights of the year- St Urho's Day and the Snow Stick contest. I'll choose April 22, Earth Day.

  19. Kay guesses April 12, My son’s birthday. Now it’s Happy St Patrick’s Day!

  20. April 11th. My 68th birthday. yay.

  21. My guess for the snowstick is April 8th.

  22. I was going to say April 13th, since it wasn't showing on your list, but I see it's been picked, so I'll be more specific and say April 13th afternoon. You have had a loooong winter, so I hope your snow goes sooner than that for your sake!

  23. diane in northern wisMarch 18, 2019 at 8:32 PM

    OK Connie, this year I'll guess April 26th for your snow stick contest. I'd like it to be sooner...but we sure got a ton of snow this year. So I'll stick with that date. :)

  24. Okay guessing is closed! Thanks everyone!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie